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Resident Tashian

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Any RPers still floating around? Aug 4, 2021

    1. EtherealSummoner
      I had the same idea. I was afraid that there is no one to have a digimon for KOD and Abyssal so I told Vox if I can make a digimon. He said yes and I thought up of Meramon. Well, I am over Togemon for Roaringflames character so that is ok.
    2. EtherealSummoner
      Lol. I told Vox that I was going to use a Meramon against KOD and Abyssal. Oh well. I'll try to find a different digimon.
    3. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      It was the section where I was confused about the omniversal nature of the arena. I felt like It detracted from the overall conversation.
    4. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Finally got my profile up. Tell me if anything needs to be changed.
    5. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Just thought I'd check since it was a late addition. Working on my character now.
    6. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Alright then. I will have a character by the end of the day. Should I PM the character to you, or just post it in the OOC?
    7. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Yeah, I feel like all arena battles should be considered non-continuum unless otherwise stated.
    8. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      Okay edited. You can post or wait for KOD if you please.
    9. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      Im oh so sorry did not read at all dude. I go fix it.
    10. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Alright then. Sounds good to me. Any other points we should go over? I think what we've discussed could make a pretty thorough guide. I do feel it is important to explain that the arena is an omniversal setting up front though.

      Again, sorry for the confusion.
    11. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      As in, the canon arena battles would have their own universe, so to speak (or, worded another way, the canon arena battles are omniversal)? If that were the case, then the original version of the rule would suffice:

      "a character with the necessary powers can bring them back in some manner. The only stipulation on that is the character that facilitates the deed needs to belong to another RPer"

      I think that covers it fine :p sorry for the misunderstanding.
    12. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      I think that's reasonable. Of course, the one doing the resurrecting should be from the same universe as the resurrect-ee. Also I think it should only be applicable to a universe that allows resurrection. A pretty obvious necessity, but I felt it should be stated. Other than that I think it's a pretty good addition.

      Maybe resurrections can be added to the end of the battle that the character died in, as a sort of an epilogue? That way, it can be RPed but it doesn't have to take up a whole thread. Just a suggestion, might seem tedious to some.
    13. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Then you put it in context; if your character participates in a canon arena battle, that battle becomes a part of their character's history. Your character gets a new addition to their story line. Furthermore, if you participate in a canon arena battle and your character dies, that character is dead. For good. The only exception would be if you participated in a flashback style RP where you played in your character's past.

      There should also be some note about parallel story lines. For example, you use one character across multiple RPs because those RPs are in different universes. Optimally, the RPers would be required to have a template for each universe the character has participated in (assuming their history/powers etc change in between universes). Then, in order to enter a canon arena battle with that character, the opponent(s) must be from the same universe as you.

      Phew. All of this sounding correct? Is it helpful?
    14. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Read this blurb first.

      When writing a guide for canon arena battles, I guess the first issue to address would be "what does it mean if something is canon?" Well, it means that it meets the criteria necessary to be considered part of a larger story line; to become part of that story's history. Give an example, or multiple, they always help people grasp the big picture. A direct definition can be helpful too: canon is the criteria by which you can discern if an event or action is part of a larger story line. A canon arena battle is one where all of the characters are from the same story line, and the battle become a part of that universe's history.
    15. Nova
      Oh that's right, I remember now.
    16. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Sure, I'd be willing to help. Should we collaborate over VM, or was there another medium you had in mind?
    17. Destiny
      Ok awesome, and Sunday evening after my band concert I should be good to go to get it all live.
    18. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      You are correct.
    19. Nova
      What about the fairy?
    20. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Perhaps we aren't destined to talk over messenger?
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