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Last Activity:
Dec 13, 2021
Aug 24, 2007
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Awarded Medals 1

Nov 13, 1985 (Age: 38)
Kentucky, USA


I Survived The BG Massacre, Female, 38, from Kentucky, USA

Staff Member Administrator
Kitty was last seen:
Dec 13, 2021
    1. NeRo
      Meh im ok nothing amazing XD i just drew Edward Elric from full metal alchemist. what are you good at?
    2. NeRo
      Ok lol lets ramble here. Today i played uncharted 3 for about 2 hours then the servers crashed so i got upset and sulked around the house for an hour. then i got the munchies and made pasta salad with grilled chicken. Though about what to do so i started to draw, got bored walked outside. got bored again and started to RP. Then i saw a cat outside it reminded me off you so i got worried and came here to check on you. Then i started to do photoshop. and here i am.

    3. NeRo
      lol don't be that way. Do you have any hobbies to do. what are you good at, like whats your talent.
    4. NeRo
      lol your to rough on yourself. there is nothing wrong with lazying around the house from time to time esp when your injured.
    5. NeRo
      was watching some anime and cookin food. about to work on tags in a sec. whats goin on kitten? you should get on msn sometime.
    6. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Haha, I've been feeling great after surgery! Lol :)
      How have you been?
    7. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Kitty! I miss ya! :)
    8. EtherealSummoner
      So, i was playing my Valkyrie Profile 2 game and I had a funny thought. "Why, Kitty is more like Vox's second in command the same way Freya is to Odin. She should at least have a Freya avatar." XD Seriously, you can be... frightening at times.
    9. Ventus
      How are you liking The Legend of Korra?
    10. NeRo
      hey kitty kat. Lots happend i so need to talk to you
    11. Destiny
      Haha it's all good I'm a rambler at times. Really all the editing job is just an easy when you want to do it or not. Chris(Ventus/Sorabrawl) writes articles but he's like the head editor and works on his own schedule doing whatever edits in articles he can. I'll get an account made for you then :)
    12. Destiny
      So I was told you may be interested with the main site. If you're never busy or anything, I could use a grammar nazi editor lol :)
    13. aliera
      thank you sooo much! that was exactly what I was looking for, when I have bigger pictures now I will remember that!
    14. aliera
      hi! I just want to say thanks for linking my picture, I have no idea how to do it, (talking about my showcase in the art forums, you linked my picture becuase it was too big for the forums!)
      how do you link pictures?
    15. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      None taken, it was not my place to ask someone with a life (which seems to be quite hard to come by these days) for help.

      I apologize because it was pretty bad to just throw my problems your way without any sort of explanation.
    16. Jayce77
      Sure 7 Thanks. Fun to be here.
    17. EtherealSummoner
      *Starts doing Holy Dance* I am so AWWESOME! 私は私達に翻訳しました!
    18. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      I'm asking you to help me get better, help me get over my fear of the world(whatever's left of it) so that I can stop being negative, stop being arguementitive, etc.
    19. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      I feel like I'm a horrible person... I mean, It feels like all around me, there is nothing but hurt and anger. In my own world, it'd be a circle with KHP as its centroid, and myself as the diameter. I cut through KHP from end to end, and on both equal sides of the semi-circles I made... there's anger and pain, hurt and hope(There is ALWAYS hope) I feel like you could help me, so that I can make a better impact on the site.

      This isn't about getting my job as a mod back, it's about learning how to stop.
    20. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Nicole and Vox told me about him, but you're right. I shouldn't judge him until I actually meet him.

      Sorry for my rudeness.
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  • About

    Nov 13, 1985 (Age: 38)
    Kentucky, USA
    Way too lazy to fill this out. Ask if interested.
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