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Last Activity:
Oct 25, 2015
Jul 17, 2012
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Kodakliv was last seen:
Oct 25, 2015
    1. Kitty
      We're on the smallish side, but I'd agree we're a pretty friendly forum. I think we try to make everyone feel welcome, anyhow. I know some sites have oldies who are downright hateful to new members and I can't say that there's much of that elitism here.
    2. Kitty
      I'm happy that you're enjoying it.
    3. ADogX
      alright. btw do you have a PS3?
    4. Kitty
      I will keep that in mind, but really, the best way you can help is by making threads and posting a lot.
    5. ADogX
      My Black FC is: 4556-1909-5939

      It'll be a while before I find a usable internet connection, seeing as B&W use the old wi-fi connection. Both of my codes call me ADogX
    6. Kitty
      Don't know how anyone could not like the Hunger Games, books or movie. I can't say I remember getting scenes from the second book in the first movie (only saw it once), but I did love the way they showed things Collins didn't in the books- like Gale watching the Games and the Gamemakers fiddling around with their computers and controlling the arena.
    7. Kitty
      Welcome to the site; it's nice to meet you. No, I won't be getting DDD- partly because I'm broke, and partly because I've kind of lost interest in KH- which probably sounds odd coming from a member on a KH forum, but there it is. I haven't played any of the games newer than KH II. And yes, I adore the Hunger Games. I have all three of the books and I've seen the movie, too. ^_^
    8. ADogX
      my 3DS FC is: 4639-9667-7720

      can't give my pokemon code because my girlfriend has it right now. I'll give it to you later today

      and yes I'll be getting DDD. just don't know when
    9. Nilejay
      Sure! Do you just want it like mine? or what do you want it to be like? Animated Gif or just a Graphic? I will also need to know how many KB your signature will be. Thanks!
    10. ADogX
      well give me your friend code. I'll give you mine. I just need to find a usable internet connection
    11. ADogX
      do you record them for youtube?

      My main party is

      Latias, Blaziken, Lucario, Charizard (Shiny), Darkrai, Arceus, and Staraptor

      I have 7 because my Blaziken is hacked (Has Sheer Cold and Dark Void) Staraptor replaces for online
    12. ADogX
      hey, what's your main party in White?
    13. Khroma
      hahahaaha, yea~~
      my friend made that up cuz I'm only 13 @w@
    14. Khroma
      well then; nice to meet you, Jon :O
      I don't like my Engrish name. QQ
      soo.. I only use my (Traditional) Chinese name/Japanese name but thatz sorta useless here. LMAO.

      anywho, people call me Khroma, Khro, or Khromy; feel free to call me whatever you want~
      some people call me Yumi or Niyu-chan (depending on where they met me) :D
    15. Khroma
      I'm funny? what? LMAO.
      I guess I can be funny sometimes~
      and thank again~~ :D

      ahahahaa. disliking to be at level 1.
      I could care less about levelz; i'm more worried about my activity bar. qq
    16. Khroma
      aw >w<
      I'm not that awesome. D:
      but thank you~~~

      and you did~ :D
      just post a lot and participate in a lot of stuff, and you'll level up in no time.
    17. Khroma
      thank for the friend request~ :D
    18. EtherealSummoner
      Post in sections other than the Member's Lounge and Fun & Games section.
    19. EtherealSummoner
      Um... yea. About that... the member's lounge does give you post counts. The Boys vs Girls thread is in the member's lounge so... you are not getting any post counts at all from there. :( Sorry.
    20. EtherealSummoner
      How are you liking the site so far? D: LE GASP! NO FRIENDS! SHAME ON YOU GUYS!!!
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