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Last Activity:
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Jun 14, 2008
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A place. You know, the kind with doors and windows
It depends.


Well-Known Member, from A place. You know, the kind with doors and windows

I am not here. Feb 4, 2017

Moogle was last seen:
May 17, 2024
    1. Become
      Did I say that his rival died? I thought I just had him get shot. But in a nutshell, yeah. His rival is actually gonna became more of a major player in his little story arc, if I ever get the chance to expand on it. I really should start consolidating ideas for that.
    2. Become
      I was actually planning on making character sheets for other characters related to Glyde. Like, pretty much any of the non-player characters that I've linked to his story.
    3. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      That was more or less Wayward's reasoning as well. Very well then. Good luck with the rest of the battle and thanks again for participating! You guys really made the thread awesome.
    4. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      In a PM conversation with Wayward, I had discussed inviting another darkness character in. Wayward felt that you would be able to sufficiently challenge the other two. However, I will let you be the deciding factor; if you feel like having another character would help, I'd be glad to invite another (or even just play one myself).
    5. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Any time :) It was a pleasure fighting alongside you as a fellow warrior of darkness.
    6. Nova
      Done. :) thanks for the reminder.
    7. Destiny
      Fixed(10 char)
    8. Destiny
      Yeah sorry, I read the posts, but scrolling back down to check stuff I did Paomon, I was on my cell so I'll fix it here soon
    9. Become
      Maybe I'll just post again. And then jab DW with a cattle prod so he posts; he is the main villain.
    10. Become
      Well I haven't had much chance to use him. If Diminion of Everything would get off the ground i'd bring him there.
    11. Become
      Mostly polishing off the overall inadequacies of the profile as written. Tweaking his early life/childhood since that hasn't counted for a damn thing just yet. Probably fine-tuning his abilities and weapons.
    12. Become
      Rewriting Adrian/Glyde's profile is such b*************tch!
    13. Become
      I'd just like to point out the fact that the Halloween Bash has started.
    14. NeRo
      Well im really glad your enjoying the RP that makes me happy.
    15. Nova
      Ok. yeah I'll edit. Sorry I havent had much time to do that until now.
    16. NeRo
      i'll PM it, its something i've always wondered but didnt want to offend by asking. but i feel like what the hell.
    17. NeRo
      lol its fine, in my last post it gives time for everyone to post individual responses. by the way i have a question about you.
    18. Kairi831
      Were you planning on joining the Beloved RP.
      I understand if you weren't but we just need one more character.
    19. NeRo
      Alix went to read the message then he motioned Shiori over. After reading it. he called the names of who were on the note to come see it.
    20. Become
      I'll probably edit the original plot outline though, seeing as it seems Ventus had a mindset of centering it on his own characters, judging by the intro. I'll probably give the new one a different title too, unless there's something important about "Betwixt."
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  • About

    A place. You know, the kind with doors and windows
    It depends.
    I'm a moogle, kupo. Well, not anymore. Ish.



    A fantastic continuous RP site that I frequent. Warning: Ages 16+ only.
