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Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.
Disposing the One Ring with Frodo.


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Jul 11, 2018
    1. Khroma
      -reply to original-

      nnuu :OO
      itz just that peanutz have a lot of oil~
      and gives chu acne if you eat too much D:

      OMG. you're right O_______O
      nor did Kairi!!
      she'z skinny as a stick, but she'z still so...
      so.. ...skinny. how is she neber hungryy DD:

      aawww~ thank chu Spwaky >w<
      and yea, my cousin got me the first volume *w*
      he thought i'd like it so he buy it for me~

      Skwippy tendz to reply to everything and then does something else
      without replying to PM D:
      even though Skwippy knowz she has a PM to reply to~

      therapy didn't hurt as much today~~
      my therapist said that if my neck is okay by Sunday,
      then I won't have to go for a month or so~ :D
    2. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      That would be down right creepy if it were the real reason.
      Meh, it was alright. Having 7 hours between classes is boring though.

      No, not really.
    3. Khroma
      yush it was. D:
      you're welcome :O
      I knew Spwaky would come foe me two~


      ish okaaay~!!
      my whole family is Taiwanese,
      so i was afraid you won't understand D:
      but ish okay~!
      Skwippy shall translate~!!

      aw :O that mwust bwe nice~
      really O______O
      i think i'd rather go with humidity...
      i get used to it faster >w<
      we should trade :O

      healthy, sweet, and nutritious-ness~!!
      -raise peach in air- LMAO.

      - LMAO. I wouldn't either~ -

      we'll start with taking the peaches in the world and then the nutella!!
      or we'll do both the same time :O
      yush~ Skwippy will think of it some day ...soon~

      what does Spwaky'z body diminish into??
    4. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      yea, i totally understand, and im glad you made it awkward actually, the laughs i got from this made my night xD
    5. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      Oh god yes xD I completely know what you're saying haha I can't believe I could make a conversation this awkward. Of course, it shouldn't have surprised me, but hell, this has broken records of awkwardness for me in leaps and bounds lolololololol
    6. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      Oh god, now that i look back on my comment, it does sound like something a nudist would say. I'm not ashamed of my boday! xD I dont even know anymore, lets just say that nudity is cool :D
    7. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      The reason hasn't really been revealed. Sasuke wanted to meet somebody, and Orochimaru can take Sasuke to him. Who this person Sasuke wants to meet though, I don't know.
      Yep. School is what kept me on track of days. It would be "Oh, I have to be at this class on Monday, this class on Tuesday, etc." Without school, I'm just working until my next day off. Although I'm in school now.

      Congratulations on solving the biggest mystery of the forum. Here's an internet cookie.
    8. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      No one is ever alone with nudity! Everyone is nude! I believe since I was born nude, I will die nude! xD (actually, more like I will live nude. Whatever, crappy logic is crappy)
    9. Khroma
      -reply to original-

      peanutz are yummie :OO
      but too much ish bad for your health D:

      LMAO. not only Sora, but Riku too~!!
      after Riku took off his Organization robe,
      he had new clothes D:
      I like his new clothez but ...where did they come from. DD:

      A LOT. >w<
      I have all the manga bookz (volume 1 ~ 16) in Taiwan Mandarin in my room~
      I started to read it when it started~ which was when i was in 2nd grade in January :OO
      itz a sad, sad... tragic.. dramatic.. story -cries-
      Chapter 85 just came out last week~~ the manga is going to end soon >w<
      i made 2 wallpaper on it :
      i'm going to make a 3rd one *w*
      itz for another forum~

      LMAO. okaydokay~!

      thank you Spwaky~
      Skwippy and her mommy had to take her brother to University,
      after we dropped him off, Skwippy went to therapy~
      she went there around 9:00, but Skwippy woke up at 6 AM :O
    10. Khroma
      nnnyyyyuuuu :OO
      I know that Spwaky ishn't that kind of person~


      oouu :O
      then I guesh we can talk about it next year,
      around May 2012 :D
      but.. (quick/random question), do you speak Mandarin :O

      oouu, thash not too bad though~
      one year is okay (in my opinion)~
      not where I live~~
      itz rarely humid here, but it can get extremely hot >w<

      -gasp- Spwaky'z symbol/mascot can be nutella :O
      and Skwippy'z symbol/mascot can be a peach~!!!

