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Last Activity:
May 17, 2024
Jun 14, 2008
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A place. You know, the kind with doors and windows
It depends.


Well-Known Member, from A place. You know, the kind with doors and windows

I am not here. Feb 4, 2017

Moogle was last seen:
May 17, 2024
    1. EtherealSummoner
      *Facepalms mentally*
    2. Become
      Yeah. If things aren't wrapped up by Saturday, I'm calling the round. This is taking longer than I thought it would.
    3. Become
      Nope. Just crazy.
    4. Become
      Though come to think of it, I'm probably gonna have two or three opponents, because that's how Glyde rolls these days.
    5. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Cool, I'll definitely give it a look.
    6. Become
      I'm planning on the latter. That he'll have a battle, which I'll do with someone over the Arena who's willing to do the favor for me (I'm certain that Kurai or DW would be more than willing to do it). Then, I have the battle with Glyde being tossed into some kind of ravine or abyss, and he just throws a portal spell circle out somewhere below.
    7. Become
      I was gonna have Glyde do something similar. But I was thinking I would lead into it with a quick battle challenge against someone. Mostly because I want him to come in having taken a bit of a beating. lol.
    8. EtherealSummoner
      I was just wondering. Just that so many people down here is getting ill so much lately (I guess it is because of the season or that it is raining so much) and it is having an effect on our emotions so seeing your caption just made me curious.
    9. EtherealSummoner
      Still have a head cold? Not trying to be an annoyance or anything but that phrase is making me curious.
    10. Become
      I remember that game. Fun time. Got caught by a zombie in the second day. I think it's because I tried to go back for a sock I had dropped. And I was going up hill to get away. Kinda wish I could be somewhere to play it again.
    11. Become
      On another note, you know you can 'steal' BK's next post your Bash battle if you'd like. They haven't posted in three+ days.
    12. Become
      It's just better to have everything on the flash drive, I think. Edits are pretty easy. Even if the internet is down I can look through my characters and revise things about them. And if a site goes down I don't need to worry about all the work being lost.
    13. Become
      No. On a Word document. I'm revamping the whole sheet. I find it easier to word with a word file when it comes to characters. I've got like three sheets for him. But I figure since he hasn't really branched out into alternative time lines just yet, it's not worth posting a new sheet. It'll be done pretty soon actually.
    14. Become
      Finally finished writing up the revised history for Glyde. I think it's a lot less overbearing than the original one.
    15. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      So, just to be sure, the slot for Leader of the Syneptophy is open? I believe in the last version of Dominion, Desert Warrior was going to play a character named Matthius who was the leader of the syneptophy. That is not the case in this thread, correct?
    16. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Thanks for the support. But I sent everyone a VM saying it had started and not everybody has posted in it.
    17. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      That's alright. Unfortunately it already looks like it isn't really going anywhere.
    18. Become
      The first one with modifications might see use somewhere as an insufferable tag-long.
    19. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Didn't I make the last post in Dominion?
    20. Become
      I might do something with the first one. But I'm not sure. That RP never really went anywhere so I don't see it as worth running with.
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  • About

    A place. You know, the kind with doors and windows
    It depends.
    I'm a moogle, kupo. Well, not anymore. Ish.



    A fantastic continuous RP site that I frequent. Warning: Ages 16+ only.
