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Last Activity:
Sep 17, 2013
Oct 16, 2011
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November 17
Dropping Into Distant Dreams
Being a LEGEND


Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!, from Dropping Into Distant Dreams

Light&dark was last seen:
Sep 17, 2013
    1. TippityTop
      So watcha been up too? X3
    2. Khroma
      well there'z only one solution....
      Speak louder. D:
      I used to be shy, then I told myself: "Being shy won't help me in life. I gotta speak up."
      And that's how I became the leader type~~
    3. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      I'm abandoning SE Universe T_T
    4. Reprise
      That prayer on your siggy is my favourite prayer :).
    5. Napoléon
      Thanks; I finished one today and now I have four left :3

      Are you already on your summer break ? ;D
    6. TippityTop
      Well I guess that's good then. XD
    7. Khroma
      ah. i see~
      i'm not shy at all~
      i'm more of a leader type, so i can't be shy.....
      and i'd actually retaliate more to people who have higher status than me,
      but i'm really polite so i don't .... qq..

      i know right? my dad too...
      both of my parentz are amazing.. even my grandma..
      my grandma had good grades and had many great talentz. >w<
      i'm so jelly of them QQ

      it is nice~
      itz quite aweshume too :D
      i think itz supposed to be exclusive to my school, but i dunno.
      they might have it at other schoolz -shrug-
    8. Khroma
      you guyz have uniformz? D:
      you guyz are so lucky TTwTT
      in our school, we don't have uniformz.
      so a lot of the girlz go like, "eewww. you're wearing THAT? that'z HIDEOUS." and etc. etc. ...
      well, i'd go with black~
      i wear all black to school everyday. ;w;

      not smart; i just try my best at everything~
      mai mum was more smart than me... she had an A+ and got 100% in all her schoolz and subjectz..
      i wish i was like her.. i'm striving more to be like her..
      but the most amazing part was that she did it all without stress. >w<

      well it went like:
      A - way above average
      B - above average
      C - passing
      D - not passing
      F - Fail.

      thatz how it goes in my school, or at least, in my school distrct~
      i got a lot of awards when i was in Elementary school :O
      but well i got an award this year~ and last year~
      itz sorta long to explain, but i wrote about it here: http://fav.me/d52ruu0
      you don't have to read it, unless you're curious~
    9. Khroma
      Cartoonnetwork was all like, "We need to make the world people better!! Let's start with the little ones!!"..
      which is why i think they put on real teenagers. ...well yea, it just made Cartonnetwork's reputation worse....

      aw D:
      thatz sad that you're out now ;w;
      i push myself to work harder~
      and push myself more and say, "An A isn't an A+."
      soo yeaaa~~
      i'm trying to beat my record of A+s ...
      i had 4 (out of 6) last year.
      i'm going to try and get 5 A+s this year...
      ARGH. i'm so close. QQ
      i has 4 A+s right now. -cries-
      well, I can't get an A+ in PE though ...
      our PE teacher doesn't give A+s..
    10. Khroma
      yea, i alwayz thought Adultswim was there because it was to make the little children go to bed cuz there'z no more cartoonz. ._.

      LUCKY DD:
      i don't sleep a lot now... last week i slept at either 1:00 AM, 2:00 AM, or 3:00 AM...
      my 8th grade teacherz work me to the bone qq..
      but i don't mind, because i know they care for us in the high school,
      so they work us like dogz to prepare us. ;w;
      i love all mai teacherz >w<..
      well, except for my band director, since he procrastinates.
      and my history teacher trollz me a lot. QQ
    11. Napoléon
      I'm doing fabulous; Exams are this week for me though D:
      How are you ?
    12. TippityTop
      I'm doing pretty good I guess. And you? XD
    13. Napoléon
      Atleast you get over it and bounce back (: My feelings would be hurt if somebody punched me too T_T
    14. Khroma
      ohgawd ._.
      they seriously said that...? holycrap. ...

      i rarely watch TV now.. well, Discovery is like, rarely.
      i tend to watch the Taiwanese newz, and this Taiwanese Buddhist Channel. orz..
      those are like, the only 2 i watch. qq
    15. Khroma
      oh. itz been too long since i've watched cartonnetwork D:
      oh Adultswim. i hated that.. it prevented me from watching stuff on cartonnetwork when i was a kid =w=

      yea, i think it was Cartoon real; the one with all the realism and stuff like that.
      buuut i dunno. -shrug-
      i watch Discovery now, and sometimes National Geographic. ._.
    16. Khroma
      really? o..o
      back in my time, Toonami was on Cartoonnetwork.
      and then on some point or another, cartonnetwork stopped showing Toonami.
      and Toonami was on a different channel.

      then Cartonnetwork started to bring in real life children,
      and started to have less cartoonz ;w;
      well, i stopped watching Cartonnetwork when i was around 8 or 9.
      it got waaay too crappy... orz
    17. Khroma
      i know what you're saying~
      the first SOTW i joined i lost.. qq
      now i'm going to enter in all of them~
      or at least the ones think i can win.

      OHHOO. Toonami ..that was such a long time ago for me ;w;
      i never watched it.. well, a little bit.
      but that was when i was like, 4 or 5~
    18. Khroma
      not a lot, really ;w;
      i was working on my SOTW for this week.
      but i needa see what other participantz enter before i can go any further...

      what about you? :O
    19. Khroma
      yea, tatz how i told them apart, too~
      cuz well, Lacus had 2 clip thingies,
      and Meer had a star.

      and Meer had a more preachy, excited voice.
      Lacus's was calm~~
      and of course, by how they dressed and where they were~
    20. Khroma
      the scene when they met ... it was funnie~

      well, yea.. itz a swimsuit.
      Lacus would never wear something like that. ...
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  • About

    November 17
    Dropping Into Distant Dreams
    Being a LEGEND
    Im telling you nothing

    Anime, Games, Being lazy, Writing drabbles and other stuff


    Made by me!