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Taboo Sho
Last Activity:
Apr 20, 2024
Feb 22, 2012
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Dec 20, 1994 (Age: 30)
Home Page:
Twitch Streamer

Taboo Sho

The Math Emperor, 30, from USA

Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

Time to pick up the slack. Nov 11, 2020

Taboo Sho was last seen:
Apr 20, 2024
    1. Destiny
      Made a post, it's eh... but yeah
    2. Destiny
      Well I have to sleep some because I work, I'll be up for a little while longer. Do you want to post another post though, I have nothing to really work off of.
    3. Destiny
      Your turn. Lets try to get this RP finished in real time at the end of this maybe mid week next week
    4. Destiny
      Posted also. In the meanwhile, while you write your next post, I'm going to write an idea to end this.
    5. Destiny
      lol you like Emerald? Haha nice. Though I can see it, you two have pretty similar personalities.
    6. Destiny
      Heh *shrug* I write enough of it on the other site and I'm never impressed with it, that's why I always just drop the hints instead. I have I think just two stories that I write with it, the one story that particular chapter hasn't been put up yet.
    7. Destiny
      Well that's all up to KoD. He was involved in a RP that had it once in the past, but you don't know if he wants that. There's easy ways to refer to it like it involved easily. I write romance stories on another site and I do this often.

      One post would talk about them kissing and Marluxia picking up Angel and carrying them to the room. Then talk about making out and things "taking off," "getting intense," or "passion soon followed" then the next post could mention how they were naked, Marluxia asleep on top of Angel and Angel felt sore but refreshed. You tell the readers what happened, without getting graphic. That you can probably get away with.
    8. Destiny
      Well I didn't necessarily mean that it could be conversation or whatever else. But I'll get to posting then if you're sure
    9. Destiny
      So that was about another half hour. You sure? I'm going to merge what you have, but let me know if you change your mind.
    10. Light&dark
      Im not gonna be able to post for alittle, Can you play as my character till I can post? I don't want her to be left out
    11. Destiny
      As I saw. Certainly interesting, but anyways, yeah I'll be up for awhile.
    12. Destiny
      I'll be here. I'm not even in bed yet and won't be for awhile.
    13. Destiny
      Are you sure, I can merge the posts. all of them, seriously, I'd rather have the whole scene all in one post and you be super confident(not that you are now)
    14. Destiny
      Pretty good, are you sure you're done though? Feel free to keep going if you want.
    15. Destiny
      Ok let me know when your done, also I had to give it a rating, but it's all up to you to do everything.
    16. Destiny
      Here's an idea, if you don't mind. Post again like a continue of your post, in fact keep posting the continue of the post, then I'll merge all the posts together. Please feel free to use Angel, I really can't do much.
    17. Destiny
      What should I post? Are you on you computer? Can you just post as Angel?
    18. Destiny
      Anyways, your turn, I'm back if you're available, it would seem though with 10 minutes of searching forums, I'm guessing you are offline.
    19. Destiny
      Ok cool. :)
    20. Destiny
      Saw. This should be good. Are you on msn?
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  • About

    Dec 20, 1994 (Age: 30)
    Home Page:
    Twitch Streamer
    Nothing much to say really...

    Kingdom Hearts, fanfiction etc...




    "The Scourge of Hyrule Castle"

    "Calamity cannot be avoided. In time, everything will fall."
    Thanks Hope for the set!

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