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Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /var/www/html/squareelite/public_html/forum/library/Zend/Registry.php on line 206

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Desert Warrior
Last Activity:
Dec 4, 2019
Apr 28, 2008
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Desert Warrior

Well-Known Member, from California

My times between logging on are far apart enough that the site forgets to keep me logged in. I have problems. Jan 27, 2019

Desert Warrior was last seen:
Dec 4, 2019
    1. Moogle
      Well, I'll have to wait a while before I continue. College education is s'pensive, yanno?
    2. Moogle
      True. I've got up to 20, I think, of the manga. Around the point that Negi decides he must go to the wizarding world to find his father next.
    3. Moogle
      One use of the Kanakho (spelling?), your character picture for Betwixt, and that's all off the top of my head.
    4. Moogle
      I noticed your influence from Negima a while ago.
    5. Moogle
      Yeah, there's that problem too. Not to mention Tokyopop and Bandai are now gone.
    6. Moogle
      Yeah. I prefer reading manga in book form.
    7. Moogle
      I haven't read that many mangas lately. What with me having no budget and websites being too much of a hassle
    8. Moogle
      Yeaaaaah I don't like doing the waiting thing if I can help it.
    9. Moogle
      Yes. I tend to watch a whole series at a time, rather than jump around.
    10. Napoléon
      What ? You don't like the Sasuke x Orochimaru angle ? XD
      You had 7 hours between classes ?! Wow, aren't you lucky ?

      I figured it wasn't ._.
    11. Moogle
      I'll keep that in mind next time I have a free eye to cast.
    12. ü
      Oh, I must have missed the thread! Thanks for letting me know!
    13. Moogle
      Parodyception, where the parodies are so complex and interparodied that they cease to be a parody and end up being a legitimate production.
    14. Moogle
      That's what Captain America the movie was. It was great.
    15. Moogle
      The title is misleading. Besides, I hate the term "edgy". It's a very. . . marketable word. It's too 'big business' for my tastes. Aaaaaanywayssssssss so stuff.
    16. Moogle
      I don't prescribe to the idea of the anti-hero, only because the idea confuses me as a basis, and it's far easier for me to fall back on the labels I already know rather than introducing another to the mix and making things more complicated than necessary. But yeah. She made sacrifices, because the Rot induced by the Synectophy killing whatshisfacetheprotagonist ruined the universe that her brother resided in, and killed him. So she wanted to break all laws of time to change the past.
    17. Napoléon
      I think Sasuke is just lonely and confused; He knows that Orochimaru was in love with him (it seems almost literally) and he just wanted company. I know that's not the real reason, however, that is my official theory ;)
      You're in school now ? How was your first day ? Are you liking your classes so far ?

      YAY internet cookie :3
      Was it really a big mystery ?
    18. Moogle
      During her travels, she had her body augmented so that she was as powerful as possible to harness the energy needed for time travel, then stole the hearts of Yen Sid and Merlin for a magic amp. Thus, she was highly unstable and had to be careful about her magic use or else she would either: A, explode from underusing magic and having magical backup or B, would initiate a chain reaction from using too much magic at once and wouldn't be able to stop, going critical much like a broken reactor.
    19. Become
      I think we need to circle the wagons for DoE....
    20. Napoléon
      I finally understand your signature !
      Motx = Tom + x

      Sorry for the randomness.