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Last Activity:
Sep 14, 2013
Jun 3, 2012
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Oct 31, 1998 (Age: 26)
Japanese Translator for Web-Manga


愛久見人心, 26, from 。.:*・フッキアル:.*・。

Khroma was last seen:
Sep 14, 2013
    1. Destiny
      Do not waste space in the thread, you can PM, post it, or both, any of them will work.
    2. Angel
      Haha just kidding. But yeah you can proof everything I do if you want.
      And thanks for the offers. Your definitely not useless.
    3. Angel
      So what are you trying to say. My grammar isn't good enough. >:(
    4. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      LMAO I know xD Those moments >w<

      Oh yes, BIG BIG difference! xD
      You...don't wannna see me in amazement >w< I look....weird LOL

      Nah~ Everyone is social and friend! Everyone are friends! ...unlike now...cough. .-.

      Yes, it's me. .w< Thankies!
    5. EtherealSummoner
      XD Its ok. Not like it is frustrating or anything. -_- Oh yea. Remember that thread on AnimeMB about the banners and stuff?
    6. EtherealSummoner
      XD Then I would have two partners if I say yes to Paranoia... and I thought the two of us were partners already. XD
    7. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Oh yeah, some have embarrassing moments when they had to use the restroom x)

      It's hard though, if you don't fangirl xD sometimes you do it in some form of way without noticing.

      Yep! Sure was. There would be tons of replies to many threads :)
    8. EtherealSummoner
      I like the song!
    9. Destiny
      What summoner proposed, he proposed that for every reporter they have a gfx team member, a partner. The GFX partner would create their featured images. You can create your own featured images, but since it seems you and Angel are partnered as well meaning you're making featured images for him as well.
    10. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Haha It's okay :3 We got our moments xD
      Lol! I know how that feels >w< It gets annoying too lmao xD
      I'm not a huge fan of Vocaloid though ^^;
      ~You can TRY not to fan girl :3

      Lol! Yes, yes I am. :3 Way back when this site was SUPER active like, ten people online and stuff. So fun! good times good times. :'3
    11. Angel
      Kill Me NOW!!!
      358/2 Days needs 100+ Renders!

      But I believe this to be the largest one!

      Anywho, I'll slowly work on the renders. Thanks for the offer. I'll definitely need it in the future.
    12. Destiny
      One per person, try to have them match if possible. They don't even need to necessarily be avatars, just something to show who they relate to.
    13. Noir
      Hey, I need to say something.
      Just incase if you didn't know, you can change your title since your a staff, right?
      just saying ,.,
    14. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Lol, I was talking about Utada ^^;
      But~ You can be my role-model too. lol
      I like Miku Hatsune lol x)

      Fangirling is fun..sometimes lol xDDD

      I've been on here since 2008 xP
    15. Angel
      XD Thanks!

      I'm still collecting renders but when I collected enough. I'll definitely upload them and you can help me out! ^_^
    16. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      D'awww haha x)
      sjdfklasdjflkasdfj UTADAs dfjslk;df jaslkd;fj asld;kfajsd flk;ajsdfalk;sdfj MY BIGGEST ROLE MODEL *^*
      And....And Vocaloid OuO <3

      I don't listen to Taiwanese singers, but the guys sure are pretty OuO <3 Cough, I mean handsome too ^o^ <3

      haha It's Okay~ OuO Fangirling is ALWAYS SO FUN! Lol xDD

      You're very welcome ;3
    17. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Hmmmmm~~~~ Well~ Does Girls Generation, DBSK/JYJ, Infinite, Kara, 4MINUTE, T-ARA, Shinee? :3 <3
    18. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      OTL >< I feel BAD FOR YOU.

      Omg, do you listen to Kpop?
    19. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Lol! I shall x)
      hehe same here OuO <3

      Yes you are~~~ O.Ov

      LMAO They do give you crappy hard drives bahaha
    20. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Lol! Yes~ We shall~ ;) Lol!

      Of course, buzzing is the main thing of playing ANY brass instrument~ hehe x)

      -widens mouth slowly-
      T-Thai? omg >u<
      Thai is very close to khmer language~ :) Just saying~~ lalala~ -skips away-

      -rolls back-
      Lol you are too, very kind~ haha OuOb
      Ah~ I started off with an Asus 10.3" Notebook~ O.Ob
      hehe, Expensive things are worth the price...in electronics..most of the time LOL!
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  • About

    Oct 31, 1998 (Age: 26)
    Japanese Translator for Web-Manga
    Nationality: Hakka, Taiwanese, Mandarin, and Canto; speak- Taiwanese, Mandarin, Hakka,+Jap.

    Piano, Flute, Piccolo, Viola, Dizi, Ocarina; Kendo+Kyudo; Choreography; Graphic Design+Edit; Drawing


    ☆♪。・: * :・゚ Avatar + Signature Edited By Me; Avatar + Signature Is Of Takahashi Yashichiro's Shana x Yuji From Shakugan no Shana Series. ゚・: *:・。♪☆


    Skwippy x Spwaky Ninja Kittie League - "Spread The Love; One At A Time."
    I'm Napoléon'z Skwippy. Thwe Spwetacular, Adowable, Wuffie, Luffie, Mwagical, Pweanut Bwutter Hwuggie Kwittie