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Desert Warrior
Last Activity:
Dec 4, 2019
Apr 28, 2008
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Desert Warrior

Well-Known Member, from California

My times between logging on are far apart enough that the site forgets to keep me logged in. I have problems. Jan 27, 2019

Desert Warrior was last seen:
Dec 4, 2019
    1. Moogle
    2. Moogle
      Oh, and it's your turn in SoN.
    3. Moogle
      If you want, I've got some guides on RPing that you could take a look at. They're what I use to write some of my stronger characters. (Like Miha)
    4. Moogle
      Your style is different than mine in that it is more vague. Personally, I am not one for vagueness so all of my characters, for the most part, have clearly outlined movesets. I mean, the way your profiles are are fine. I just have more of a problem with the personality types. You almost have the same problem as Ventus, where all of your characters generally fall under one category. While his is like. . . eh. . . coming of age plucky/depressed young protagonist, you have the "calm, coolheaded" personas working for you.
    5. Nova
      Fair enough fair enough. =D
      hahaha Fine by me. As long as you can accept a long distance situation of crazyness! ;D
      I'm ok with that. ^_^
    6. Moogle
      I never got around to putting up my characters, so the feelin is mutual.
    7. Moogle
      Yeah. Canon characters are my kryptonite. So I've got my boatload of OC's. Still, I do wish Landscape got off the ground.
    8. Moogle
      Yeah. I didn't know what I was doing. I'm no good with taking other people's ideas. Same reason I can't do canon characters in RPs. It's a good concept though.
    9. Napoléon
      Why ? Nooblet sounds so adorable ! It's like a droplet, but a noob (obviously xD )
      So true, my life is getting dull but it should pick up again once school starts.
    10. Moogle
      I did, at one point. I sucked at being total control GM, so it died quickly. Also, the concept wasn't mine so I didn't even know where to go with the plot.

      EDIT: My attempts to restart it were on the now defunct Quizilla forums. I did find the thread that I ported here and never started.
    11. Moogle
      It never finished. Some high-tier RPers were in that, though. I was a little inexperienced at the time, tho'. Also, it took the concept of Nobodies one step further, saying when a Nobody is destroyed, a new being called the Soulless emerges. Because the body houses the soul, etc. Interesting concept, but it died pretty quickly.
    12. Napoléon
      I find nooblet actually sounds cute X3 I want to be your nooblet !
      Wow, he missed out. VM's are pretty cool.
    13. Napoléon
      Of course I can be ! Noobs come in all shapes and forms.
      I can't drag you into this; That would be mean of me. Maybe I'll creep EbAl's profile or something >_>
    14. Moogle
      It was on Quizilla. It was actually my first KH roleplay, tbh.
    15. Napoléon
      Desert, I'm probably one of the most noobish people here =P
      I should, but I don't know how I'd ask to be honest. It would seem strange and out of the blue.
    16. Napoléon
      What's wrong with posting a lot ? Atleast they're not complete noobs like me xD
      I always wanted to meet EbAl. I didn't know he was around when you joined; I thought he left earlier.
    17. Napoléon
      So, you're getting at the fact that they're all younger than you ?
      Who was the only member when you started ?
    18. Napoléon
      I find that lots of VET's are veterans of the forum. Why don't you "necessarily" think they are ?
    19. Nova
      It's a fact of life. It will happen when I acheive world domination. Until then, I'll just have to rough it. xD
      We're a couple now? Thats awesome. When did this happen! :p
      It took me a second to understand that. I'm better now though. Don't worry.
      True True. But it wouldn't be your own party. I would come and bring awesomeness.
    20. Moogle
      Yes. Yes it will. Last time a giant teddy bear fought in an RP I was in, it was a character much like Lilly, though she was raised in Halloweentown and her teddy bear had clockwork magic inside of it that made it grow and able to be piloted.
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    Sometimes I think that if I had all the time in the world I still wouldn't get around to doing some of the things I have been meaning to do.