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Last Activity:
Jan 25, 2014
Jun 6, 2012
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Feb 29, 1996 (Age: 29)
Anywhere, but here.


..., 29, from Anywhere, but here.

BEFORE I DECAY was last seen:
Jan 25, 2014
    1. Remedy
      so glad we now have us a GFX team. Glad ur here.
    2. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      Your Welcome and Enjoy your stay :D
    3. King of Darkness
      King of Darkness
      Welcome to KHP! Since I am only a few days late, I believe that is acceptable :p
    4. Noir
      Hey congratulations...
      It's hard to be a staff here without being special ....
    5. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      Welcome to the Site :D
    6. Khroma
      i has GFX block.
      i dunno if should enter now...
    7. Khroma
      OMG. :OO
      you and i used the same picture~
      but i was thinking about re-doing mine since it lookz like crap. ...
    8. aliera
      I'm not new to forums either, and I agree it's nice to be friends! :D
    9. aliera
      no poblems! :D I hope we can be freinds, us noobies got to stick together!
    10. aliera
      hi! I just want to say I love your signature it looks so good!
    11. Khroma
      ohooo. okay~
      i'm joining it too~ :D
    12. Khroma
    13. Khroma
      haha, maybe~
      i know there are tonz of parentz that have their children get straight As..
      and the parentz don't really care about if they're stressed or not..
      those parentz are more like, "I don't care HOW you do it, you just get that A." ;w;
      i feel sorry for those children who have those parentz >w<
    14. Khroma
      well, maybe.
      they say that most Asian parentz make their children get straight As ..-shrug-
      ah, yeup~

      oh yeaa, thankz for all the favz on dA~
      i logged on and i see 13 favz;
      it was a pleasant surprise, really. LMAO.
    15. Khroma
      i would've been like,
      "dammit... why didn't i get that A+ -lookz what i got wrong- OHHMAAIGGAAWAWDD... i could've gotten that A+ if i just had answered correctly.. dammit.." orz..

      maybe itz cuz i'm Asian? LMAO.
      well i can blame my elementary school teacherz.
      they alwayz told us, "Aim higher and higher!!" ...
    16. Khroma
      to me, an A isn't good enough ;w;
      itz like getting a 9.5/10 (well it is getting a 9.5/10) on a test,
      and thinking that you were just SO CLOSE to that max score.
      itz just how mai brain workz >w<

      well, yes, it is pressuring, definitely.
      but i got an A+ on mai math test today~ :D
      it makez me happie to see that A+.
      well, i'm more worried about my English grade..
      so close to an A+ qq
      our Engrish teacher is a REALLY good teacher.. but she workz us like a dog..
      and workz us to the bone.. but i really like her as a teacher >w<
      she teaches like no other teacher can teach ;w;
    17. Khroma
      it is.. i used to starve myself a lot..
      well, it went worse, but i think you know what i mean when i say "ALMOST the worst."
      but no, i didn't have a suicide attempt. it didn't go that far ;w;

      yeaa... my mum is also the same..
      i tell her, "you don't understand why i push myself so hard, WHY i want that A+
      you tell me to get As, but no A+s? aren't you discouraging me? how can you discourage me?"
      and mai mumz all like,
      "i'm not discouraging you. i only want you to get an A, if you can get an A+ go for it but that DOES
      NOT mean you should stress over it. mommy just wantz you to be happie and wantz you to
      alwayz try your best." (P.S. this was all translated from Mandarin)

      ...but i don't think she knowz how much pressure i'm on.
      like, she'z hurt cuz she knowz i'm pressured and she doesn't know how to help me qq
      and that hurtz me too. well, emotionally saying it does. >w<
    18. Khroma
      oh, then i musta heard it from somewhere else~

      i overwork myself everyday.
      itz a good and a bad habit ;w;

      yea, i know how you feel..
      i actually had the disorder Depression before,
      itz a lot better now, but i'm just at severe anxiety. qq
      i can sorta control it.. well, only sometimes..
      but most of the time it just getz to me ;w;

      my family didn't know that my stress was severe that it got down to Depression,
      and they found that out like, 2-3 monthz ago.
      which was sad cuz i've had it for almost 2-3 yearz now qq
      and they didn't know..
      i guess it was cuz i was too good at acting that i was fine ;w;
      i didn't want my family to worry, so... yeaa...

      welll, better safe than sorry~~
      i alwayz tel myself that ...
      and use it when somebody is pissed and going like, "why the hell do we have to do that?"
      and i just say, "well. better safe than sorry, no?"
      ah. that phrase alwayz winz. TTwTT
    19. Khroma
      you sound like me now~ the "Everything takes some time~ You've just got to keep at it...'
      itz something i said to a classmate when she couldn't draw. i told her,
      "when you pick up a pencil and a paper, you don't expect yourself to draw like da Vinci.
      itz like picking up an egg, get a stove and cooking an egg without even knowing how to crack an egg,
      and you expect yourself to make an omelet? you gotta take time, have patience, and learn, at the same time,
      observe your surroundings, the geometrical shapes, the detailz, the elementz of what makes something that thing."

      so yea~
      man, you sound just like me now. LMAO.
      but thatz a good thing~

      well, just tell them, "In my opinion, I think this ..[suggest] but afterall, this is all my opinion, and how i think. You don't have to follow it if you think it already suitz your current picture."

      yeaaa.. i guess thatz cuz the unexpected thingz alwayz happen qq
    20. Khroma
      i actually did that when i was in elementary school (basically when i was 6-11)
      and thatz pretty much what brought me to the stage i am now.
      if i didn't, i.. don't even want to imagine what i would be right now.. xwx..

      but i alwayz followed the quote my English teacher said,
      "Work so much of today, so that you don't even have to worry a second about tomorrow."
      and thatz what i do .. except i still worry for tomorrow.. orz..
      but that can't be helped~

      [continued in next post]
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    Feb 29, 1996 (Age: 29)
    Anywhere, but here.