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Last Activity:
Sep 8, 2015
Aug 20, 2007
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Mike was last seen:
Sep 8, 2015
    1. Angel
      Hiya Mike?!
    2. Kitty
      Sorry for the late reply- just got back home. I was on a cruise to the Bahamas. XD

      They've been laying off teachers around here quite a bit the last few years, which is a shame. Judging from your posts over the years, you seem like you'd make a good teacher. But I hope you find some luck with something soon.
    3. Destiny
      Busy as ever I suppose. Haha barely ever a down time, guess its my fault since I'm now taking summer courses all the way to August
    4. Kitty
      Going pretty good- about to go on vacation, so I'm happy about that. How have you been?
    5. Destiny
      You're back! Sticking around a bit longer I hope.

      Nothing much busy with college work and stuff, you?
    6. EtherealSummoner
      Make sure that your words does not have any "bug link" in it that ends up taking you to the main page. That what happened to me a couple of times.
    7. Napoléon
      You're from Ontario ! I'm from the Maritimes :3
      I have friends who've gone that way for University actually.
    8. Napoléon
      What part of Canada do you live in, if you don't mind me asking ? :3
      By the way, I'm going to write in your debate threads tomorrow. I have to go study for my final exam soon so I don't believe I have time tonight. (Physics is tomorrow and it requires a lot of practise >_<)
    9. Napoléon
      Hey there, so I just stopped by to ask you if you were Canadian xD
      So are you ? >_>
    10. Destiny
      That's actually one thing I see happening moving to this neighborhood. I know that families live there too but it's aimed towards college students to rent out. Where as where I'd be living on campus the CA/RA are strict
    11. Destiny
      It's 45 minutes away, however due to marching band I won't be able to come home for weekends. The first two years I'll be living on campus then there's town houses a lot cheaper nearby campus I'll rent out. I'd do it this first year but it's better to meet people when staying on campus.
    12. Destiny
      Well this coming fall I'm starting my first semester of college attending for music Ed.

      This summer im going to be a camp counselor

      Trying to hang out with friends before I hit the road

      That's pretty much it.
    13. Destiny
      Oh my god! Long Time no see! Where have you been? It's Kairi Star to refresh memories
    14. EtherealSummoner
      *Reads your Total Posts* DX THE EVIL NUMBER!! GET RID OF IT!!!
    15. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I have. Nice to see you again. In college now. Enjoying myself.
    16. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Been a while since you were last on. Just came by to say hi or something, whenever you get this. Summer is getting nearer. Hope to see you around then.
    17. dualblade
      Just sayin hi
    18. Moogle
      Boo! Wuzzap?
    19. LDC1121
      hey Mike! sorry I just missed you! I'm only here for a couple days just visiting, but I wanted to say HI and I miss ya! :D
    20. Kyuu
      Well... I think I want to do something where I can help people.. (: or then something that I can use foreign languages (mostly english) a lot, because I like studying, speaking and translating it.
      But I'm not sure yet.
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