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W.J. Solomon
Last Activity:
Jan 29, 2020
Sep 11, 2008
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W.J. Solomon

Solomon's Reprieve, Male

Dadliest catch. Jan 4, 2019

W.J. Solomon was last seen:
Jan 29, 2020
    1. LDC1121
      well from the way you described him he's not too far off from doing something dumb lol
    2. LDC1121
      Sooner or later the managemnet will notice he is not working to company standards and will take action
    3. LDC1121
      yea that sounds pretty easy, maybe he is just a dummy lol so today at my job I got accusecd by 2 people that I didn't give them their tickets. Both of them only had the reciepts. Thing is the tickets are the first things to print out then the reciepts are last. The fact that both people had the reciepts proved that I gave them their tickets because how can I give you the last thing that prints out but not the first? What probably happened is they dropped the tickets or stuck them in their pockets or purse and misplaced them. I literally argued with this woman for 5 minutes telling her I didn't have her damn ticket and to just make her admit she lost it!!! Don't blame me cuz you're stupid I don't know how to hold on to a little piece of paper. Also since they had the reciept they could just go to customer service and get a new one printed cuz they're holding the proof that they did buy a ticket in their hands! So frustrating tonight....
    4. LDC1121
      what does he have to do?
    5. LDC1121
      true, I've worked about 8 shifts at my job, including that double shift I worked and I know there's still a lot more I need to learn about working there. It's possible this is the guy's first job ever so he may be a little nervous or he could just be a slow learner in general. If he doesn't show any improvment over time then the management will probably notice and take action
    6. LDC1121
      that sucks, he is new though so it's gonna take some time for him to learn the ropes of working there. Of course since I'm new at my job too I kinda empathize with him lol just let him know how things are done at work and kinda take him under your wing
    7. LDC1121
      Why? What happened?
    8. Destiny
      Oh ok, I'll go edit in
    9. LDC1121
      a balance of good vs. evil lol
    10. LDC1121
      well yea I was referring to the school job, I see nothing fun about cookinbg and serving people food which is why I hate working in concession stand so much lol
    11. LDC1121
      yea at least we're lucky enough to be working at places that are somewhat fun as well
    12. LDC1121
      looks like work is gonna be hectic for both of us lol I could have worked a double shift today but I already made plans with my friend to watch the new Prometheus movie together after my shift ended but if I didn't have to do that then I probably would have even though my body was destroyed the last time I worked a double. I saw my paystub for that day though and I made an extra $50 working a double!! I guess I'm just gonna have to work through the pain if I keep getting paystubs that large
    13. LDC1121
      I don't get it, the money saver inside me just wants to scream whenever I see that. and speaking of money I got my first paycheck today! a whole $28!!!! I worked tons more hours than that but they sent me the money I earned during training week so I'm hoping my next check is gonna be massive! lol
    14. LDC1121
      ok I won't push it then :o on another note, I came back from working my first double shift today, I didn't have to work it but my boss asked me if I wanted to stay after my initial shift was over and I said yes because lord knows I'm not gonna turn down more money lol but my body is soooo sore, I literally worked 12 hours today, from 9AM to 9PM. And today was the premire of Madagascar 3 so the theater was full of little children, which means 10 times the noise and 10 times the mess I had to clean up in all the theaters, I swear I have never seen so much wasted food in my life! I literally threw out whole tubs filled to the top with popcorn and large sodas with maybe only 2 sips taken out of them. I get so many complaints at concession stand about how expensive the food is, then customers buy it and don't even touch it at all and throw it away! I just want to shake them and say "YOU JUST THREW AWAY $30 WORTH OF FOOD!!!!"
    15. LDC1121
      oh I see, anything you feel comfortable talking about?
    16. King of Darkness
      King of Darkness
      Yup...ANYWAY! Lol, I believe you are up in Origins ese
    17. King of Darkness
      King of Darkness
      Ohhh...I knew that >_<
    18. King of Darkness
      King of Darkness
      Yeah I could do that too...just don't wanna right now.
    19. LDC1121
      what kind of circumstances?
    20. King of Darkness
      King of Darkness
      Broski! What up??
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  • About

    Writer, filmmaker, musician.


    Yahoo! Messenger:


    Infinite is such a pointless word. Everything has a beginning, and in the end, death shall surely claim us all.
    The question is, will he claim us as just another soul, or as an equal?

    My youtube channel I am currently a part of!