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W.J. Solomon
Last Activity:
Jan 29, 2020
Sep 11, 2008
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W.J. Solomon

Solomon's Reprieve, Male

Dadliest catch. Jan 4, 2019

W.J. Solomon was last seen:
Jan 29, 2020
    1. LDC1121
      well if their way is supposed to be funny I'm sure not laughing. btw I got SCREAMED at today at work by a customer. I have never been yelled at by anyone, not even my parents, like this before. We have a policy at work, that if the back of a customer's credit card isn't signed then we must ask to see I.D in order to see if the card actually belongs to that person. If the person doesn't have I.D. then we don't swipe the card. This lady's card wasn't signed so I asked for I.D., she showed it and I finished the transaction. Customer after her orders, has a credit card, but it's signed so of course I don't need to ask for I.D. After the customer leaves the lady comes back and screams at me saying since I checked her I.D. I needed to check everyone's I.D. saying she worked at a credit card company and that's what we are supposed to do.
    2. LDC1121
      like me running away and never coming back
    3. LDC1121
      well they better or else there's going to be some sad consequences for their actions
    4. LDC1121
      hopefully now that I've change my availability at work I won't have to hear anymore complaints from my parents (doubtful) I told my bosses that I'm no longer able to work past 11:30 every night, which means my parents won't have to stay up late to come and get me and I will have more time to sleep at night (not that I actually sleep anyway, but it does give me more time to do homework at night)
    5. LDC1121
      it'd be easier if I didn't have to be around them all the time, obviously I get a break when I'm at work but if I'm not working I'm always at home and have to hear them talk
    6. LDC1121
      that's kind of the approach I've been taking lately but I don't think it will last for long, everytime I see my mom I have to restrain myself so that I don't blow up on her
    7. LDC1121
      so how did you get through it?
    8. LDC1121
      I hate it though, it's like nothing I do will ever make them happy! At times I just tell myself that I don't need to please my parents but the fact that I have to constantly complain and criticize my life makes it difficult for me not to care.
    9. LDC1121
      I already have a car, it's parked right outside my house, but I failed my driver's license test last month so I'm not allowed to drive it and I can't take the test again until August 8th. The thing is my parents have been pressuring me to find a job since I was 14 years old and I've applied to dozens of places and when someone finally gives me a break and gives me a job they complain about the fact that I have a job! It's like there is no pleasing them, everything I do is wrong in their eyes! :mad:
    10. LDC1121
      it's just so irresponsible and unfair to the people who actually do come to work because it means they have to do double the work since you didn't show up to help, most selfish thing ever. I'm hoping a bunch of people are getting fired for that. And now I'm still having to deal with my parents about the whole transportation to work thing and I'm pretty sure it's going to end with them making me quit my job...
    11. LDC1121
      And on top of all that, I got bitched out by my father through text messages, basically telling me I need to quit my job because the late hours that I work are too much stress on him and my mom and that it's not fair that I'm making them come and get me so late!! That was the LAST thing I needed to hear after an already hellish day like today. The only saving grace about this day is that I got my paycheck a day early!
    12. LDC1121
      worked all day today, I can't even begin to describe the chaos I had to put up with today! We were understaffed because people called out or just didn't show up, we were out of almost everything in concession stand and since we didn't have enough crew members no one was free to go grab more products from the stock room. It's like none of the managers thought today would be as busy as it was, which I don't understand because it's a holiday, that's PRIME MOVIE WATCHING TIME!! Also this one idiot kept sneaking away from the stand when we had long lines of people waiting to be helped, to talk to his girlfriend who was working at the door ripping tickets, and then at the end of the day when we really needed his help to clean the stand, he fucking quits!!!! leaving us one person short and we all had to stay an extra 15 minutes to finish cleaning since he left, meaning that I just now got home at 2 in the morning!
    13. LDC1121
      lol well alcoholics gotta eat too I suppose haha Happy 4th of July btw!!! any big plans for the day?
    14. LDC1121
      or drunk people, nothing cures a hangover better than greasy food lol
    15. LDC1121
      Lol I could only imagine the type of customers you would get at 3 or 4 in the morning
    16. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      Corrected and your welcome
    17. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      Sorry dude had no Idea. I was just skimming through, want me to edit my post?
    18. LDC1121
      is your McDonald's a 24 hour one?
    19. LDC1121
      Yup, the more popular a movie is the longer we stay open so we can fit in more showings
    20. LDC1121
      yea you're right, gosh I hate being a poor college student! I'm going to ask for an adjustment in my hours though cuz getting home at 1 to 2 o'clock in the morning has got to end.