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Last Activity:
Feb 15, 2019
Aug 23, 2012
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April 2
Receptionist, Comic Artist


A Lazy Comic Artist, Male, from Georgia

Lord almighty time to get back in action May 17, 2018

FON was last seen:
Feb 15, 2019
    1. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      Ummm dude no one was fussing and please don't ever call me a girl again. I don't tolerate disrespect from anyone. Also if you read my post I asked for my post to be deleted so it wouldn't cause another spam post like you just did. Maybe you should consider reading before you go stepping into something dude.
      Thank You for your time. :D
    2. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Okay, thanks for fixing that.
    3. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Hey Zac, sorry to keep harping on you, but let me quote something from your character sheet:

      "Medusa's Curse: She can turn anyone who lusts after her, who stares into her eyes into stone, only she can turn them back to normal, but as you can imagine she does not."

      Eckart certainly does NOT lust for Sylvia, in fact, he quite dislikes her due to how they met. So Sylvia shouldn't be able to turn him to stone, even his legs.
    4. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      :/ Okay well edit your post to accommodate it. Please read the posts more thoroughly in the future.
    5. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      No problem. A question though, what happened to the punch that Eckart threw? I was expecting you to resolve that, but all you said was the sleeve wrapped around him and turned into a snake.
    6. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Hey, just letting you know, your post in the Spirit World has some powerplaying in it. You aren't really allowed to auto-hit with an attack. Please avoid that in the future or I will bring it to the attention of a mod (I am supposed to do that right away, but I figured I'd give you a heads-up first).
    7. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      "He looked and saw the weather became worse, which was then he lowered his football,"

      Is football some kind of Halo slang for "shotgun?" XD
    8. EtherealSummoner
    9. BK-201
      Hey Zacax, you play yugioh ?
    10. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Okay, let me say this quick.

      Stop posting everytime someone else does, it makes it so much more difficult for people to catch up on what's going on in the rp.

      I'm aware that the other site you were on had fast paced rps but this isn't that other site. Slow it down, and give others a chance to post and/or catch up a'ight?

    11. Destiny
      I knew I forgot a part of the post. Zac can't get to Violet and Cole. The portal is closed and only Violet had access to it
    12. EtherealSummoner
      That's ok. I added the conversation with Kokomon at the top. My post is edited.
    13. EtherealSummoner
      XD WHOOPS! My bad! I did not realize that you will throw Kokomon in it yet. Let me edit my post.
    14. EtherealSummoner
      Well, I didn't think of your character being in control of Kokomon. What Vox was thinking is that your human character will be in control of two digimon and I wasn't thinking of that. If that was what you were thinking, then I was not what I had in mind.
    15. EtherealSummoner
      XD Pretty much the same thing that I was planning too. I am curious as to how we want it to end for the two of them though.
    16. EtherealSummoner
      What did you want to do with Kokomon?
    17. NeRo
      slow down the post in Digimon lets not get to far ahead. and make your post longer if you intend to post more.
    18. Destiny
      hey for your shadow character I set it up for an easy come in with Selena.
    19. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Hey, double check your posts dude, Starmon got incinerated and Ashe is guarding Aire.
    20. Destiny
      hey please watch the length of your posts in RP. There's a rule of minimum three lines, not two or one.
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  • About

    April 2
    Receptionist, Comic Artist
    I am a comic artist and college student, currently working on a comic called Freak of Nature, available on Webtoons and Tapastic.
