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Oct 31, 1998 (Age: 25)
Japanese Translator for Web-Manga


愛久見人心, 25, from 。.:*・フッキアル:.*・。

Khroma was last seen:
Sep 14, 2013
    1. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      I'm a bit worried about my computer now, since it keeps crashing on me D: I hope it's okay.. hmm.

      You mean you'd take it out, or you would take it, as in "keep it"?
      I'm getting confused very easily lately, right? ; o ;
      Uaaa, you sound just like my twin sister D: she always says "okay, you're NOT cute... you're pretty!" and then I say "No, I'm not." and then she says "Fine, fine.... you're beautiful!" and then we just keep going back and forth~
      My family calls me ugly all the time (excluding my mom, grandma, and my twin), so I've just come to believe it. You know how that happens when someone tells you something over and over again, well that happened to me.. so yeah~

      NONO, I shouldn't see your messages, since those are YOURS and Napoléon-chan's O: I don't like reading other people's conversations without permission.. wait a minute, I guess I could since you just told me that I should read them. xDD I NEED TO WAKE UP ; o ;
    2. Napoléon
      Vox got you guys back together ?!
      He's like Big Brother or something LOL
      How nice of him.

      +Reply to original+

      We wub each other the most <333
      Axel and Roxas would probably eat the clock tower if it were !
      Oh no, we should warn the people of Twilight Town ~~!
      We must save that crazy place together XD

      So you do like roses, since your username had 'rose' in it once upon a time.
      What does 6211 stand for ? O:

      Ouu I like that name :3
      Spwaky Thwe Hwuggie, Mwagical, Kwudly, Nutella Kittie has a flare to it.
      It's not as cute as Skwippy's though ;D

      *Begins eating nutella*
      Thank you very much Skwippy, I don't know what came over me XD
      Awh, that sounds like a great idea.
      We'll have each others abbreviations ~
    3. Napoléon
      I don't mind waiting ^_^
      I start school in a week and a half so I'm going to be busy as well.
      No problem Skwippy :3

      Yuss, because being bored is the worst thing ever !
      I feel like I waste too much time being bored >.<

      We both have mwagical powers !!
      Awesome, maybe we should form the Justice League ~
      I like having telepathy.

      Take your time, we're in no rush (:
      I'm sure when you come up with a bwutterfly, it will be the best.

      +Too difficult, it's becoming a task to fit everything >.< +

      Awwh, I wouldn't think that I'm the vibrant one between the two of us, but that's sweet.
      We're both irreplaceable <333

      I slightly remember those Pokémon actually xD
      They're too adorable.
      You should be Skitty, since it looks catlike.
    4. Napoléon
      Wow, that's a long time o:
      I'm glad all of you came to this forum together.
      It's very sweet.

      +Reply to Original+

      I wub my Skwippy the most xD
      That moment in the game was heartbreaking !
      I felt like crying for Axel ~!
      I could only imagine how horrible he felt when Roxas left.
      (Xion was just 'okay' in my opinion. Nothing fancy >.>)
      I bet they would eat it ~! On top of the clock tower and everything ~

      Yuss, exactly ~!
      I was having a name identity crisis LOL

      Slwippery and cwute and kwudly describes it just right ~!
      I'd be trying to huggle you and you'd slip out of my hands D:
      Oh nuuuu.

      Spawky should definitely be nutella XD
      Yumm yummm.... I could almost eat myself.
      *Looks around shifty like*
      >_> .... <_<
      I love your user title, by the way.
    5. Napoléon
      That sounds both beautiful and tragic.
      Once you draw that picture I would love to see it :3
      You're very talented. I liked that oil portrait you posted in the Staff area ~!!

      It's always nice to have a busy life because then you're never bored LOL
      It also gives you great productive things to do ~

      Hmm... We could always spam love on other people's profiles XD
      I don't know how much they'd appreciate that though.
      Or we could send people messages using our minds o:

      Awh, I like that idea (:
      An adworable bwubbly bwutterfly would fit Skwippy perfectly.
      I can't wait to see it x3

      +It's difficult to fit things in LOL+

      I appreciate how innocent you are; it makes my Skwippy irreplaceable ~~
      Spawky wouldn't mind being a kwittie like Skwippy :3
      We'll be hwuggie kwitties together <333
      Except, you're the cute vibrant one.

