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Minimum character count

Discussion in 'Archive' started by shadoweddestroyer, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I was joking mu friend. :p

    Anyway, /i have noticed spam just increased with a stupid thread, called, why do they die? That should be in spam city, alot of people in spam city are RP'ers. Oh and tell me what you think guys, ok a person comes to a RP and posts OOC, can I join, one person says no to ask this person, well the smart thing to do is PM them, but instead that person posts again. Then again keep bugging. Then I gpot tired of it and said stop that your not in if you want in bad enough you would PM the starter of the RP. Yet he doesn't listen and posts what his thoughts on the stories are. This person came back to the site, and posted he was a top poster, well I was really mad by this, and came to conclusion then he must be spamming, but a person can't be to sure. So I checked this posts, and sure enough every post he has made is spam, but a few. So I PM'ed another person, this person knows who he or she is, and if wishes to be revealed can, and he said to report him. Well I decided to be nice and PM him, today I got a reply in which he was cursing and is all, "all you are is another chick with a period". I'm am so pissed off right now, I checked his posts again, and sure enough they're still spam, what do you guys think. If you guys want to know who it is to check posts just PM me so I don't disgrace the guy.
  2. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    i was on this adventchildren website and the spam didnt count i think sombody in this forum should do that it wouls take care of spamming counting as posts
  3. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Maybe be a VBmod. Any post below 75 Characters does not add to your post count?
  4. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    i like your idea Pulse it would make everybodys post count slowly go up but i think a few people may not like that idea.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Well I think that's fine at least 50. I mean me in RP's I can sometimes post 4 paragraphs. Plus the true spammers out there will start doing the 5 billion periods and stuff. That way we can attack them, or whatever.
  6. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    It needs to be relatively high as people in the RP don't seem to want to follow the rules. As soon as the rules are followed it can be removed without telling anyone to see the outcome.
  7. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Well that idea is a very good one at that and could add the structure we need to our site. it would put a constraint on Spam for one and get quality post.
  8. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

  9. Pulse = epic win. I said it before and I'll stick by ya Pulse!

    Oh and Kairi, *cough* sephy *cough* xD

    I seriously believe that there should be a VBmod they are possibly my favourite thing to destroy spam. That would piss alot of people off, but since they are spammers, I really don't care.....

    In my opinion, if it is possible, it would be cool to limit the number of posts your count can go up by. For example, if you spammed up an RP, it wouldn't matter because you couldn't get more than say, 80 posts added to your count a day from the RP section.
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Cough*Cough*YourrightCoughcough* Dang I have a bad cough. XD

    Anyway yeah that's a great idea, but it won't be everybody we're members and their are other members mad about spam so I'm sure we can get that. So I second your idea.
  11. *Gives you some cough medicine*

    I hope TD has a lookie at this at some point, I think there are some very good ideas. Although raiden ahs seen it and he's an Admin too now so, HUZZAH!

    Oh and I'm sorry but I just have to say this.

    I've noticed that I haven't see any spammers post on this thread. xD
  12. Fireflame

    Fireflame New Member

    I say that all habitual spammers be banned for a few days
  13. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    As we have seen, once they get banned they create a new account and return...
  14. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Maybe, but he (I guess we're talking about the same person..) said he will do better. Let's see and give him another chance. If he really regrets it, he will do it better.
  15. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    If the rules are changed for one person they should be changed for all...
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Which their not, more than likely Riaden, sao, and/ or TD will see and then get permantely banned. It's just a matter of time. He did say he try, but I don't know. Anyway I came with a plan, if we could get a new annoucment up on this and teach everyone what spam is that way they know(in other words you spam from this point on your banned). We can create a new rule, we can call it 'Spam=Bann'.
  17. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Temperary bans would really p**s people off,then they could come back and spam more.While as a permanent one would kill off all our members.If people just stopped the spam...at the same time however,we don't want to issue empty threats.
  18. Dyl is right, in that there needs to be a delicate balance. I suggest what I said before once more, your post count can't rise above a certain amount each day, perhaps you can NEVER get more than say 200 posts on your count within a month of joining.

    A ban would be easy to use in a number of ways. True people can create another account, but it shouldn't be hard to find that account to. Don't you have to enter your email at sign up? The ban can be issued in 'lives'. I believe there could be a function that reports spam.

    There could be a board, where that post is then submitted. People can then vote if it is spam. If it is, that person loses a 'life'. Three lives per month to start, then receive one life per week? Of course that could go wrong, and I'm prepared to bet good money it would come down to popularity rather than whether it is spam or not.
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Well it should teach them a lesson the first time.(first bann)

    Actually I like your idea, it's great. ^
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I'm all for the maximum amount of post counts per day.

    But as another solution, we could just make it so known spammers post counts stay as they are permanently.

    And also, I read you guys saying about spelling. I spell right. If I don't, that's probably because I don't know how to spell that word.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008

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