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  3. Hi Guest, you may have noticed that we aren't anymore. For more information on why these changes are happening, check out our thread, Site Re-Brand Updates
  4. If you are having trouble logging in, check the box, "stay logged in" to fix the issue. Thanks! —KHP Staff
Last Activity:
Oct 10, 2015
Nov 16, 2010
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Noir was last seen:
Oct 10, 2015
    1. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      I see.......
    2. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      You also ignore some of my messages as well, which makes me feel even more unwanted D:
    3. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      Yes, that's what friends do~ but I felt like you didn't want to talk to me at times, like you felt awkward D:
      When I asked how you were and I said I was glad to hear that you were doing fine, you said "Um, thanks?" like I said something wrong.. I don't know what to do anymore ; o ;
    4. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      Azu-kun, I really want to be your friend, but you make me feel unwanted a lot. You told me that you wanted a big conversation, but you give me short replies.. I was so happy when you started talking to me because no one else talks to me on here, really..
      Khroma wanted me to leave KHP when she does (which is soon) and I didn't want to because I wanted to stay to talk to you, but do you really think of me as a friend? D:
    5. Paranoia God
      Paranoia God
      Ehh, you don't have to be my butler anymore.
      I can see when I'm bothering someone. > w <
      xD Yeah, Ruki's so cute!♥
    7. Khroma
      oh. I'm sorry D:
      I went to bed that time. hahahaha >w<
      Flareon is Napoléon, and I'm Skitty ^w^
    8. ZenaKarma
      O_o I have finally found someone creepier than me.......
    9. NeRo
      Yo Let me chat with you for a bit about a few things. mainly rp stuff.
    10. ZenaKarma
      I can tell you have good taste:P That's awesome
      I like :3
      (Don't mind my creepiness)
    11. NeRo
      Right on mate, i'll have it tomorrow i had to work today.
    12. FON
      I'm waiting for BK or the other guy to respond, as my OC was asking a question to them.
    13. Xeren_Ozone
      Dont worry, I plan to. Looks pretty interesting
    14. Xeren_Ozone
      Sweet, Ill take a look at yours later. Also, if you have any more extra time(lol more advertisments! XD) look at MY new rp :3
    15. Xeren_Ozone
      Im so happy you signed up I could hug you lol XD
    16. Xeren_Ozone
      I might, but you should join my friend Kairi's new RP, she needs some more ppl.
    17. ZenaKarma
      I'm sorry for creeping on your page like this......
      But I saw Ao No Exorcist and I had to say something XD
    18. Khroma
      I don't know D:
      I change my avy+siggie and got a lot of VMs and then PMs and then I posted a lot and then I got it >w<
    19. Khroma
      i'm Skwippy and Spwaky is Napoléon :D
    20. Chocobo Dyl
      Chocobo Dyl
      I believe I am, unless something has happened that I don't know about :)