      I'm getting super dizzy from chasing your tail LOL
      I don't recall a Pokémon named Skitty =\
      Was he/she in the original series ?
    6. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      but but but, nuuuu! xD its not right
    7. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      It's still bluescreening on you? O: that sucks! 3:

      But the username is Kawaii = cute and fangirls = us which means it's calling us cute! > w < which I am NOT
      Don't make me get my pictures out and burn your eyes with them! D:<<

      Khro-chan is NOT being a hypocrite, but she is talking in third person~ LMAO
      Khro-chan isn't ugly either D: Khro-chan is my cute little sister~ =^ ^= and don't argue with me over this, I've seen your pictures =_= lol
      And you could secretly have some perverts stalking you right now and you wouldn't know it O: that's what my momma always says to me and I just say "oh hush", but it is true > w <

      I hope you have fun with Kyudo~ don't overdue it though O: if that makes sense.. orz
    8. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      Computer crashed on me. e___o;;

      I need to get Sony Vegas Pro again then~
      I would show you my old AMV's, but I don't have them anymore ; o ;
      Yeah, I did~ you should be on there. O: KawaiiFangirls1996~ (my sister thought of the name.. I most certainly DO NOT think of myself as "cute".. or anything near good looking.. -shrugs-)

      T-then go ahead and do as you like~ > w < I'm not sure what else to say about this since you have your mind so set on uploading them O: -trying to watch over you and protect you from perverts like a good older sister should do- I swear if anyone says something perverted to you I'll kill them.. =__=
    9. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      Ohh-hooo~ I see~~ =^ ^= which ALSO reminds me, I need to work on a new wallpaper~ OHOH, do you think I should start making AMV's again? I used to make them back in 2009-2011, but I stopped after I lost my Youtube account (I got banned.....) ehhh.. I don't think I'll have anywhere to upload them at, so I guess I won't... -siighhh- :/

      Okay, okay~ if you ABSOLUTELY want to, then go ahead and do it~ but if it makes you uncomfortable, then don't~ you do know what could happen if you put those up right? -remembers the long, long, LOOONNNGGG conversation she had with her mother a few years ago- e_o;
    10. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      You did what to it? I'M CONFUSED ; o ;
      thatsexactlyhowIfeelallofthetime. ; o ;

      You just reminded me that I need to get back to practicing. ; o ; < I love using that face~
      If it makes you feel uncomfortable, then you shouldn't upload them~~ that's what I think. :3
      Me and my sister were thinking about filming us dancing and then uploading it to Youtube (back in 2010), but we felt too uncomfortable about it, so we didn't~ e__o;'
    11. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      Hahah~ you're welcome! =^ ^= glad I could help~ :3
      -loves helping people- it feels nice to be a teacher~ x3
    12. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      Okay, you see how you have it at the bottom, right?
      Well, I would either put it around the first circle (the one closest to the top, slightly to the right) or on the bottom picture frame. You know you can curve your text, right? because that's what I'm taking about when I say "around the frame". O: If you don't know about that, I could show you where it is~

      I can only imagine how tiring that is. O: I remember watching some Kyudo thingy on TV a few years ago.. hmm.
    13. Noir
      Oh ok.
      But how come am I active, but I never had a medal? D:
    14. Noir
      Who's Spwaky + _ +
    15. BK-201
      XD I've been playing too many games...
    16. BK-201
      I'm doing great, just playing some KH BBS.
    17. BK-201
      How are you doing today ?
    18. BK-201
      Hello there, Khroma.
    19. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      If you put it at the bottom, it's even EASIER for them to steal it. D: cause look:

      See how I put my name where it's sorta in the middle? that way people can't steal it. Well, they can if they take the time to cover up my name with white.. put it's just.. ehhh I dunno what to say anymore. And no, they don't care if it's cropped, that's what they're going to do to it anyways, crop it.

      At least you can still go to Kyudo, so that's a plus~ only focus on the positive things, because in the end that's all that matters~ I'm the type of person who doesn't like to complain about things, and just enjoys whatever she has. =^ ^=
    20. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      A friend informed me about it with a note on DeviantArt saying that they noticed someone had stolen my art on some forum. O:

      That's good~ (sorry if I'm slow with replies, I'm playing GTA IV on my pc~)
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  • About

    Oct 31, 1998 (Age: 25)
    Japanese Translator for Web-Manga
    Nationality: Hakka, Taiwanese, Mandarin, and Canto; speak- Taiwanese, Mandarin, Hakka,+Jap.

    Piano, Flute, Piccolo, Viola, Dizi, Ocarina; Kendo+Kyudo; Choreography; Graphic Design+Edit; Drawing


    ☆♪。・: * :・゚ Avatar + Signature Edited By Me; Avatar + Signature Is Of Takahashi Yashichiro's Shana x Yuji From Shakugan no Shana Series. ゚・: *:・。♪☆


    Skwippy x Spwaky Ninja Kittie League - "Spread The Love; One At A Time."
    I'm Napoléon'z Skwippy. Thwe Spwetacular, Adowable, Wuffie, Luffie, Mwagical, Pweanut Bwutter Hwuggie Kwittie