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Last Activity:
May 17, 2024
Jun 14, 2008
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A place. You know, the kind with doors and windows
It depends.


Well-Known Member, from A place. You know, the kind with doors and windows

I am not here. Feb 4, 2017

Moogle was last seen:
May 17, 2024
    1. Ventus
      They were becoming old so I deleted them.
    2. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I know how expensive it can get.

      No, I haven't touched them. Just looked and I can't find them either. My guess is they've been permanently deleted since the link to the IC for New Fate doesn't work anymore. And reading your conversation with Destiny saying she didn't do it means that I have no idea as to who would've deleted it.

      Well as long as her soul is strong enough she shouldn't be too worried. Although if given a moment of weakness I'll try to find a time to strike.
    3. Destiny
      Nothing more is occurring. Plus he didn't create it.
    4. Destiny
      Yeah I just looked, Vox is looking into it. If somebody deleted it, it had to have been an admin or super mod because if it was deleted it was perma deleted. Vox is going to try and find out who and if he can bring it back.
    5. Destiny
      Whatdo you mean it's gone?! I saw it earlier!
    6. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      That's when the proper plot starts to kick in. Some groundwork for it was laid with the Mahora Festival Arc. It is in the magic world that you'll get introduced to one of my favorite characters.
    7. Destiny
      I looked and couldn't find it neither anywhere, it wasn't soft deleted, telling me that somebody perma deleted it. The only people with the ability to do that are super mods and admins. So the best bet is to ask if one of them deleted it.

      (Personally I would ask Ventus)
    8. Destiny
      It disappeared? No I have no clue, I'll go look though.
    9. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Yep. Both of those are from Negima. Although to be honest I feel Jun is kinda like an expy of Negi. Not complete, but partly. And Jun's master is meant to be an expy of Nagi, right down to the invincibility. Which is why I most likely won't have him appear.

      Oh, and that little Latin bit in SoN was also inspired from Negima.

      But in my defense, Negima is my favorite manga of all time.
    10. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I figured some people did. Which parts did you notice?
    11. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Yep. But Del Rey releases some good ones though.
    12. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Yeah. I also would rather read official translations. But at the same time I'm impatient and would rather read each chapter as it comes out and not wait for it to be released here. Oh, and there's plenty of manga I read that isn't released here.
    13. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Websites are too much of a hassle? That's where I read all of mine so I don't see much of a hassle. Except when they won't display it anymore due to it being licensed. Then I gotta find another site that has it.
    14. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I hate it so much as well. Which makes the mangas released once a month that I read even worse of a wait.
    15. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Lately I've just been watching them as they're going on. So unfortunately I can't enjoy the entire series all at once. I gotta wait a week for each new episode.
    16. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Do you read manga or watch anime at all?
    17. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      That's fine, I don't feel like you overstepped your bounds with that one. The pearl can detonate however you would like (within reason, of course :p).
    18. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      No need to apologize :)
    19. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      It's your turn in the arena. Looks like you got ganged up on :p if I win my fight Axeus will come help you, but no promises, Wayward/Lao is one hell of an opponent
    20. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      That'd be something. Although there is one manga I'm reading right now that seems kinda like satire or something but it is a completely legitimate story. It is called Medaka Box. You should look it up if you're interested.
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    A place. You know, the kind with doors and windows
    It depends.
    I'm a moogle, kupo. Well, not anymore. Ish.



    A fantastic continuous RP site that I frequent. Warning: Ages 16+ only.
