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Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /var/www/html/squareelite/public_html/forum/library/Zend/Registry.php on line 206
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Apr 30, 2014
Mar 9, 2008
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30•05•2010, from Location: Location:

ü was last seen:
Apr 30, 2014
    1. sora riku mickey
      sora riku mickey
      dont remind me i try to think that i only got a "couple" more to got XD
    2. sora riku mickey
      sora riku mickey
      O.......well im posting trying to get 50
    3. sora riku mickey
      sora riku mickey
      thats a game or are you killing them if so then ill guess you playing call of duty
    4. sora riku mickey
      sora riku mickey
      nothing much was just bord got on here XD
    5. sora riku mickey
    6. SacredRiku
      Cool, so whats going on?
    7. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      LoL. It's very pretty there... Fresh air, never cold and never snow...:( But, it's cool.:D
    8. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Yep!! Very muches!! It's where I'm from!!!
      Part of my Nationality...:)
    9. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      LoL, thanks!!^^ I went to Cambodia!!!!
    10. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Well, I am now!!! Thank you anyways!!!
    11. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      It's treating pretty ill, When I went on vacation, it made me sick three times...-_-
    12. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      So, how's life treating you? :)
    13. Italia07
      Ah, thank you. *hugs*
    14. soldediamantes
      Well, to tell you the complete truth, I don't really know too much about Ireland, but I'm not an idiot so I don't assume that it's a land full of leprechauns and rainbows and gold pots filled with money. How did those stories even come to exist, any way? I bet it was some crazy old English guy off his rocker, or something to that taste. England is boring, everybody knows that. And so expensive, too! Hm. To tell you the truth, I'm not into sport. Football annoys me, rugby bores me, cricket bores me further (I've had to spend a LOT of time watching my mother's ex-boyfriend, who was then her boyfriend, playing cricket matches with his team in some regionals) and tennis is something that I don't really a crap about. I used to play hockey, however—that was fun. I guess I liked the brutality of it. Our teachers taught us that you had to hit the ball not too hard and be careful with the hockey stick, but we all stuffed the rules. xD It was vicious. One girl, who's a byotch any way, got her thumb broken. I will keep my comments to myself, after that. I do really want to play CoM, but I don't like the look of the card system, however—it seems a bit complex. Having said that, I still am willing to buy it if somebody can get a copy off eBay for me. That way, when I get Birth By Sleep and 358/2 Days, my collection will be complete!
    15. Goldfish
      Ooohh, dirty
      But cool, a farm!
      I need some outdoors like that again one day ^^
      I mean the City's fine and all but some Fresh air would be nice for a change.
    16. SacredRiku
      I'm good, you?
    17. Goldfish
      What action packed adventure did you just have?
    18. soldediamantes
      You know, I've never been to Ireland. Never. All my friends have and they say it's pretty cool, but I'm the one left out! D: I had a friend in year eight at school named Adam Mawdesly (I think that's how his surname is spelt) and he moved to Ireland in the same year. He came back to visit our school in year ten or eleven—I can't remember which—and he was... I don't know. So different. A bit of a pain in the backside, to tell you the complete truth. He did tell me about something named Gaelic football, if I'm correct in the spelling. I don't really know what it is. Hm. Any way, I don't think they sell Chain of Memories in the UK. I doesn't seem like it, any way, because all the stores I've been to don't stock the game which is annoying. Which version do you have? The GBA version or the PS2 version? I'd personally prefer the PS2 version. Oh! Xemnas. I looked it up on Google earlier today and the Kingdom Hearts Wiki site said that his element is Nothingness. ^^
    19. Goldfish
      Well, try to have fun =\
      See you when you get back ^^
    20. Goldfish
      I like the sound of that usual...
      But that 4 hours prior to usual sounds kind of annoying =\
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