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W.J. Solomon
Last Activity:
Jan 29, 2020
Sep 11, 2008
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W.J. Solomon

Solomon's Reprieve, Male

Dadliest catch. Jan 4, 2019

W.J. Solomon was last seen:
Jan 29, 2020
    1. LDC1121
      well that's awesome, be sure to send me the links to all your videos when you guys post them up :)
    2. LDC1121
      oh that's cool, you gonna play the covers on your guitar?
    3. LDC1121
      that's sounds good, do you have any ideas for what you want your cartoons to be about?
    4. LDC1121
      how are you guys gonna do that? Like what computer programs do you use to create your own cartoons and games?
    5. LDC1121
      you guys are gonna make your own animes and games?! :D I totally want to see that!
    6. LDC1121
      that's still pretty awesome. So you guys want to make like video reviews of popular games and animes?
    7. LDC1121
      is that an actual class?! that sounds AWESOME!! :D
    8. LDC1121
      you're running low on money? been buying a lot of stuff for school?
    9. LDC1121
      I can understand that, that's how I felt last semester because I was involved with so many things, I felt like I never had any time for myself anymore. I think the most important thing is managing your time and prioritizing what's really important
    10. LDC1121
      but rest is important in order for you to go to work and to school. And I really don't suggest using any of those energy drinks, they're so bad for you
    11. LDC1121
      maybe you should cut back on your hours at work so you have time for school work and rest
    12. LDC1121
      oh so you don't have enough energy to get through the day?
    13. LDC1121
      you mean you don't have enough time to do your school work? have you asked your boss for less hours since you're back in school now?
    14. LDC1121
      so how are your classes going? have you been able to get into all of them now?
    15. LDC1121
      that's good to hear :)
    16. LDC1121
      are your co-workers still being perverted assholes?
    17. LDC1121
      part of me wishes I was still working just so I would have something to occupy my free time, even though I hated working at the movies this summer, I do miss all my co-workers cuz I did have a lot of fun with those guys
    18. LDC1121
      exactly lol I haven't left my apartment all weekend except to get food :D I did have some friends come over though to hang out for a little while, mostly because I was too lazy to get up and go see them haha
    19. LDC1121
      sounds like a lot more than what I'm doing lol
    20. LDC1121
      yea, less of a drive is always better lol so any plans for Labor Day weekend?