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Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2018
Jul 3, 2009
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Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.
Disposing the One Ring with Frodo.


Kuroko Fangirl, Female, from Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.

So, haven't bought KH 2.8 yet. Is it worth the money? I checked online and the average play through time is abysmal.... Jul 10, 2018

Napoléon was last seen:
Jul 11, 2018
    1. KeybladeofDOOM
      Pas de doute à ce sujet! ;)
      Yay for being seniors! (Yes I is :P) Ugh me too, though the final exams don't scare me. It's walking across the stage that does:eek:
      From what I see it's about $20
      *sings* "We are the champions, my friends! And we'll keep on fighting, til the end" :D
    2. KeybladeofDOOM
      Yay! C'est la fête! :D
      No it's not counting weekends, those are the remaining school days left. I have a few shorter weeks too, and with being a senior I get to do more fun stuffs :P
      Oh yes it's very good, though I haven't played it myself. I so want to though!
      Yes! Perfect song for our awesome group
    3. Goldfish
      I feel uncomforatble about it though.
      Simple fear.
      And now I'm real scared.
      So much power. THis is how Scarface must've felt.
    4. Goldfish
      I'd marry the man if I were a chick.
      I'm simply scared.
      He's gone now, I tossed the box into the bins in the back alley. I feel kind of bad.
      I'm good at keeping secrets ;]
    5. Goldfish
      wait, moer like 2486...
    6. Goldfish
      Richard Cheese. You'll love this guy. He covers songs of today and not too long ago and turns them into a swingy/jazzy/loungy type of sound. Also he's really funny.
      Naww, you're just saying that. I still feel socially aliented sometimes.
      We see Duck feathers here and there still...
      2468 is a diamond =P
    7. Goldfish
      I once saw an Benny Goodman vinyl. I had no monies though... It's not exactly Jazz, more so Swing but still excellent stuff. Full of talent.
      It's a polite way of saying "I'm shit at things"
      I put it into an empty shoe box before I disposed of it. I feel like as if there's a duck ghost haunting the store as well now.
      Simple Tetris shapes will work wonders.
    8. Goldfish
      Woo! Jazz! I love Jazz!
      Nah, looking back at it now, not the coolest. I had freinds and all but I was mediocre at best =P
      And shock because we have a DJ playing loud musics on the weekend. I don;t know, I tend not to think about how it would've felt. Scares me a bit.
      Make patterns on the keypad!
    9. KeybladeofDOOM
      Yay! Je suis plus impressionnant de sept autres nains boiteux! :D
      I know! At the start of the school year it goes by so slowly, then after Christmas break it goes by really fast. I think i have 30 days left? Not sure...
      I have like 4 games. Have you played The World Ends With You?
      "Hit me Baby one more time"? Really? We need something WAY better than Brittney Spears.
    10. KeybladeofDOOM
      Votre peur des nains? Donc, vous préférez Lazy plus les sept autres?
      Oh I agree, it's getting closer to the end of the year so people (like me) are slacking off even more.
      Smooth than butter? Lol I've never heard that before xD but yeah I need to get more games for both my PSP and my DS, they have been so lonely lately :(
      OMG Yes! It's got to be an epic song...
    11. KeybladeofDOOM
      Et je serai un nain nommée Lazy lol
      True that! I am often called the Procrastinator because of how lazy and how much I push back my schoolwork
      Ahh nice, same games as me ^.^
      It totally is! :D
    12. KeybladeofDOOM
      Oui! Vous cosplay comme Blanche-Neige et dormir pour toujours! Vous savez que le plan ne semble pas mal du tout
      Lol I'm lazy on Saturdays, Sundays and pretty much every other day of the week haha
      What games do you have for your PSP?
      Yay I joined it! :D
    13. KeybladeofDOOM
      Non, je parlais de manger une pomme empoisonnée xD
      You could play it now if you're bored lol and not really. They aren't the real games, just emulators on my Psp haha
      Lol sounds like an epic name to me. (Only person I know that has that name is my cousin)
    14. KeybladeofDOOM
      Eh bien il existe un moyen de dormir pour le reste de votre vie, mais cela signifie aussi ne jamais se ré
      :O I so want Heart Gold! I only have Ruby, Emerald, and Leaf Green. You?
      Oh yes! That would be epic haha
    15. KeybladeofDOOM
      Il est possible ...
      I had trouble beating the Final Four too, til I leveled up my Pokemon and beat them xD
      Oh yes!
    16. Goldfish
      Sleep over movie night under a blanket for 2?
      My mum said I was cool back then!
      Apparently on Saturday, people saw it (I don't work the weekends) and they assumed it had already gone and left the store when they closed. Sunday was Easter Sunday so we were closed back that day as well. Monday we heard the news, tried looking but couldn't find it. We assumed it was still alive since we saw Duck Feathers here and there throughout the week. Secretly I left bread in my shoe room when I finished so it would have something to eat, but the bread never dissappeared. Come the next week Monday, we smelt something horrible, looked underneath a bay of pants and there lay a dead little duckling. I am forever now a dead duck removalist.
      But it's only 4 numbers!
    17. Goldfish
      Kind of sounds like Freaky Friday but with one person
      Climbing my way to the top of grade 4 popularity
      Speaking of Duck, we found a dead duckling in our store this week. Only I had the heart to pick it up and and remove it =[
      Mines 8 numbers but it follows a pattern on the keypad so I can remember it easily.
    18. Goldfish
      Is that a good movie?
      I used to always look around for adults before saying a "dirty" word, ahah. And even then I was all sketchy about it.
      The subtitles didn't even snych up to his singing =|
      Oh you will soon. kind of like a pin to your bank card
    19. Goldfish
      I love Pat Benatar.
      Kids today are gross. I often wonder if I was ever like them when I was their age. I wasn't/
      And Donalds singing =|
      It matters not. It's just a number, like a Student ID/
    20. Goldfish
      I also would have liked "Love is a Battlefield"
      Kids will be kids.
      Gave me the willies during the Little Mermaid world

      Well it's Friday night, so I'll tell you. It's just my Employee Number.
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  • About

    Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.
    Disposing the One Ring with Frodo.
    Just your usual friendly Canadian girl. I enjoy the small things in life and cats. Rocking chairs always cheer me up too.

    ... That and hot chocolate.

    I speak two languages: English and French. I am currently learning Spanish... Wish me luck!

    Merci. À plus.


    Nudity For Life
    Resident Chemistry Nerd
    Awesome Avvy by the one and only Kitty ~! <3​

    Napoléon - It can change the world !
    Angel (Angie) - One penny at a time.

    A Mari Usque Ad Mare
    "Spread the love; One person at a time"
    Skwippy x Spwaky Ninja Kittie League
    Skwippyz My Spectacular, Adowable, Fwuffie, Luffie, Mwagical, Pweanut Bwutter Hwuggie Kwittie

    Je t'aime​