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Last Activity:
Jun 29, 2012
Jul 10, 2011
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Aug 16, 1994 (Age: 30)
in everyones memories...
as far as reality none...


Banned, 30, from in everyones memories...

DarkAngel was last seen:
Jun 29, 2012
    1. Key King
      Key King
      man, im sorry trio. stuff's happened, and I forgot this place for a bit! then my pc was in the shop for three weeks. got it back yesterday!
    2. Destiny
      Haven't gotten your results. You realize the results are to test my curiosity to see if you really are as you claim.

      I did an entire research paper on the power of the left brain and right brain.
    3. NeRo
      So why drag things out this way instead of just stopping what you were doing. Why create a situation when things could have been left alone. contrary to what is known i've been aware of whats been going on. and i've waited to see how this turned out.
    4. NeRo
      Things got this way because you chose not to listen to my mods. If you want me to leave angel out of this then he needs to leave himself out of these matters. Its not a good look.
    5. NeRo
      Let me ask you something. Do you want me to step into this? i hear you have been warned and chosen not to listen.
    6. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      I warned him...
    7. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      He'll get in trouble for siding with you I'd think >_<
    8. Angel
      Haha. I want you to stay.

      I know I can't give you a pep talk. But you have been lying since day one and I don't care. Your grammar is bad and your a Spam Lord. But you are an active member and when Congress was about to pass those bills about infringement. You really cared about the site!

      You may be crazy and make a fool of yourself on a daily basis. But your not a completely bad member. I personally think you shouldn't get a punishment. Anywho, it would get pretty boring for me if you left.
    9. Angel
      Trio you have pulled a lot of crap but I don't see what you have done out of the ordinary.
    10. Angel
      Eh I like to know what's going on.

      I hope that you don't get ban though.
    11. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      You played yourself like a fool. Convincing yourself everything was true and and anyone who denied it was an enemy. We're done playing around Sifer, and once Nicole and I inform Vox. Your punishment will be decided.
    12. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Then what? Your inability to know right and wrong even when it's thrown in your face?

      Read Sahsa's vms to me Sifer... SHE DOESN'T LOVE YOU!

      And it wouldn't matter if she did. You've been told no online relationships and yet you continued to do it anyway. Vox is gonna unleash hell on you, and I won't ask him to alleviate the punishment this time.
    13. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      The you're banned thread and Boys vs girls 2 thread? I knew about the banned thread, but Light told me about the BvG 2 thread so...
    14. Angel
      Okay? Your not leading me to that conclusion because that is the answer.
    15. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      I had no choice but to report the VMs before it got to out of control. Espescially with one of my close friends.
    16. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Fine. You really pissed me off yesterday, I hope you know that.
    17. Angel
      There is no wrong because I am 100% right!
    18. Angel
      That's what you think because you do or did wear glasses!
    19. Angel
      I wouldn't ask you a question that I don't already know the answer to!
    20. Angel
      I have my reasons XD
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  • About

    Aug 16, 1994 (Age: 30)
    in everyones memories...
    as far as reality none...
    I have very little to say about myself...

    Saveing the earth, building monsters/bionic wariorres



    my theme...
