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Desert Warrior
Last Activity:
Dec 4, 2019
Apr 28, 2008
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Desert Warrior

Well-Known Member, from California

My times between logging on are far apart enough that the site forgets to keep me logged in. I have problems. Jan 27, 2019

Desert Warrior was last seen:
Dec 4, 2019
    1. Moogle
      Yeaaaaah well, that's clearly not happening in SoN. Considering that you're 1/4 of the 'Chosen Ones', and all. Like I said earlier, Chris always ends up playing the same character. The difference between me and him is, I'm almost always playing the sideshow and he's almost always not. Lotta things different in SoN.
    2. Moogle
      What main character? If you're talking about New Dawn, then I don't know a thing about that. As for SoN, it was a spinoff inspired by the elemental group that Symm was a part of. I mean, you came in late as an elemental because Chris quit (As is the norm, it seems), but after that we've all been sorta stuck together.

      And Symm was barely a part of ND until the very end, so. . . :{}
    3. Moogle
      'zactly. Where SoN is more of a four-way collaboration where I just happened to take control of the villain, Betwixt is more. . . DM and PCs than that.
    4. Moogle

      Now why would I spoil the fun for that one?
    5. Moogle
      Yep. Most the time, players don't know how things end anyways. Such as what I've got planned for SoN, or what Chris and I had planned for Betwixt before he jetted.
    6. Napoléon
      What on earth is this ?! XD Possimpoble ! That is officially my new favourite word.
      Oh wait, I thought you meant you had three years left >_< I could see me being in school for the next ten years, so I'll join your boat. Long live education (?)
    7. Moogle
      That's metathought. If that's the case, then all action-oriented RPs are the same as eachother 'cept with a fresh coat of paint. You're limiting yourself to the big picture. The whole "It is not the end but the journey to get there" thing applies in contradiction.
    8. Napoléon
      That's impossible ! There must be something >_>
      3 years is quite a long time. I hope you survive it :\
      Because if I rant now it won't be pretty. I'll be able to explain things more kindly later.
    9. Moogle
      Not at all. Nobody can predict it but the writer, because only the writer sees everything in the character's head. Sure, the archetypes help the audience identify, but that's all they are. Archetypes are simply the foundation of the building. You can't tell whether a building will be a hospital or a farmhouse by the foundation; you can just tell the basic shape of the thing.
    10. Moogle
      That's their problem. For those of us who use the guide properly, we know exactly how and where our character will and could develop.
    11. Moogle
      Those are just archetypes, much how in real life people can be classifed as introverted and extroverted. But, those basic types all spiral out into something different. Kind of how, when you start a new show, you don't know any of the characters so you wait for a stereotype to present itself to classify each of them.
    12. Napoléon
      I wish there was a 'cooler' face that could top the :cool: smiley. I've got nothing D:
      Well, how many more years of college do you have ? Maybe you can apply to a more fun school for Graduate studies, if you're doing that.
      I'll rant about it some other time xD
    13. Moogle
      So what do you think of the guides so far?
    14. Moogle
      Did the files load?
    15. Napoléon
      Awh thanks :3
      What is college supposed to be then ? What you're describing sounds average; It's not exciting, but it's not terrible. I'm sure you can find things that will spice up your life.
      On a further update, I'm mad.
    16. Napoléon
      Ouuu, I don't mind being a kernel of corn ! Nooblet is too cute for life.
      How did yours start ? ):
      Are you referring to the classes thing ?
    17. Moogle
      Actually, I'm mailing them to you via your yahoo account listed here. Photobucket fucked up downloads too.
    18. Moogle
      Oh, yikes. Have fun with that.
    19. Moogle
      What? Goddamnit photobucket. Try downloading them, because they're the right size of data.

      Also the top one is a separate guide by the same person. It's just in the same folder as the others.
    20. Moogle
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    Sometimes I think that if I had all the time in the world I still wouldn't get around to doing some of the things I have been meaning to do.