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Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /var/www/html/squareelite/public_html/forum/library/Zend/Registry.php on line 206

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  3. Hi Guest, you may have noticed that we aren't anymore. For more information on why these changes are happening, check out our thread, Site Re-Brand Updates
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Last Activity:
May 17, 2024
Jun 14, 2008
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A place. You know, the kind with doors and windows
It depends.


Well-Known Member, from A place. You know, the kind with doors and windows

I am not here. Feb 4, 2017

Moogle was last seen:
May 17, 2024
    1. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I wasn't sure. Although where are we going to go with it now? Are yo going to have Jeune escape or become a dark being?
    2. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I wasn't sure if Italia (Or whatever their name is, too lazy to look) was going to post before you or not.
    3. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      That's alright. But since we're talking about reminders, isn't it about to be your turn in Betwixt?
    4. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I feel as though some of them have been more than a week. Although maybe time is just being really insanely slow for me lately.
    5. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I know. I've been meaning to get around to posting.
    6. fate slayer
      fate slayer
      It puts me in the mood of a Magus battle...thank you for this little gem :)
    7. Ventus
      oh dear. By the way, I can't guarantee I'll start the rp quickly. I may have to wait for a few weeks.
    8. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Oh hi there! I see u looking on my profile lol
    9. Ventus
      I will but right now, I'm super busy with work at the moment. I'll be able to see the sign ups momentarily.
    10. girl poison
      girl poison
      Was waiting for my cousin to finish her bio/post and be approved, now all it needs is one more general to be picked up.
    11. NeRo
      Yea The Forum has been on the fritz and sadly theres nothing i can do about it. Thats a Coding issue / Server issue and thats all TD's domain. so i'll just have to contact him
    12. NeRo
      Strange, i don't see anything out of the ordinary. but the Forum has been acting strange i';ll talk to TradeDemon about it
    13. Nova
      Posted :D
      Sorry. It's my last month to get money for college. My 3 jobs dont allow me much writing room. >.>
    14. Become
      Does your character for that arena battle have a sheet that I can scope out to know what the moves are and what not?
    15. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      You. Just made my night :D Yes you may join. Please PM me the template of the character you will be using, and we'll go from there.
    16. Become
      Not that I'm not intersted. I just can't do much about them at the moment.
    17. EtherealSummoner
      Um... it has been your turn for more than a week now in Wayward's arena thread.
    18. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Good luck! ^w^b
      Oh yeah, that surgery. haha, it was for this little thing pressing against my eye. All done now! :)
    19. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Mooooooogle! <3 <3 My love how have you been? xD Congrats for graduating! :3
    20. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Sure thing. Although I wasn't sure if it would be bad storytelling to have some good guys meet up with the good guys so soon after what happened on Destiny Islands. I've got a back-up world in case people think it is a bad idea to interfere.