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Last Activity:
Jan 22, 2019
Jun 18, 2007
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Oct 6, 1990 (Age: 34)
Wales, United Kingdom


Mr. Detective, 34, from Wales, United Kingdom

Avalantos was last seen:
Jan 22, 2019
    1. Nova
      Nice to see familiar names around here. How've you been?
    2. Plasmos
      Yo deyo bro
    3. Plasmos
      cunt bag !
    4. EtherealSummoner
      Tired and I am in fifteen different places at once.
    5. EtherealSummoner
      And what have you been doing?
    6. Plasmos
      Schools a year here cost the amount of 3 trucks.

      That's another reason why I'm going there, because I don't have to use a fake I.D
    7. Plasmos
      That's the whole soul purpose of me going there anyways.

      Sure am, Business Management/Freelance Agent.
    8. Plasmos
      I got accepted to University of Central St. Martins, It's alright to my standards I suppose.
      Traveling shouldn't be that much of a deal since I've heard that London is pretty cheap.
    9. Plasmos
      Things are going alright I guess, trying to get my visa card so I can go to school in the UK in London, USA is too corrupted.
    10. Plasmos
      lmfao! well I didn't make it so oh well. Overall the header needs to be "mainstream" like all the rest of the sites.
    11. Plasmos
      they changed the banner :(
    12. Plasmos
      Well most of them can't make shit with the exception of one. Hey bro remember when one of them ripped a Kingdom Hearts Banner and tried to use photobucket to edit it. Two of out the bunch rip shit, which is honestly quite sad. Oh yea, one of them got mad and block me on msn, do I put that much fear in people, or is it the embarrassment of their behalf. hmph

      There are no such things as artist's on this forum lawl. In 2008, that's when everything was exciting, when all the original members were here. Oh please don't get me started on the roleplay, these weak ass stories you call roleplay is a joke, and honestly none of them can spell, write, or read it seems. Kingdom Hearts Planet Roleplay Site hosted by vbullshit
    13. Plasmos
      It's funny when you have higher ranks that can't even make graphics but can hire subordinates to do the job. I started growing away from it, simply because everyone here is draining the life out of me. Around the beginning of 2010 was the best year I was actually in making shit.

      Well that's true, nobody is really interested in forum'ing anymore. This place is so draining I don't understand how you can work here and stay on for that long and help out people who can't even make a decent avatar for the least.
    14. Plasmos
      Yes indeed. Wasn't even doing anything productive while I was on the team, so I basically retired. Plus I have other important things to do, besides doing "nothing". I thought it already dropped when You, and Kami left. :P lawl, and who cares what these foolish members do, obviously they suck, especially the entries in the Sotw. I doubt any of them will even go on the SOTW BOARD below the forums.
    15. Plasmos
      hey bro im pink too, sup? lmao
    16. Cameron
      meh, having the usual spring flu, Finland is having shitty weather and all. have started learning to play the piano and started studying Japanese some time ago, good timing indeed.
    17. Cameron
      hey bro, haven't seen you in ages! what's up?
    18. Plasmos
      It's hilarious, although I couldn't agree more. These idiots just have no idea what's in store for them.

      And yea, do that bro you'll be entertained I bet.
    19. Plasmos
      Damn, endless bullshit to bullshit. Same here, decent casual, not so much fun the weather in NYC hasn't been that great as where I'd like it to be.

      Pop up some more when your bored, you've been missing out on the foolishness here.
    20. Plasmos
      lmao on the contrary he'd be my slave. Where you been at, miss ya'll bro, hows life?