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Desert Warrior
Last Activity:
Dec 4, 2019
Apr 28, 2008
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Desert Warrior

Well-Known Member, from California

My times between logging on are far apart enough that the site forgets to keep me logged in. I have problems. Jan 27, 2019

Desert Warrior was last seen:
Dec 4, 2019
    1. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Well first of all, do you dislike yaoi?
    2. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      We should have a talk about plans for Sol and Ace... I have something planned for the two of them(And Jos at some point) and since Sol is your character, I find it only right to talk to you about it before attempting it. ^^
    3. Become
      Well she already knows about the dreams. Sol has just told her. Considering that she's born of a wiser race than humans, it only makes sense that she'd have at least some insight. In any case, she should say something to someone.
    4. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Posted in Sol.
    5. Become
      I probably should have been clearer. Along the way, be sure to have Impa shed light on the dreams. It'll set me up for a good cut away to introduce the demon lord.
    6. Moogle
      Sheesh! You don't have to rub it in. . .
    7. Moogle
      Agh, you win XD
    8. Become
      Hey dude. Just go and post as Sol and Impa in Legend of Sol. I'm sure Hope will understand.
    9. Moogle
      It does if you're an evil mastermind, which I certainly am not. The Knights, on the other hand. . .
    10. Moogle
      I've been planning this thing for going on three years now. I'm a LITTLE insane.
    11. Moogle
      'Zactly. And I can be frustratingly nonchalant about what happens next with you guys trusting me not to be totally insane. *cough cough*
    12. Moogle
      Private ones have more invested RPers. They've all put their sweat, blood, and tears into their work. Look at SoN, look at New Dawn. New Dawn might not have been private in the beginning, but it eventually gained exclusivity. With public RPs, there's not nearly as much of their being required to put effort into the writing. Not to say that they're lazy, but there's not as much tethering them to the setting.
    13. Moogle
      eyup. Anther one bites the dust.
    14. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Overall, Leon's abilities are much more defensive. I think you're right, Keiko's abilities seem to edge it out a bit in total power level. Her having access to Akuryou Form is the main decider. Keiko also has more offensive options, while Leon has more defensive (as already stated). With this analysis, I must say I'm really impressed with the fight so far. You've been able to do really well with (slightly) less powerful abilities.

      Good luck with the rest of the fight!
    15. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Super Strength- Makes Leon a beast in close combat. Someone without super strength with be hard pressed to beat him at this range.
      Blood Heal- Easily your most powerful ability. Basically makes it so that damage you deal also heals you, similar to permanent life drain but less reliable.
      Shadow Meld- Allows for optimal sneak attacks. Conceals presence and has no limitations or duration. Great defensive option.
      Glide- Good for extra maneuverability, but probably your least powerful ability.
      Transformation- Similar to Shadow Meld in practice, can be better or worse depending on the situation. The combination of the two gives a lot of defensive support.
      Intangibility- Again, a defensive option. More of a fallback for when Shadow Meld and Transformation wont work.
      Flexibility- Ties with Glide for least useful ability. Allows for stuff like Leon dodging the Golem with an acrobatic back arch.
      Super Hearing- A reliable tracking system. Makes it hard to sneak attack Leon.
    16. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      I'm curious, so let's compare our abilities.

      Shadow Weapon- can have any weapon at her disposal at the cost of magical energy.
      Blood Magic- Has restricted aura attacks that require her to drain her blood in order to use. Nankan and Jirai are both powerful.
      Broom Flight- Her go-to distance setter. Helps stay out of close combat.
      Golem Familiar- Can summon a slow but powerful Golem.
      Magic Eater- Can negate medium- to low-power spells.
      Akuryou Form- This form grants a benefit to Keiko's base stats but also strips her off her Blood Magic and Golem Familiar. In return, provides Deathly Wail and Murder Beam.
    17. Moogle
    18. Moogle
      yes I was involved. I just never joined the group. Maybe I didn't know about it? Whatever the case, it was a promising RP.
    19. Moogle
      Ah. And somehow it was my idea.
    20. Moogle
      And those were also when the groups were. . . actually USED.
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    Sometimes I think that if I had all the time in the world I still wouldn't get around to doing some of the things I have been meaning to do.