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Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2018
Jul 3, 2009
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Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.
Disposing the One Ring with Frodo.


Kuroko Fangirl, Female, from Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.

So, haven't bought KH 2.8 yet. Is it worth the money? I checked online and the average play through time is abysmal.... Jul 10, 2018

Napoléon was last seen:
Jul 11, 2018
    1. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I know. Honestly, I can't think of any single person who may have corrupted me. It was a group effort.
      Hopefully in the future I'll have enough.
      I figured as much -_-

      No. As I recall, I myself said just last night that the reason I'm single is because I'm lazy.
      I figured as much, but still don't quite see how it sounds bad. You're just constantly thinking of bad things.

      Well then I'll just use the force right back.

      I didn't.
    2. Nova
      HAHAHAHA... oh wait you were serious? xD haha Im not that grand I promise. haha
      Its true. We boost the egos of all the people who turn to the internet for love. ;)
      ha Oh trust me they are out there. >.>
      Eh I was in a creative slump I'm surprised DW didnt give me a third person facepalm for the whole Raven/Rai situation. xD And in a lot of other times it just looked like we were all over the place. It wasnt the best.It was still an epic one just not as good as the others.
      You should! Do you roleplay? ^_^
      HAHAHA Its very likely especially if we teem up with our pink dolphin friends! ;)
      Daww im all blushing and stuffs.
    3. Nova
      hehe why thanketh thee! ;) and yes but technically the whole song is. xD Stacys mom obviously leads he poor boy on.
      It truly is. It is he other lurker's anthem.
      HAHA yeah. ^o^ It made me giggle. To be honest I was just tired of the drama. If she did hit me I wouldnt have hit her back. She would have looked like a jerk and I would have been the martyr and so therefore I would still have won. xD I'm kind of evil that way.
      Its seriously awesome freeking blows my mind it like describes us. Yay a cookie!!!! *om nom nom*
    4. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Then why'd you ask?
      I know how you feel.
      Nobody. I'm king. Queen is a position for women whereas king is a position for men.

      Oh. Makes sense.
      Clearly, since I don't see how that sounded bad.

      True story.

      Bummer. I've been taking some tests recently myself. Don't know how well I've done on them.
    5. Mudstoise
      I don't know? Maybe they are just expensive to import for the shops so they think they're allowed to take more for them? Honestly I don't know^^ But it's not just games, pretty much everything in DK is expensive as hell.

      Sounds great :D I didn't know you were going all the way to university. *sigh* and here I'm still stuck at 2nd grade of highschool.

      Sorry, now that I know that you are busy with homework cause you are attending university, I guess I can understand :) Please take your time then, I'll have confidence that you don't forget to write.
      Don't worry sweet, I could never hate you ;) I simply don't have it in me.
    6. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I bet you'd like to know.
      Come and get me ;)
      Yes it does.
      I am not the ultimate meany pants. Like I tell almost everybody. I am the nicest person you will ever meet.

      That dirty?
      No, not a bullfrog. Those are a tad bit too big.

      Hmm........ I got nuthin.
    7. Nova
      Eh I actually did go back and read through them. But Just because Sorabrawl and I sarted a sixth a few days ago and I needed insparation xD
      Three messages long per VM answer now xD And I havent answered your PM because I keep forgetting. Woman you are awesome! lol
    8. Nova
      haha Yes I am deeply in love with Desert Warrior! ;) JUST KIDDING! He's one of my best friends I'm kind of sad he and Ky dont seem to get along very well but yeah I think he's cute and the egotistical thing works better for him than on most guys because he's still a decent human being to balance it out Yay for my coolness making me immune from biastness!
      Tis true. We rock the cyber world with our whoreshness. xD
      Eh hes exactly what I mean about how DW's ego works on him better than most guys. When they say that stuff just for twix and skittles and yes probably do mean it but still see the good in otehrs too, its cute. But when they are like "Babe Check me out Im so cool. Im so hawt. Check out the guns" and thats all they do is fawn over themselves they are far too egotistical.
      To be honest, I didnt like that one as much as the earlier ones.
    9. Nova
      HAHA Is it weird that I have considered naming my first child stacy? xD Because then I will be Stacy's mom and I will have it going on ;) hahaha
      As for the weather girls that one is pretty fantastic too. Sing it very loudly in the car on a long drive you will never get tired. Besides what stalker girl doesnt like the idea of millions of men falling from the sky? xD hehe
      hahaha Thats what I thought. One day I was sick of it so I walked up to her and I was like "Lets get this over with." she looks at me like "What?" so I said "If your going to hit someone do it dont just tell everyone your going to it makes you look like a weenie. So are you going to or not. I'm right here." haha I'm not sure if I surprised her or if she just didnt have the guts either way she didnt hit me xD But she stopped talking the trash too. Teehee the funny thing about drama is that its always lies. Why? Obviously because it describes us to a T! ;)
    10. Mudstoise
      Yes there would ^^ America has region 1 (NTSC) and we in Europe have region 2 (PAL), there are 7-9 regions. And yes it makes sense because that way they (try to) avoid people from buying cheap games from other countries, for example games cannot be more expensive than in Denmark -_-

