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Last Activity:
Sep 14, 2013
Jun 3, 2012
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Oct 31, 1998 (Age: 26)
Japanese Translator for Web-Manga


愛久見人心, 26, from 。.:*・フッキアル:.*・。

Khroma was last seen:
Sep 14, 2013
    1. Napoléon
      +Reply to Original+

      Too many peanuts are bad for your health ?
      I actually didn't know that D:
      Is it the salt in them ?
      I've never looked into peanuts in that way >.<

      I don't know, where did his new clothes come from ? >->
      It must have been awful hot wearing clothes under that robe too !
      Yet, you don't see pit stains. How strange.
      How is any of this possible ?!

      You started reading it quite a while ago !
      I've debated on reading it a few times actually, but it's good to know that you liked it a lot ~
      Your wallpapers look pretty, by the way :3

      I'll have to make the group in a few minutes.
      Once I'm done replying to everything LOL

      6 o'clock is so early !
      That's hard to do. I would have been tired >.>
      How was therapy ?
    2. Napoléon
      Today was a busy day for both you and I D:
      Thanks; I knew you would reply to me as well (:


      Sure, we shall talk about this again in May 2012 ~!
      No, I don't speak Mandarin sadly. Only French and English >.<
      Sorry Skwippy D:

      Yeah, we grew up with each other.
      One year barely feels like an age difference LOL
      Heat doesn't sound too bad; It's humidity that's terrible D:
      It makes you feel all wet and muggy.

      Yuss, we're nutella and peaches ~!!!
      They sound so cute together ~
      We're both healthy and nutritious !

      + I could see Vox and Kitty ruling the world; I wouldn't mind that too much LOL +

      Us Ninja Pokémon Kitties should try to rule the world before everyone else ;)
      Rule it in secret !!
      I'm sure you'll think of some adjectives soon. Don't worry about it ^_^

      I like that thought; Your body diminishing into stars.
      It sounds so peaceful ~
      I wouldn't mind if your soul went into your new body though (:
    3. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      yea sweat annoys me only when its really hot, cause then it means that i wont be able to separate my shirt from my skin. And I dont like that xD I like exercise mostly because I have gotten used to it by now
    4. Napoléon
      +Reply to Original+

      Ouuu, I would love to be in a gallery with peanutz.
      They're delicious >w>

      This is unlegit ! I mean really, he should be as skinny as a stick by the end of the game >.<
      And his stomach never growls ?! How does this make any sense ?
      Sora defies the laws of the world LOL

      I hear a lot about Vampire Knight, but I've never read/watched it.
      How much do you like it ?

      All right, I'll make it later tonight when I sign on XD
      (Since I'll be on for longer.)
      Hmm... The name could be Secret Ninja Kittie Society or something like that LOL

      Awwh, I hope therapy goes well for you (:
      How early do you have to go to that ?
      I'm glad you're thinking of two more since I'm terrible at that xD

      YAY ! ^-^
    5. Napoléon
      I was afraid that you might have thought I did ._.


      Maybe we can. Toronto is a 16-18 hour drive from where I live (which is the part that sucks >.<), but I've been there before ~
      It all depends on what time in the summer you're going.
      We'll have to discuss this more as the summer approaches ;D

      Nope, I only have a younger brother which makes it worse xD
      He's only a year younger than me though.
      You don't get a lot of humidity in California ?!
      Man, I'll have to move there; Humidity kills in Canada D:

      Yeah, pastel blue with some white that has shimmer in it ~!!!
      I think that would look good ^_^
      I'll add the motto to my siggy as well ~
      +Raises Nutella in the Air+

      + They are like security guards ! Except, they don't wear the costume =\ +

      That's exactly what we are !
      Ninja Pokémon Kitties ~
      We rock \m/

      Sounds like a plan, except I'd prefer the real Skwippy over the duplicate =\
      Hopefully we won't ever have to use the double LOL
    6. Napoléon
      +Reply to original+

      Well, if the peanut gallery like it, then I guess it is a little aweshume ^_^
      Or they're getting a laugh out of it LOL

      That's so true !
      I demand to see Sora sweat in the next KH game >_>
      I mean really, holding that keyblade all day must make his hands sweat !

      Orochimaru is a creeper from the anime Naruto.
      He had a bit of a thing for younger boys LOL
      In the anime he never did anything gross, but he's the butt of all jokes.

      We should have a social group, and you Skitty, have the honor of making it :3
      It will be our lair ~!!!
      NINJA KITTIES UNITE !!!!!!!!!!!! >w<

      Spawky Thwe Hwuggie, Mwagical, Lurkey, Kwudly, Flarie, Nutella Kwittie.
      Hmm... I'm out of ideas for two more....
      Maybe "lazy" XD

      Yuss ! I shall add Ninja to my siggy !
    7. Napoléon
      Oh no, the University's name is Dalhousie University. It's located in Halifax, Nova- Scotia.
      Sorry about that xD
      Yupp, I live in jolly ol' Canada. It's a wonderful place (atleast where I live LOL)
      Oh, so you still have another week then. That's awesome ^_^

      Our brother's think a like o:
      Sleeping on the floor is a lot more cool than on the bed.
      Especially when it's a humid day >.<

