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Desert Warrior
Last Activity:
Dec 4, 2019
Apr 28, 2008
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Desert Warrior

Well-Known Member, from California

My times between logging on are far apart enough that the site forgets to keep me logged in. I have problems. Jan 27, 2019

Desert Warrior was last seen:
Dec 4, 2019
    1. Ventus
      Hi Desert.
    2. Napoléon
      Show you how as in face to face ? ;)

      Wait, are you saying that your big ego is lovable ? Desert, you're a real character.

      Cold hearted ? More like an innocent teddy bear ;D

      Hell yes ! We'll need some water and Fiber One bars though !
    3. Napoléon
      Thanks, I thought it was pretty impressive as well ;)

      At first I thought you meant "You did fail" XD Awwh, but thanks though. You know deep down that I adore that huge ego of yours ;D

      I think that was some of your hot air coming out.

      You and I should head to Mars soon and have a real adventure !
    4. Napoléon
      When there's a will, there's a way >_>

      I tried to sound all awesome when I wished you a Happy Birthday, but I think I failed.

      That's what you think, but there's plenty of hot air in there =P

      Then you haven't been on the right adventures.
    5. Napoléon
      I'll hack your computer and see if you signed up for one (?) >_>

      We did have this conversation before grumpy farts =P Oh oh ! I'm wishing you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY again, you should check out the birthday thread when you're on ;)

      Hahaha, I'm going to take a pin one day, pop your bubble and deflate that ego of yours !

      Well you don't need to have big adventures silly.
    6. Napoléon
      Of course you will =P

      Awwwwh ~ But how would you know that I died O:

      Fine then, since your birthday is coming up, we'll say that you're one of the nicest guys around.

      How so ?
    7. Napoléon
      If you're at a dance class, then yes XD

      But what happens if I die tomorrow or something ? Wait, that's a glum thought, considering your birthday is tomorrow !

      Are you sure about that ?

      But why not have an adventurous one ! They're the best =P
    8. Napoléon
      It does with practice !

      Yes, we need to start a list or something. It would, frankly, be one long list though T_T

      You're a meany pants Desert !

      Well it's really your choice on whether or not you want to have an open relationship with her =P
    9. Napoléon
      You don't dance yet ;D

      I doubt that one. I'd have to look it up though.

      That's not fair D:

      You don't talk with your mom about what's going on ? I think I tell mine a little too much XD
    10. Napoléon
      Well, I'll consider joining you XD

      Sting rays aren't all that docile.

      So, because I said you didn't own me, you now own me ?

      Desert, I bet you're actually an open book XD
    11. Napoléon
      I didn't say I would join you, just that we should sign you up XD

      Steve Irwin was too close to a sting ray.

      Why do you own me ? D:

      Apparently so.
    12. Napoléon
      We should sign you up for some dance classes =P

      Everything there doesn't try to kill you; You're paranoid.

      Why don't I own myself ? D:

      You seem like the type to undress people with your eyes though >_<
    13. Napoléon
      That's such a shame =P

      I checked not that long ago, for a matter of fact. I would like to visit Australia and have looked into it multiple times.

      Nuuu, I own myself >_<

      I know, sounds unrealistic ?
    14. Napoléon
      Don't say that, you probably do have some, you just haven't unlocked it yet XD

      Excuse me ? Last time I checked Australia wasn't a bad place.

      You don't own me >_<

      Why do I have a hard time believing that ?
    15. EtherealSummoner
      ;D Because I have a plan. A powerful one at that.
    16. EtherealSummoner
      I do see that you scored a 16 in X-Training so I think you will be ok. XD 1 high score down; 16 more to go.
    17. EtherealSummoner
      ;D You should give the X-Training Tournament a try. Besides, I would love to take away some of your high scores while I am at it.
    18. Keyblade Master Roxas
      Keyblade Master Roxas
      I've been doing that :)
    19. Napoléon
      Because dancing is like walking with rhythm =P

      Australia is not a death trap; I bet if I asked an Australian they'd say that they don't mind it down there.

      I still don't think killer whales are cool, but I'll look them up tomorrow since I'm lazy today T_T

      How often then ?
    20. Keyblade Master Roxas
      Keyblade Master Roxas
      I run everyday. :)
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    Sometimes I think that if I had all the time in the world I still wouldn't get around to doing some of the things I have been meaning to do.