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Minimum character count

Discussion in 'Archive' started by shadoweddestroyer, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. Just to clarify DW, the speling doesn't refer to not knowing how to spell a word, rather being too lazy to rite it out u no? (Excuse the eye killing pun)

    Spelling is important, and while the human brain is incredibly adept at working out what a mispelled word actually is, it helps. (Especially when you've had 2 1/2 hours sleep the night before *groan*) Look at Kyuu for example. She in FINNISH. English isn't her native tongue, and she spells and types better than alot of people. (Sorry to use you as the example Kyuu but it's true :D)

    And as for keeping known spammers posts where they are, AGREED! BEST-IDEA-IN-THE-WORLD-EVER! ^_^

    Now we would have to judehow to define a spammer, that's where disagreement would lie. Is someone who has 1000 posts after 2 months a spammer, or just an active member? I judge it by quality of the posts. If every post they made was 6+ sentences long, and had good all round grammar, I see nothing wrong with it. Of course that wouldn't happen, because typing takes time, and to ahve that many posts of that quality would be very hard....
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2008
  2. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    I would mind only if you would use me as a bad example, lol. Thanks for that, buddy. :D

    And hey, that idea is good. Really good, you know. ;3
  3. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    I like your idea's shad but I did have to bring up the balance.
    Here's my thoughts

    Your first idea: You pointed out the flaw yourself,it would mostly come out as a popularity contest,unless we were to have a panel of members to judge that.

    Keeping known spammers post counts frozen: A good idea,but lets be a bit more harsh,decrease the post count,that'll teach them.And if they spam too much,reset the post count.
  4. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Honestly, this is the only way to control it. Most members spam to increase post count, using this your post count wont rise unless there is a certain amount of characters in the post.

    We could easily tell who the spammers are but the amount of shit posted.
  5. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Seems good to me,though what would the minimum post count be? Even if we don't use this we really need to get this sorted.
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Yeah, after looking at it, it looks like it would work. Would there still be a minimum post count just to post?
  7. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    I just thought,what about posts like this ...................................................................................................................................................................that would be a problem.
    Also how about normal posts in places that aren't rp. You know if in the KH section one person said,"How do you beat Ansem?" That could be a problem.
  8. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    The ones who add .................. into there posts would be the obvious spammers and should get a ban.

    The ones asking questions just wouldn't get an extra post to there tally.
  9. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    See if I was part of staff I would do this jurisdiction myself,spend my hours reading posts by members and seeing whether the majority are spam or not.

    And as for our little Vmod (or whatever it's called) I like it.I really do,has anybody informed TD about this yet.
  10. VBM's are lethal... in the very best way! We gotta' get us one of those. Most people, as has been said, spam to increase their post count. If I wanted to increase my post count, I'd find an amateur RP where everyoen is spamming. It's really annoying, which is why I actually go on other forums or use MSN to RP now, rather than RPing on here any more. The shear number of spammers in RP's gives me a heavy heart...
  11. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Hey,I like rp's,but I like them here,just because of the people (some would call them friends but I don't have any of those) tis a shame about the spamas u no wut i mean. Lets hope this gets sorted soon...
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    That's why Pulse came up with the idea where they must have at least 75 characters or more to get a point add to their post count in the RP section if possible.
  13. That's why Pulse is awesome and if he never went inactive he would still be a super-mod :D

    It's true that RP's are the heart of spam, we all know it's true. Take the post I was going to use, and the one that Pulse did

    kairi smiled.

    One word. Pathetic.
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    And he fell asleep, she yawns, he coughed... endless, I can actually go quote a bunch.

    Yeah so has anybody actually told any admin of our ideas?
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    We can PM Raiden, TD, or Leah this thread.
  16. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Pulse should tell Raiden,then the three can talk about it.
  17. Raiden is already aware of it, having made a post previously. I've also reminded him already, so no worries there. I don't want to offend anyone, but Raiden is definately the best person to talk about this thread with. TD isn't online enough, and Leah seems busy at the moment, and when she comes on she will probably check RP's first (but I won't speak for her).

    All we can do now is wait. I suggest that unless you have soemthing important to donate now, we be quiet, and unless we don't get confirmation that no one as checked it before CHRISTMAS *smiles*, then we don't post again. We don't want to spam. (Which was the whole point of this thread >.<)


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