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Gay Rights

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by SkylerOcon, Jan 30, 2008.

  1. sma2112

    sma2112 New Member

    HOLY ****!
    Can you religous debaters GTFO I'm tired of seeing this ****.
    And Twilight if God is so fucking perfect and great, why the **** does he treat humanity like trash and give so many examples of how "his" bible is wrong. Huh? You religous and anti-religous pricks ruin everything.

    And you, your like a fucking Southern from the 1800s saying blacks arent people and that they have no rights. I understand that you imbeciles don't like gays having matrriage because you see it as religous ****, but it isn't its a set of vowes to people can take if they love eachother.And bestiallity has nothing to do with people, that just a sick group of assholes who like to **** animals. As if an animal can say yes or no, or understand anything like marriage.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2008
  2. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Every one deserve the right to chose whom ever or what ever they like. Religion should not play a role in that. And it is ashame to see our leaders preach what they believe.

    @ Twilight: Science is fact and I believe in fact. I believe that we evolve and over time adapt to nature. I believe that we were once single cell organism. I believe anything that you can have proof and Darwin did that and as for religion, it is a belief, I do believe that we are here for a reason, but in till you can claim that God, himself, told you that he created you, then....hah!
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2008
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I'll answer that in two words: Free will.

    And that's my only comment on that. Go to the religious thread if you want to talk about that.

    Maybe he's not religious. There are plenty of non religious people who just think that something isn't right about gay marriage. It's their decision on what their oppinion is. You can't decide what their oppinion is for them.
  4. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    Okay, I'm looking at some of the posts in here and I don't like what I'm reading. You guys need to start treating each other with respect and cease with the foul language or I will be forced to close this thread.
  5. Humans are God's children, when a child does not obey their parents they are punish. God must do the same to humanity to keep them from doing wrong and teach them a lesson.
  6. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Everyone should be entitle to date anyone as they please.
    Whether gay or straight. I think there shouldn't be a gay right's
    policy because it might end up messing up some of the laws, or
    interfere with another one.
  7. Until we can put ourselves in ther shoes we will not be able to see what they fell is right.
  8. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    I agree, that is why there shouldn't be one, because it's just useless.
    I think they just wanted a
    RIGHT because they weren't accepted in life,
    and they couldn't stand the fact being
  9. Exactly, the Republicans are using Religion as a means to continue to the persecution of Homosexuals, they are all people to.
  10. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    The republicans only want the money. Also they know that gay marriage will
    strike up high, considering the fact that Los vegas is the both highest rate for
    ppl to get married. I just think GAY RIGHTS should not be establish.
  11. Now, I have a half-brother that's gay. but he's in Guyana, South America. In Jamaica, you get killed for being a homosexual.
  12. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Oh wow. That's one of the reasons why there shouldn't be a GAY RIGHT'S policy, because it might cause a war between GAYS and STRAIGHTS.
  13. sma2112

    sma2112 New Member

    And homosexuals can't decicde to get married?

    Also there really shouldn't be a need for "gay rights"
    It should just be any man or woman, gay or straight should have the right to marry, and have the same name tacted on to it. This is almost like the segregation between blacks and whites that didn't allow interacial marriage.
  14. worbs

    worbs New Member

    what i cant understand is why we dont let people be what they want to be. its our birth right to rule our lives the way we want them to be. homosexual, lesbian, straight its all up to us and not what others want us to be
  15. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    I've left this thread alone for a while...but now I'm bored....
    I dont think its right, "gay marriage". I hate the "love" shit, its called 'having a best friend'. I luv my best friends, but I dont want to fuck them (well....not all of them.....some are chicas). Its lust, not luv. Luv would be two best frineds. If they bi sex fuck sometimes, okay, but shouldn't get the same rights as those who are morally incorupt to think something such as gay marriage is "right". Its not. There is no argument, the Pro-gay Marriage stand comes from selfish faggots who want what others have, but they know they dont deserve it because they're corrupt in their sexual lust. Gay people know, deep down that what they do is wrong. I'm all for the fun stuff, but making Gays "priviledges" on par with "real" marriage is just flat out wrong.

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