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Last Activity:
May 17, 2024
Jun 14, 2008
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A place. You know, the kind with doors and windows
It depends.


Well-Known Member, from A place. You know, the kind with doors and windows

I am not here. Feb 4, 2017

Moogle was last seen:
May 17, 2024
    1. Become
      You want me to start it?
    2. Become
      I'd definitely want to see you, myself, and DW back in it. I think if we restarted I'd try to rope Destiny back into it. From there though, I wouldn't know (maybe Vox, if he were up for it); but that mostly depends on if we decide to do invite only again. If we re-do it, I'd want to have, not so much a fast pace, but a consistent one at the least.
    3. Become
      I was thinking we could keep the RP open to a few more people than before. Not too many. Just to dvvy our characters so that we're not overwhelmed.

      And don't worry, I'm gonna keep an eye on summoner in line.
    4. Become
      No. I'm talking about Betwixt. Personally, of there's nothing we can do to salvage the original IC, I'd rather restart it. I don't really want to have to manage four characters at once if I don't have to.
    5. Become
      If there's nothing we can do about it, then we might as well hit the reset button and open the floor to some new faces and ideas.
    6. Destiny
      Well we didn't even get into the story quite yet, plus I was controlling basically everything. I'd rather control the one main point character and work side by side with the main point villain/antagonist.

      And yeah, if I put it up, it would be over Fall break(Thanksgiving)
    7. Destiny
      I liked the story concept, and I'd be happy to do it again, but it died so quickly and didn't seem to catch a lot of interest :(

      If you can get together people interested in it, I'll gladly dig it out of the RP Graveyard :)
    8. EtherealSummoner
      Yes. Yes I will. :mad: I was working on the template but then it was gone altogether when I tried to post it so I have to start over.
    9. Ventus
      It was my thread.
    10. EtherealSummoner
      Like the roleplays that you and Wayward are in. How are they?
    11. EtherealSummoner
      That and unexpected. But enough on that subject. How are the roleplaying going with Wayward?
    12. EtherealSummoner
      He came out as though he wasn't even burnt at all. Kept the flames on the inside.
    13. EtherealSummoner
      It was a private one between me and him. Wasn't on the thread.
    14. EtherealSummoner
      :/ You sure? I was for sure that it jumped up. Maybe there was something else that had been deleted then I guess. -_- And you should've seen Vox's response to Sorabrawl's leaving. He went to hell and back.
    15. EtherealSummoner
      Yaaaay. Your post counts are back! XD I am so nosy and too curious. I need to stop that.
    16. EtherealSummoner
      :o I thought you already know me by now. I am too observant and have a good memory and sometimes, I can feel that something bad will happen... which can sometimes lead me into trouble.
    17. EtherealSummoner
      :eek: Ok... I was just curious only because I thought you had 35+ more post counts than what you had now.
    18. EtherealSummoner
      ... is it just me... or did you lost a lot of post counts?
    19. NeRo
      Well its back but i didnt do it. if i had to guess Ventus undid is mod action.
    20. NeRo
      sadly no i tried. it was hard deleted i can't bring them back
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  • About

    A place. You know, the kind with doors and windows
    It depends.
    I'm a moogle, kupo. Well, not anymore. Ish.



    A fantastic continuous RP site that I frequent. Warning: Ages 16+ only.
