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Last Activity:
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Jul 10, 2007
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Sep 15, 1994 (Age: 30)
Home Page:
In The Darknessa


♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫, 30, from In The Darknessa

Zero was last seen:
Jul 30, 2015
    1. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      yeah maybe i will
    2. Napoléon
      Sounds like a plan XD... Could you possibly stick me in yout suitcase and bring me along XD... It's raining out again DX
    3. Napoléon
      Oh that's good because high humity just makes things worse... It feels all sticky outside XD... And Arizona seems like a nice place to go to :3
    4. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      Yeah your right i will get better
    5. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      ok im tryna think of a bigger storyline its kind hard because its my first rp
    6. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      Kingdom Hearts Runaways
    7. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      o thats kool so umm can you join my roleplay if you want to....?
    8. Napoléon
      I should smuggle myself across the border and move to California... I hear it's hot there all year =3... Or maybe invent something that gets rid of snow so I wont have to deal with it XD... If I ever do make such a thing, I'll ship it to you so you can use it too x3
    9. soldediamantes
      Ehehe, we say the same thing about Americans, too. We use fahrenheit, but not very often. Eight celcius is cold. Zero celcius is the freezing point of water, so it's still very cold. It's nothing like Arctic temperatures, though, but I suppose a lot of people would say it's cold over here. I find it fine, though. It does tend to get quite hot in the summer, which I dislike. I actually dislike getting a tan. I stay out of the sun and in the shade in order to not get one. I'm not afraid of being burned, but... I don't know. Something about having a tan weirds me out a little bit. I do love the night time, though, yes. Over here there's a lot of pollution so often it's cloudy at night and you can't see the Moon or the stars, but when it's a cloudless sky, the view is breathtaking. Absolutely beautiful, I assure you. The other night, the Moon was gold, and then the night after, it was a pale, luminous silver. I can't wait for August, because it's said that there's a meteor shower around midnight sometime around the 12th. I LOVE space. Ah, I thought you meant Kingdom Hearts (the first game) at first. I'm currently on the first one, since my uncle has my copy of the second one. I tell you, this game still astounds me! I think the name you're thinking of is Fenrir. It's also the name of Cloud's motorbike in Advent Children. I actually dislike the drive forms. I have no idea why, but I never use them. As for Transformers 2 -- mhm, yes. My friend did a review on it for a magazine he works at, and he said that it's all special effects without much of a storyline, but my other friend says the second movie is better than the first one. I'll have to see for myself. Oh, I have every faith that Harry Potter is going to be one of the best movies of the year. I've seen all the trailers and they tell a very good story. I'm just dreading Dumbledore's death scene. :(

      Your grammar is fine, don't worry. :)
    10. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      nothing much you??
    11. Napoléon
      Well, it's nice to have all four... Although I wouldn't mind having summer like weather all year round ^^... My favourite season is summer and my least in winter because you have to put on a million things before going outside v.v
    12. Napoléon
      Well that's not bad weather, you guys are so lucky :3... I wouldn't mind if it was that kind of temperature during winter ^^... So Michigan must be one of the states that has the weathers of all four seasons right??
    13. Napoléon
      Well I don't celebrate 4th of July, I celebrate Canada's Day ^^... I live in a small little province known as New-Brunswick and it's right next to the Atlantic Ocean, which is nice but it makes it quite cold all year round... This year we had 14 feet of snow and it lasted from October to April =[
    14. Napoléon
      Yes I'm new... I joined July 3rd ^^... You know what's absolutely possitively horrible, it's been raining for 12 days straight where I live XD... I'm going to go crazy eventually, I want the sun =[
    15. Napoléon
      Hello, I'm good ^^... Just posting around and just recently got the Harry Potter series so I'm happy :3.. How are you?? =3 *Glomps*
    16. soldediamantes
      In England, the temperatures are usually around eight degrees celcius, since over here we measure in celcius, so the change has been pretty horrendous. As in, absolutely awful. I know that it's nice to get a bit of sun every now and again but to tell you the truth, I'd rather have cloudy skies all the time instead of blistering heat, because blistering heat makes me uncomfortable. I feel sorry for those who live in hot countries, but I suppose they're used to it. Currently I'm in Haloween Town, and I've just beaten Oogie Boogie in his massive form. I used to really dislike this world but I think it's pretty cool, and I love the Pumpkin Head Keyblade. I was using Three Wishes prior, and it was so ANNOYING. I'm not too fussy about watching Transformers 2, but I wouldn't mind seeing it. I don't want to see it enough so that I'll go out and watch it at the cinema. Harry Potter will make a lot, yes. I'm so glad they decided to postpone it for a year because it looks very, VERY good. It made me squeal in excitement! I think this movie is two and a half hours in length. I know that they're splitting Deathly Hallows into two movies because of the length of the film. It's gonna be so good!
    17. soldediamantes
      Well, my summer vacation started on July 2nd and I return on September 14th which gives me just over two months of doing nothiiing. :D Over these past three days I've just been going to sleep ridiculously late, playing on Kingdom Hearts and going on the Internet. There's been a heatwave in England in this past week so I've not been going out because the heat is unbearable without a fan. I am, however, going to see Harry Potter on the 18th July, which is three days after it comes out over here and is also my 17th birthday! I am sooo exciteeed! And what about your lovely self?
    18. soldediamantes
      Hey! I'm really sorry I haven't replied to you or anything on my introduction thread but I've been really busy over the past few weeks with college and whatnot. Thankfully, I'm now on my summer vacation for a whole ten weeks so I'll be here much, much more! I hope we can talk!

      - Sol.
    19. Crescendo
      Congratulations! ^^
      So happy that now you are a supermod!
    20. Ventus
      thanks, i just found out. What am I doing as mod?
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  • About

    Sep 15, 1994 (Age: 30)
    Home Page:
    In The Darknessa
    I am 17 years old....I like gaming.....I love to watch Anime...I love to hang with friends....

    Writing. Basketball. Forums.


    Yahoo! Messenger:


    Credit goes to Đemaian ^​

    Follow the rules, post a lot and just have fun :)
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