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Last Activity:
Sep 14, 2013
Jun 3, 2012
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Oct 31, 1998 (Age: 25)
Japanese Translator for Web-Manga


愛久見人心, 25, from 。.:*・フッキアル:.*・。

Khroma was last seen:
Sep 14, 2013
    1. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      yea thats true, but it still bums me out that im not in college -_-
    2. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      To work at the store, and get her glass cups and plates O: she's just.. ugh > w <
    3. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      I dont even know why they made me do it again. I guess they were retarded, but it was in a different city so they wouldnt accept it I guess lol
    4. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      LMAO yeah, that was my sister Kayla~ she was talking to me and my twin because we were sitting in the truck talking to momma, our niece, and our nephew, so she started to complain when we were telling her not to go over to that old building. O:
    5. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      My desk is pretty messy too.. I need to clean it up soon~ x3

      Yeah, we're okay~ my stupid older sister wanted to go work at the store though.. which is a really old building that was built back in 1920, so it's made of bricks.. she left at 3 pm.. when the big earthquakes were going on.. -facepalm- we all explained how bad that is, and she just said "just chill, just chill. If you don't want to play along with the story just get outta the car!" <doesn't she sounds SO STUPID? > w <;
      goodgodIcan'tstopthinkingabouthowstupidthatsounds.. >_> lkrgoiajgorigjaoigreioahnoihnaoih-- SHE ANNOYS ME SO MUCH ; o ;
    6. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      no no no, its not your fail. It's just because I didn't tell you before. So now you know. :D
    7. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      My computer is on a desk that isn't for stable O: so it has a higher chance of falling~ it's been quite some time since we've felt a big earthquake today, so I'm allowed to get back on now~ =^ ^=
    8. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      Well, being on the computer while things are shaking = bad. It can fall on me.... .___. I'll reply on AMB when I get the chance~
    9. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      loool no, i had to stay back a year because i transferred school in kindergarten. I took kindergarten twice in two different schools, so I am one year behind. I WOULD be in college, but nope. Not anymore
    10. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      hahaha whhaaaaa? college? xD Oh I WISH I was in college, I'm only in senior year of high school, next year Khroma chan next year.
    11. Angel
      Okay that's fine.
      No text or borders.

      Umm...not that I can think of. That's pretty much all the images. I might have something tomorrow.
    12. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      hehe ok, then yes, I agree it was the right thing. xD
    13. Angel
      Whole body!

      Yeah, making posts interferes with me working on pages.
    14. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      oh ....if youre saying whether it was the right thing to do or not. I would agree with you on that. But if you are saying that I should be bossing you around like that, I would have to strongly disagree with you xP I would rather be able to agree to disagree if that was the case.
    15. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      I can't be on much because of the stupid earthquakes. > w < my brother told me to get off right now.. -sighs- see ya later. :/
    16. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
    17. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      So many earthquakes.. ; o ; and yeah, I guess we can take it to AMB. I feel like we have more privacy over there anyways.
      > w >
      < w <
      > w >
    18. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      Haha, nevaaarrr! I will never say it was right! It was sooo wrong xD
    19. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      It sucks that we can't have really long messages like we do on AMB.. ; o ; I like having really long vm's LMAO
    20. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      -needed to shorten the message-
      Hey, you remember what we said on AMB? if you say you're ugly, that makes me ugly~ I'll stop calling myself ugly, if you do the same with yourself~
      My momma always tells me to smile at people rather than frowning, because that smile could go a long way. I know you don't really like to smile that often, like me, but you should try it more often~ especially with pictures~ =^ ^=
      The only people who have my address is Storm, My ex (Ashton), Greg (ex friend), and you. O: I regret giving it to two of those though.. -cough-bastards-cough- > w >;

      I'm glad to hear that you had fun at Kyudo~ =^ ^=
      Ooooh, what kind of tea did you have? just regular? or green tea? O: I HATE sweet tea.. regular tea is good~ I've never had green tea before....
      That's good that you didn't overdue it~ and it's what I'm supposed to do, so no need to thank me~ =^ ^=
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  • About

    Oct 31, 1998 (Age: 25)
    Japanese Translator for Web-Manga
    Nationality: Hakka, Taiwanese, Mandarin, and Canto; speak- Taiwanese, Mandarin, Hakka,+Jap.

    Piano, Flute, Piccolo, Viola, Dizi, Ocarina; Kendo+Kyudo; Choreography; Graphic Design+Edit; Drawing


    ☆♪。・: * :・゚ Avatar + Signature Edited By Me; Avatar + Signature Is Of Takahashi Yashichiro's Shana x Yuji From Shakugan no Shana Series. ゚・: *:・。♪☆


    Skwippy x Spwaky Ninja Kittie League - "Spread The Love; One At A Time."
    I'm Napoléon'z Skwippy. Thwe Spwetacular, Adowable, Wuffie, Luffie, Mwagical, Pweanut Bwutter Hwuggie Kwittie