      Well it's always great that you are doing good in school after all ^^

      Why haven't you answered your mail yet? I know you said you were lazy, and I bear with that... but no answer in over a month?! That is just redicolous...
    11. Companion
      Oh thanks. Sorry for the late reply, heh..
      We could be friends.
    12. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      But that doesn't mean you're the one who corrupted me.
      Hmm... Tempting.
      Because I've told you.
      No I'm not. I'm just explaining how I'm not mean (Okay, maybe not that. But I am explaining something).

      And what would those right reasons be?
      Maybe something got in my eye.

    13. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      :rolleyes: You'll never be able to prove it.
      You don't need to believe me. It doesn't change the truth.
      I doubt you have proof. You cannot have proof for something that has not happened. I have not been mean to you, nor will I ever intend to be.

      I can't be like the Grinch for all the wrong reasons?

      lol. At first I was wondering what you meant by winky spasm. But now I'm assuming you're talking about these ;). But you can't have one of ;) those spasms unless ;) they interrupt ;) your sentences. ;););)
    14. Nova
      haha Yeah but I luv him anyway xD In some people the big head is annoying but for some reason he sells it and its kind of cute. That could be because he is just teasing most of the time or I'm biast because He's a good friend to me but whatever xD
      LOL I am such a cyber whore. teeee
      Yeah he use to be pretty alright. Kind of crazy though. lol
      Um.. the very first one was called the New Organization. My character was the leader, Shikamaru's Character was her second in command and makeout buddy xD LOL THe first one I started was called the New Dawn. Sorabrawl helped me save its life. There are five RPs to the series and we didnt actually end oficcially until last year.
      LOL I still have to answer your PM! :0 Is gonna be a long night xD jk
    15. Nova
      LOL Stacy's mom is a pretty rockin song though!
      Same! But thats ok girls offer to beat me up all the time. There was this one, like my little sisters age tiny and very abnoxious. I'm good friends with her boyfriend, have been since the dawn of time. But she insisted we couldn't be friends anymore because she was dating him and when we refused she threatened to beat me up. xD Little girls gotta say what they gotta say. Turn their boyfriend against them, tis funny. ;)
      YES! We definately have the rockin powerpuffy poligamistyness going on.
      I am so glad you see that too. And besides we can pay our dolphin army in fish! Its a win win.
      LOL Yeah we are writing novels here. Its quite epic.
    16. Mudstoise
      Region protection works like this, they have programmed the game disk so that it can only be read by certain game consoles. Hehe, thanks ^^

      Being so lazy how do you manage in school? xD
    17. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Because my mind is innocent and pure.
      You're darn right it is.
      I can, I just don't want to. More work for me.
      I'm not being mean to you.

      I can't be mean like the Grinch. I love Christmas.
      You'd like that. And I suppose if you taste good I would as well.
    18. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Oh, I wasn't paying attention to that.

      lol. You're not gonna let me live that down anytime soon, are you.
      Yep. The sexiest (For a guy).
      I don't want to.
      When is anybody.

      How am I being mean. I'm just saying that I don't doubt myself.
    19. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      If you want to, go ahead. But since you said I should run away, and you said I can't blame you for what may happen, I'm going to have smoke bombs, just in case.
      I won't look good like that. I already have sexy hair the way it is styled now.

      Neither would I.
      Sure you can.
    20. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I'll be sure to carry some smoke bombs for my inevitable escape attempts.
      I just see one minor problem with that. I'm a guy.
      You have.
      You could go and search for why it is.

      I dunno. I might be. Or I might not be and am just faking it.
      Sure it is.
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  • About

    Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.
    Disposing the One Ring with Frodo.
    Just your usual friendly Canadian girl. I enjoy the small things in life and cats. Rocking chairs always cheer me up too.

    ... That and hot chocolate.

    I speak two languages: English and French. I am currently learning Spanish... Wish me luck!

    Merci. À plus.


    Nudity For Life
    Resident Chemistry Nerd
    Awesome Avvy by the one and only Kitty ~! <3​

    Napoléon - It can change the world !
    Angel (Angie) - One penny at a time.

    A Mari Usque Ad Mare
    "Spread the love; One person at a time"
    Skwippy x Spwaky Ninja Kittie League
    Skwippyz My Spectacular, Adowable, Fwuffie, Luffie, Mwagical, Pweanut Bwutter Hwuggie Kwittie

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