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Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2018
Jul 3, 2009
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Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.
Disposing the One Ring with Frodo.


Kuroko Fangirl, Female, from Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.

So, haven't bought KH 2.8 yet. Is it worth the money? I checked online and the average play through time is abysmal.... Jul 10, 2018

Napoléon was last seen:
Jul 11, 2018
    1. ZenaKarma
      Haha, only the good ones in my opinion:3
      And yes, Marching is finally over!! *praises the heavens* Time for Concert Band.
      Now I can finally get to the drawing I was supposed to do forever ago....
    2. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      hahaha oh man i havent been on in the longest time. xD But, i totally agree with you, probably a bad thing to procrastinate lol. But I honestly just want freedom from the life i have, you know, with my parents and my friends here in Nor-Cal. I just wanna live a little bit by myself, and learn from my experiences. I know it would be hard, but I also know that it would probably be better like that
    3. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Congrats. I myself unfortunately got 75% on that exam. Which is a shame since I got most of the questions right.

      Glad you know ;)
    4. Goldfish
      No ones got money for trips... But coming these next Uni Holidays, were planning a Camping trip somewhere. Get all Bear Grylzz like.
    5. ZenaKarma
      There are always good ones out there that I've missed... but not too many X3
      It's kind of been a little bit of both. Luckily Marching season is almost over, so I won't be too swamped with band. And as for the personal issues... I'll stay off that topic:/
    6. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      How have you done on them so far? And I don't really have midterms. For my one class with tests, there are 4 exams and a final. I'm doing the second exam tomorrow.

      So glad you understand that ;)
    7. ZenaKarma
      Haha, I like being creepy:3 It gives a person character. And of course I'll share... but I get first pick lololol
      Thank you for asking by the way.... I'm trying to get started
      Unfortunately I've been getting incredibly distracted lately XP
    8. EtherealSummoner
      ... :/ I said Final Fantasy? I was playing a game so maybe that's why that name popped up while I was typing. I thought I said Zelda.
    9. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I hope you don't like him anymore.
      Ouch. I hope you do well on all of them.

      Nice ;)
    10. Goldfish
      Always having fun. I also have a butt load of Holiday pay and should probably holiday somewhere. the only problem is that I don't want to go by myself
    11. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Why? Sasuke is not a likeable character. In any way whatsoever.
      Ouch. That's horrible.

      Oh yeah ;)
      Am I hot enough to melt the cheese?
    12. Angel
      Why would you be the cooliest?

      TAs? Teacher's Assistant. Never had one. Well maybe.

      Clearly you are way too tired to understand what you are typing.
    13. Angel
      You might be but not the cooliest.

      You have to have a balance of both right! ^_^

      One of the longest movies ever! Definitely not Pringles worthy
    14. Angel
      Hey! I know some pretty cool nerds.

      Yeah it is. I wish that I had a personal assistant.

      Yeah the best movie of all times.
    15. Angel
      While reading that I was just thinking. She thinks textbooks are cool. Nerd!
      Just kidding at your a nerd but not at me thinking that.

      I slightly am! What about you?

      Well that's far off. Every Christmas holiday, I watch Grandma got ran over by a reindeer.
    16. Angel
      Interesting! It's really sad when I take notes and laugh at the lamest attempt at a joke. That's when you know the book is boring. really are a busy body with the studies and what not.

      Not cruel. I'm just happy that my life is smooth sailings. "Tanks as in vmrrrrr"
    17. Angel
      Write midterm? If you mean a paper. Absolutely not! I only had a midterm test in History. 95! Heck Yes.
      Religion is okay! If we had one big religion instead of different ideas and views and branches. The world would be a easier place. Meaning my world.

      Haha I'm so glad its not me. XD
    18. Tamashi no Ryu
      Tamashi no Ryu
      I wish i was in uni, that work load i heard wasnt super bad, but it can get overwhelming if you put it off. But the freedom, omigawd the freedom, that makes it all worthwhile xD
    19. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Not strong enough really. Anyways the characters I like are the 4th hokage and Kakashi.
      I might.

      I dunno about that. I kinda wanna make it a bit hotter ;)
    20. Angel
      I think it has 5 or 6. History in general is boring. Mainly it's about religion because religion pretty much is the driving force behind history. First test Roman Empire/Catholicism and now the Midterm, Islamic Culture.

      Writing for Science sounds so awful. I would never pick a class with writing + science in it.