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New Staff Openings

Discussion in 'Site News & Announcements' started by TradeDemon, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    No allowing them time to change. Plus I did it's to give the person a chance.
  2. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    So he knows who actually wants to be staff.
  3. Fireflame

    Fireflame New Member

    Applications are fair because it helps the Admins see who would be best for the job. Now they might look at the member's posts and if they see that the posts and the application are contradictory, then they might have a second opinion about them. But that's just a guess.
  4. Anyone who is debating on this thread, shut up, this is spam now. Anyone who attempts (notice I use the word ATTEMPTS) to contradict this is spamming further, by making yet another spam post. Oh look, I bounced back. If you want to debate go to the forum dedicated to it Sovieto.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2008
  5. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Most of you guys should prolly be happy, because I'm not giving out infractions. But all of you need to stop your spamming, and show your a true member. Right now you guys are acting Immature. Just ignore what people say, and don't keep on going. Now just wait into TD get back online and decide who are next Moderator will be.

    Best of luck,
  6. Terra

    Terra (Previously RoxasXRiku)

    I'm a bit late, but I wanted to put thought into this.

    1.) Age: 13, 14 in January
    2.) Why You Want To Be Staff?: Because I love this place, and I want to help make it the best KH forum on the internet by doing my small part of making sure people obey the rules. This site has helped me a lot in life and I've made many new friends from it and I just want to help it any way I can.
    3.) Which Section Of The Site You Can Help With?: The Kingdom Hearts sections
    4.) Why You Think you'd be suited to that section?: Because i've been playing KH for a long time now and I know a lot of things about it like what sections certain things should go in and different facts about it.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2008
  7. Fireflame

    Fireflame New Member

    1.) Age- 16

    2.) Why You Want To Be Staff ? I know I can contribute well to the site, by offering helpful advice and keeping the peace here. I know when a topic is about to decend into spamming or people flaming and I can stop it before it begins

    3.) Which Section Of The Site You Can Help With ? I'm really not picky but i'd like to help with the Kingdom Hearts or Creativity sections

    4.) Why You Think you'd be suited to that section ? I offer great advice with Kingdom Hearts and writing stories because i've done it before. People have writers block and I give them a few ideas or help them tweak the story a bit.
  8. Sovieto

    Sovieto Banned

    1.) Age: 14
    2.) Why You Want To Be Staff?: Because I can deal with it.
    3.) Which Section Of The Site You Can Help With?: The debate section
    4.) Why You Think you'd be suited to that section?: Because im a good debater and i know when someone crosses the line. Although I may seem harsh at first, people always agree with my points at the end. I can understand people and I can make people understand the truth.

    I know I can be a great mod.

    I know that was serious.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2008
  9. TradeDemon

    TradeDemon King Kong

    Thanks for all the applications guys, I've received quite a few by both PM and this thread. Applications are now closed, and I will get back to you all with my decisions.
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