      Ouuu I love Alice in Wonderland ~!
      It's a great theme for the outfits.
      Ribbons, laces and bows sound wonderful. We should be fashion icons :cool:
      Exactly, and nobody will find our base because they can't breathe under water ! It's brilliant really.
      Then it's settled "Spread the love; One person at a time" is our motto <333

      + I don't see how it prevents spam, however, I guess the admins know best =\ +

      I love the new title ~!!
      Flareon x Skitty is the new "it" group.
      We're cool ninja's like that :cool:

      I don't want to squish my Skitty >.<
      What would I do without you ?
    8. Napoléon
      Oh no, my mom just got home.
      I'll be back for chu later and I'll write back to the VM's you sent >w>
      This is like a placeholder VM; Just so you know I didn't forget about you LOL
    9. Napoléon
      Awwh, I'm starting to like it.
      We could always add something like "Lurkey"... I'm such a lurker XD
      I should sign up for the secret ninja society. You can join me.

      I shall add that to my siggy ^_^
    10. Napoléon
      +Maybe we can find a way to get rid of our character count....+

      Flareon would be awesome ! It would fit my flarey-ness perfectly ~!!
      Flareon and Skitty <333

      I figured that I was as lazy as Snorlax, so it fit perfectly =P
      I guess he doesn't have flare though LOL
      Flareon, Shinx or Luxray sound brilliant though ~~~

      +Reply to original+ (I like how you wrote that.)

      I know, that's what happened to me as well >.<
      At first it sounded smart, now it seems like I've lost my marbles.
      Quite literally LOL

      Yuss, how on Earth is that even possible ?!
      Clearly there must be some deleted scenes of bathroom and eating time LOL
      And how could Sora not sweat. I sweat sometimes playing the game because it's that intense xD

      I have a weird tongue like Orochimaru o:
      (Oh no, I can't believe I just wrote that.)
      Everything rolls off of my tongue.... Why doesn't that sound right ? >.<
    11. Napoléon
      I'm going to Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova-Scotia, Canada.
      I only start school on September 6th ^_^
      When do you start school ?

      I would do that if I could. (My brother would probably think I'm crazy though, since he thinks I'm odd at times >.<)
      I would have joined you and rolled on the floor as well !
      That sounds too fun ~

      I would want a picture of snickerdoodles on my costume, just because it's a fun word to say LOL
      Ribbonz sound cute though. Ouu and maybe some pretty lace.
      Our base should be in Atlantis ~! Nobody will find us there !!!
      Hmm... Our motto could be "Spread the love; One person at a time"
      ..... No wait, that doesn't sound good >.<

      No problem Skwippy; I'm only speaking the truth :3
      You're fabulous.
    12. Napoléon
      Awwh, that's good to hear.
      It's always nice to have a big brother watching over you ~~~

      +Reply to original+

      Hmm... We wub each other more than anybody else in the world xD (I don't think that makes sense LOL)
      It does sound contracdictory and I don't know how to fix it =\
      Yes, Khroma. It does XD
      Nobody seems to use the bathroom in that game, how does that work ?
      They're going to explode from eating the clock tower if they don't go ~!

      Peach blossoms are pretty (:
      Oh, so that's where that number comes from !
      I like the sound of 6211; It rolls right off the tongue ~!

      Hmm... I'm not sure. (I'm no good at adding titles to myself >.<)
      I've been thinking about this for a few minutes and I still have nothing LOL
      This may be a lost cause.

      Sounds like a plan ~~
      I think I need to update my signature. I feel like I'm missing something to your title =\
    13. Napoléon
      Yupp, it's going to be my first year of University.
      I'm pretty nervous about it, to be honest D:

      Awh, how cute. You found a way to pass the time ~!
      Did they ever find you something to do ?

      Kwittie League sounds brilliant ! Let's do it.
      I guess we need some superhero costumes now ~~
      And a base for our operations ;3

      I think Skwippy can.
      You seem very creative and talented (:

      + I wish there was no character limit here =\ +

      Sounds great by me !
      It makes complete sense, you're definitely the cwutie and I don't mind being flare-y ~~

      Skitty the Skwippy; It has a nice ring to it LOL <333
      Hmm... I could be a snorlax.
      That would fit me perfectly =P
    14. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      i just exercise like crazy if i wanna get healthy. It usually works since i work up a crazy sweat from basketball, so it evens out. Oatmeal is usually a last resort and is bought at Jamba Juice if it comes to that
    15. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      oh god i cant take oatmeal at all with anything. porridge is still debatable, but oatmeal uuugh
    16. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      ;_; that's cannibalism. OTL but lol, i would have to say....hmm..thats a toughie, i think its between homemade chocolate chip cookies and white chocolate, or even the occasional sugar cookies :D
    17. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      I am a ninja kookie. No one knows what kind of kookie I am. Except for me. I am wearing the ninja outfit every time I walk somewhere xD (failed attempt to think of a kookie)
    18. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      haha thank you. But what kind of kookie am I? If I knew that question....I might win the Nobel Prize.
    19. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      hehe.....I. Don't know how to feel about that statement xD
    20. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      Her store sells used furniture O: and uaaa.. I have to go to bed now.. (needs to get up early tomorrow) Goodnight ; o ;