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W.J. Solomon
Last Activity:
Jan 29, 2020
Sep 11, 2008
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W.J. Solomon

Solomon's Reprieve, Male

Dadliest catch. Jan 4, 2019

W.J. Solomon was last seen:
Jan 29, 2020
    1. LDC1121
      well that would be the job to switch over to permanently in my opinion
    2. LDC1121
      that's doesn't sound too bad, is the pay more than at McDonald's?
    3. LDC1121
      oh do you get monthly stipends then? that's how the on campus jobs work at my college, you don't get paid by week you get paid once a month or sometimes not til the end of the semester
    4. LDC1121
      well has your other job started up yet?
    5. LDC1121
      aww that sucks, I've been looking for a place to work since I was 14 and I finally got this job almost 2 weeks ago and I'm 19! so I definitely understand where you're coming from lol
    6. LDC1121
      none at all?! honestly if I were you I'd quit and find a job elsewhere
    7. LDC1121
      well that's just selfish and not fair to the workers, do you get any other benefits that might make up for you guys not getting free food?
    8. LDC1121
      yea goodness knows McDonald's can stand to lose a few dollars to feed its employees, they're filthy rich anyway, they're not gonna go out of business by providing their employees with a free meal now and then.
    9. LDC1121
      I never knew minimum wage was 7.20 thats the first I have ever heard of it being that low
    10. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      Ok sure will do. But umm could you PM me some info about Will. Like powers and things of that sort.
    11. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      Ok cool pm me some more details about Will and i'll get to it
    12. LDC1121
      wait what?! you used to be paid $7.20?? I thought minimum wage was always $7.25?
    13. LDC1121
      with my measley $7.25 hourly wage, I would take a 5 cent raise, hell I'd even take a penny raise lol
    14. LDC1121
      oh I see, well at least you get paid more in your actual paycheck so I guess it's a fair trade off
    15. LDC1121
      7 dollars isn't that bad, just get 7 things from the dollar menu lol I know at my job we get free movie tickets and free popcorn but other foods and candy we just get discounted prices because the company has to pay the ingredient suppliers for our concessions so if they were to give it away to employees for free, they would lose money and not have enough to buy new ingredients every month. That may be the same reason McDonald's can't give away free food either.
    16. LDC1121
      you guys don't get employee discounts on the food?
    17. LDC1121
      trying to hinder you're creativity tsk tsk don't they know that's how all great recipes are made? they wouldn't be where they are today if some cook wasn't experimenting with sandwiches behind his bosses back lol
    18. LDC1121
      you're coming up with new sandwiches for McDonald's to sell? lol you could be rich!!
    19. LDC1121
      lol good call :D
    20. LDC1121
      oh god, I'll make sure never to eat at that McDonald's while that guy is working lol