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Last Activity:
Oct 27, 2014
Feb 21, 2009
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April 27
Australia Land
Glassy Gent


Cats in the Cradle, from Australia Land

Goldfish was last seen:
Oct 27, 2014
    1. Napoléon
      It's my personal favourite, but you'd have to watch it and judge the movie for yourself =P
      Awh, that sounds adorable XD Scooch used to pretend to be a badass ?
      You're such a critic towards a poor duck ;D
      But a pin is only four numbers that you choose, it's completely different.
    2. Napoléon
      Same here, I get all into 13 Going on 30 when they're singing Love is a Battlefield =P
      Kids these days swear too ! I don't remember having a mouth like that XD
      Hey, Donald sounded beautiful in his own ear-bleeding way. Now Sora is a completely different story.
      I have a Student ID Number, I just don't know mine by heart.
    3. Napoléon
      We are young ! Heartache to heartache we stand !
      Some kids seem so strange these days, I don't remember being quite like them when I was their age =P
      I know, that shark in Kingdom Hearts I. Talk about scary.

      Employees have numbers ? Are others allowed to know it XD
    4. Napoléon
      Oh no, I must not have been in a sing-song mood D:
      There's not much snow, so you guys make up for it by putting ice down people's shirts. It all makes sense now. As for Tartans, my family has a pretty sexy one =P
      Kingdom Hearts isn't scary though; it's happy friendly goodness.

      What does the number relate to ?
    5. Cameron
      my music taste has widened a lot in couple of years. I listen much rap nowadays.
    6. Cameron
      Most likely the most bizarre thing I've seen in a while. XD
    7. Napoléon
      Good question, the second that I'm able to define it, I'll let you know ;D
      Maybe it's an Australian thing because it's hot where you live XD Who doesn't want to own a kilt ?
      To be honest, I haven't ever played a game like that. I'm a bit of a whimp >_<

      You're keeping a secret from me ? D:
    8. Cameron
      Well, my reaction to that video (just finished it) would be just plain WTF just happened man? XD
    9. Napoléon
      Sure, that could be my reason XD
      No, I never had the experience of ice going down my shirt. I would imagine it to be unpleasant though. So you would wear a skirt ;)
      I don't know if I could play such a game without being afraid. I'm not used to "war" games XD

      Where did you get that number ? ;D
    10. Napoléon
      No silly, I don't =P
      That's why I wear pants too. Not to mention it's not always hot where I live !
      It's a sign of affection ;) Diablo 3 sounds scary T_T

      Man, you're like the perfect spy ! You need a code name... 008 ? (After James Bond ? )
    11. Cameron
      I'll watch that later. :P
    12. Cameron
      Well, we visited about a month ago at a club concert and there was punk bands and hip-hop artist during the same night on the stage. It was a bit weird, but a portion of hip-hop roots are in punk.
    13. Cameron
    14. Cameron
      Ghetto club? Cool, we don't have any real "ghettos" in Finland, even though some guys speak about them all the time. :P
    15. Napoléon
      Do you really think I smoke pot XD
      I'm a little gem ? YAY ~.~ I couldn't live with my butt hanging out though, what an awkward breeze that would be !
      You're toucher; We need to play video games together sometime ;]

      Australians can't know about the Amazon Rain Forest for some reason... Hmm.. Some conspiracy theories are in order.
    16. Napoléon
      Of course I'm included =P (Really Scooch ?)
      Girls were still ladies ? Oops, you so wouldn't be looking for me. My mom tells me that I need to be more ladylike O:
      Are not ! If it wasn't the middle of the school year, I'd be playing it right now >_<

      I just went on it and it worked fine for me. That's so not right D:
    17. Cameron
      Yo dawg, whaddup?
    18. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      I like my Saturdays thank you xD
    19. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Ahhh That'd explain it.

      Technically for me, you're in the past xD
    20. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      XD where do you live for this 10 hours into the past thing? For me it's -10 gmt between me and you. It's 12:17