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Desert Warrior
Last Activity:
Dec 4, 2019
Apr 28, 2008
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Desert Warrior

Well-Known Member, from California

My times between logging on are far apart enough that the site forgets to keep me logged in. I have problems. Jan 27, 2019

Desert Warrior was last seen:
Dec 4, 2019
    1. Moogle

      I yield the victory of this chatwar to you two.
    2. Moogle
    3. Moogle
      Yes, I noticed. Whenever I was on your page to type something up, your conversations dominated your vms.
    4. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      she is waiting on you lol
    5. Moogle
      I know, man. 4 days since she was last on - she's a busy gal!
    6. Moogle
      Yeah. Speaking of which, I'm going to go pester Hope about replying to SoN
    7. Moogle
      In "recent" times, anyways. i know about New org, and New Dawn was entirely successful if with a few crazy detours and roadbumps.
    8. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      It was training.

      Your character learned how to fight from Ace, as did Jos. I'd say you get up and thank Ace or something.
    9. Moogle
      It's mostly his fault. I mean, after the time warp we could have had a roleplay that PROPERLY finished on this site!
    10. Moogle
      Well, FM is a separate entity from the real thing. Thanks to alternate ending -

      I blame Sora for the failure of that roleplay, considering we could have ended it properly, but he insisted you contininue.
    11. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      post in Zelda yet?
    12. Moogle
      Basically, in the original, the Rot is what happened because Jaden died. As the Synectophy progressed forward with their destruction, other planes of reality were affected as well, slowly just becoming infected. Each world becomes infected in its own way. Some realities just lose their plant life. Others force all their denizens to go mad. For the plane FM's brother was on, a keyblade war was touched off at a crucial moment when it could have been avoided altogether.
    13. Moogle
      Well, in Dominion shit got fucked up so several years in the future, FM met up with Siri or whatever Des's character was and committed to going back and time and preventing that future. Of course, things got even more fucked up along the way and Jaden somehow got resurrected and then went to go fight Matthias. FM was ready to do anything by this point, because her brother had died thanks to the Rot.
    14. Moogle
      It's Malisa from the alternate timeline, so it's a different case. Yes she is still dimension-hopping, but her goals have changed. Remember, if I said the original Dominion thread failed, I would edit how it should have ended into her bio. Since nobody else cared, I did that.
    15. Moogle
      More so the latter, but the former is likely to happen as well.
    16. Napoléon
      I used to really like Sasuke when I was 12 years old xD
      He was my emo boy.
      It is. On a side note, I have MidTerms all month >.<

      I stand by what I said a year ago; You're like a Greek god ;)
      Frigging right you are ! ;]
    17. Moogle
      It's future Jals. She's got problems.
    18. Moogle
      Feel free to do whoever. I intend for this to be a canon mach for FM, so stuff.
    19. Moogle
      Yes, pretty much. Future Malisa, if you do not remember from the original Dominion, is the one that sent bodies back in time and still had enough juice left over to freeze every instance of reality in that present moment. Of course, she can't do that now or else she'll freeze up too like she did then.
    20. Moogle
      would you like to do a "godmode" match in the Arena sometime? Perhaps after the Halloween Bash is over? I feel like Future Malisa needs some love.
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    Sometimes I think that if I had all the time in the world I still wouldn't get around to doing some of the things I have been meaning to do.