      -ooouuuuuuu; they might be government officialz trying to rule the world D: - <-random. LMAO.

      yush. Ninja Pokemon Kitties FTW~!!!
      oou. Skwippy can't think of any adjective right now.
      maybe it'll pass by later on :O

      and I'd prefer real Swaky over duplicate Spwaky D:
      or Skwippy will just duplicate her body and make her soul go to her new body.
      her old body will diminish into starz :O
    11. Khroma
      Skwippy is busy today D:

      Skwippy will try to reply later tonight~
    12. ZenaKarma
      Thank youu!! They aren't the best, but I do like them.... and I like Mixuno too:3 His obsession with cats is a bit more than mine.
      I'm going to be working on some more, too. Hopefully to get the entire gang up X3
    13. Khroma
      -reply to original-

      when Spwaky said, "peanut gallery,"
      I thought of a gallery ...with peanutz. LMAO.

      and he never lost weight either D:
      this is unlegit!! QQ

      oouuu. I don't watch Naruto :O
      I watch a lot of anime, but i never watch Naruto/Bleach.
      Skwippy does really like popular anime. (except for Gundam, Gintama, and Vampire Knight >w<)

      nooo. Spwaky should make it :<
      -kittie eyes and beg-
      I don't even know what the name will be. LMAO.

      omg. lazy O______O
      Skwippy will has to think of ideas later :O
      Skwippy needz to go to bed soon,
      and her brain is fried. LMAO.
      she needz to wake up early tomorrow for therapy,
      so tomorrow Skwippy shall think of 2 more :D
      though ...we could use lazy. LMAO.

      and I shall toooooooooo :D
    14. Khroma
      I know chu won't forget about mwe :O


      ish okay~!!
      ouuu *w*
      I'm going to visit Toronto, Canada next year in the summer :D
      mwaybwe we can meet each other there :O -gasp-
      I met my Vietnam friend/my internet older sister just last July
      in Singapore. we arranged a meeting, so maybe you can too wif your mommy and stuff :OO

      do you have older brother?? :O
      oouuuu, we don't get a lot of humid here~
      ..we get a lot of humid in Taiwan @w@

      hehe, okie then :D
      Alice wearz blue and white :O
      what would you like to bwe??
      maybe we can do pastel blue~
      I shall add our motto to mai siggie -raises paw in air-

      -I guess admin are more like security guardz? O______O -

      ninja pokemon kitties :O

      Skwipy will create a duplicate of herself;
      you'll neber lose Skwippy like that~~!!
    15. ZenaKarma
    16. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      hehe youre welcome. And who wouldn't love such a badass sig xD
    17. EtherealSummoner
      I just keep on hearing that Fairy Tale anime? Is it even that good?
    18. ZenaKarma
      Thanks.... I'll hopefully find a way to get it up. THEN I CAN BE AWESOME!! XD
      lolololol I'm sorry.. I'm just really excited with what I've been doing :3
    19. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      I miss you buddy...
    20. Khroma
      we should have a Kittie League in a social group :O
      Flareon and Skitty'z base :O
      ...I have no idea if I'm being serious or not. xwx
      Skwippy shall join youuu :OO

      okie then~!!
      Spwaky Thwe Hwuggie, Mwagical, Kwudly, Flarie, Nutella Kittie
      you should add where it goes~!!
      Lurkey will be 6th adjective,
      so we need 2 moe to make it like Skwippy'z title/name :D


      we should have Skwippy x Spwaky Ninja Kittie League :O
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  • About

    Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.
    Disposing the One Ring with Frodo.
    Just your usual friendly Canadian girl. I enjoy the small things in life and cats. Rocking chairs always cheer me up too.

    ... That and hot chocolate.

    I speak two languages: English and French. I am currently learning Spanish... Wish me luck!

    Merci. À plus.


    Nudity For Life
    Resident Chemistry Nerd
    Awesome Avvy by the one and only Kitty ~! <3​

    Napoléon - It can change the world !
    Angel (Angie) - One penny at a time.

    A Mari Usque Ad Mare
    "Spread the love; One person at a time"
    Skwippy x Spwaky Ninja Kittie League
    Skwippyz My Spectacular, Adowable, Fwuffie, Luffie, Mwagical, Pweanut Bwutter Hwuggie Kwittie

    Je t'aime​