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  3. Hi Guest, you may have noticed that we aren't anymore. For more information on why these changes are happening, check out our thread, Site Re-Brand Updates
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Last Activity:
Apr 30, 2014
Mar 9, 2008
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Awarded Medals 1


30•05•2010, from Location: Location:

ü was last seen:
Apr 30, 2014
    1. RebelMurf
      Big Day for KHP, Two heavy hitters online in the same day. Whoa.
      1. Nova
        Get out.
        Nov 12, 2017
    2. Desert Warrior
    3. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Hey, I'm sending out a VM to everybody to let them know Dominion of Everything has started in case you're still interested in participating.
    4. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Evening Ü! How are you?
    5. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      dhjfkasd Omg! MY FEELS! Junpyo /spazzzzzzzzzzzzzz/
      HE'S SUCH A GENTLEMAN! ; w ; <3 I watched the whole drama last year! IT'S VERY AMAZING! ^ o ^b And~~~ The last episode is, WOW! FANTASTIC BABEH! Lol xDD Kimbum..just so..OMG... >w< MY FEELS FOR KIMBUM ISH SO BIG! He's so handsome x-x His smile, knocks. me. down. to. the. heavens. It's like, looking at paradise when I see Kimbum smile! >//< haha
      Triple crown, LIKE A BOSS!! <3 :3 I really LOVE them! And omg..Dongwoo's singing! :) He's SUCH AN AMAZING rapper, and Sings pretty good too!! <3 <3 <3

      LOL!!! Kpop, ISH OUR LIVES \O/
    6. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      *Q* Okay, I was about to reply to the top comments, but then..I saw the last response. BOYS OVER FLOWERS RP?! Jskldf jasdklf; NOW HOLD UP HERE!! LET ME HOLD ME FEELS! :'D <3
      *FEEL HAPPY*
      *Q* KIMBUM <3
      Anyways~ Lol xD Woolim did put lots of pressure on INFINITE~ But, their dancing is so in sync! It's crazy good! xD
      And, the thing of typing alot with the person that has the same interest, is that they would read every. single. word you type! hahah xD
    7. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      haha Aigoo, I know exactly how you feel ><;
      Oh yes...Woolim. But hey~ He's in a BIG company now :3 Woolim...Infinite *^* <3
      And, I STRONGLY AGREE that fangirling is SO MUCH FUN! Especially with someone who shares the same interest~ ><
      It just comes out like...BAM BAM BAM LOL! And it seems like, you're not typing as much. but after you look at it it, you're like... "errr....oops..." hehe xD
      Oh yes. Jay is really fun to rp! Lol, the other rp characters were after him LOL!
    8. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Oh yes *^* <3 Like..I can't even pick one over the other ><
      Haha OTL Well, what else can I say? :3 I love their talents! :) <3
      OMG TABLO T^T HOW COULD WE FORGET HIM?! *sings his song Love is Bad* LOL
      Well~~~ I will admit that haha xD We are spazzing AND fangirling LOL!
      Hm..Tumblr rp is weird.. Never did that. lol, I only RP on facebook :3
      It's pretty fun I guess haha
      I RP as Park Chorong, Jay Park *^* <3 , Im Jinah (Nana), and Park Soyeon xD
    9. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Oh. My. Krisus! x) I LOVE KRIS AND SUHO x) I love...alot of Exo~...They just..TOO PERFECT 8D <3 They're so tall! *^*b
      I agree, Infinite is just so...UGH!! <3 <3 >w<
      Omo!! I could I forget F.cuz, MBLAQ, Block B, OMG!! AND BEAST!!! /dies/
      BoA, Rain, Se7en, Ailee, IU *w* <3 <3
      Omg~ We're like spazzing haha xD
      Well, I must be the loved second one OuO /nods nods/
      hehe, You rp as Kpop idol? :p
    10. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Omo!!! I'm a BIG INSPIRIT *Q* <3 Woohyun..Sunggyu..Myungsoo...Dongwoo...Howon..OTL all of them >< <3
      Hm~~ I'm an Exotic too OuO
      I listen to many bands to be honest lol <3
      Sistar, SNSD, Exo, Super Junior, Big Bang, Teen Top, Infinite, DBSK, JYJ, JJ Project, Myname, U-kiss, Shinee, ZE:A, Boyfriend, Girl's Day, After School, Apink..aigoo.. Lots more haha, even soloist x)
      What about you?
    11. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Omo~~~ ; o ; <3 <3
      Kpop buddeh!!
      /clings/ ; w ;
      /sings Noona Neomu yeppo/ xD
    12. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Omg! I see Minho!! *O* <3 <3 <3
      MY LOVE LOL!!!
      You into Kpop too? xD
    13. NeRo
      big bang fan huh?
    14. NeRo
      Well regardless its nice to see/ hear from you again. cheers.
    15. NeRo
      Well im not sure how to do this. So ill do this as best i can. Its nice to see you again. missed you i guess you could say. not sure if this is a one time visit but in any case Welcome back.
    16. BK-201
      OMG... you're back... I don't even know you... BUT YOU'RE BAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK !!!!!!!!!!
    17. Key King
      Key King
      you have a well, interesting name!
    18. Overdose
      oh But it is ;D
      If this thing could give bebo love, I'd give you some. Have some forum loveeee <3 mwuahhaha.
    19. Overdose
      LOLOLOL how can I sign in after years and not leave some spammy message for you.
    20. Master Sora
      Master Sora
      Kuupoo~!!! :D