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Last Activity:
Dec 13, 2021
Aug 24, 2007
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Nov 13, 1985 (Age: 38)
Kentucky, USA


I Survived The BG Massacre, Female, 38, from Kentucky, USA

Staff Member Administrator
Kitty was last seen:
Dec 13, 2021
    1. EtherealSummoner
      That's ok. Was just wondering if you knew.
    2. EtherealSummoner
      Oh yea. Just want to let you know but I did put in a picture request in your shop.
    3. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Yeah, I suck at apologizing and spouting bullshit excuses so I'll give it you straight.

      I broke the rules, even if I couldn't see the numbers indicating the size, the sheer size of the signature should of been a dead giveaway to me, yet I stupidly overlooked it.

      I then proceeded to do it, not one, but two more times after, like a complete jackass.

      Sorry doesn't mean much when you do it again after already apologizing, but for what it's worth(even the slightest bit), I do apologize.
    4. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Yes I know how, but on my psp I cannot tell how large a picture is unfortunately. If it could, we wouldn't be having this conversation to be honest lol.
    5. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      There, all better.

      The last part of that vm wasn't really necessary you know, because everyone, staff or not, should know the rules aye?

      I do apologize however for wasting your time because of this.
    6. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      My bad, sorry.

    7. Napoléon
      Yeah, but you're one of the best staff to ever join KHP ;)
      The bolding does look different, but atleast it's super easy to read; It's like "BAM, in your face !" That's a positive ~!
    8. Napoléon
      That's great, I really like that colour for the admins. It feels bright and warm ^_^
      Yeah, all of your messages to me are bold now ! It might be because your username is bold in the convos (?) Hmm... That's my best guess.
    9. Napoléon
      You look fabulous in yellow; You're as precious as gold.
      Don't mind me, when I was on yesterday you were still red so it was the surprise of my morning xD
    10. Napoléon
      Yeah, it's kind of exciting how your work is going to be the banner for KHP's podcasting ^_^
      I can't wait until they start that up; I'll be sure to check it out just to look at your graphic design again.
      To say the least, I loved it.
    11. Napoléon
      When I seen it, I was blown away ! It looks stunning Kitty, you should be extremely proud of it (:
      After I repped you, I had to admire it for a little longer; There was something about it that flowed magnificently.
    12. Kairi831
      Ahh, ok. Thanks.
    13. Kairi831
      How do you get a username change, Kitty?
    14. Kodakliv
      Well I have a Kodak video camera, I shoot videos/pictures with it, I guess yeah I'm kind of a photographer I'm pretty good at it.
    15. Kodakliv
      lol everyone asks me that lol well I loved Kodak the camera, but I thought it would be weird to have just a simple Kodak name, so I was going to originally make it Kodaklive like I'm alive with the Kodak camera but that didn't really look right, so I took out the e and idk I liked the way this one looked.
    16. Kodakliv
      haha ok, and yeah I get like that sometimes, I look at the word and its like WHAT!?" lol I like your username its cute.
    17. Kodakliv
      aww I'm sorry for making your head hurt, I was asking if you had a cat or a kitty in your house I thought that you had a cat in your house cause your name is Kitty that's all I'm referring too.
    18. Kodakliv
      hey Kitty do you have a Kitty in your house or a Cat?
    19. Kodakliv
      Oh ok thanks Kitty :) wow it seems alot of members from here came from KHinsider. They where good at reporting news, but once you get on a bad side of a member they all come in and attack you. :(
    20. NeRo
      Well feed me then. !!
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  • About

    Nov 13, 1985 (Age: 38)
    Kentucky, USA
    Way too lazy to fill this out. Ask if interested.
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