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Last Activity:
Sep 14, 2013
Jun 3, 2012
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Oct 31, 1998 (Age: 26)
Japanese Translator for Web-Manga


愛久見人心, 26, from 。.:*・フッキアル:.*・。

Khroma was last seen:
Sep 14, 2013
    1. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Welcome back!
    2. Reprise
      Lmao, I'll stop being apologetic when you do.

      Oh, I see. I think you two will be fine with each other anyway. Oh and what do those two characters mean?
    3. Reprise
      You apologizing makes me feel apologetic for some reason, lol.
      Thanks for caring, really :)

      On that subject, are you and Brandon okay with each other? Sorry for being intrusive.
    4. Reprise
      Ononono, sorry. I meant, like, when you were making the icons and wallpapers, did you just do it for fun or did you think about coming back? I'm glad you're staying though.
    5. Reprise
      Wow... 15 is quite a lot. Did you plan on returning or did you just come back on a whim? Thanks; I don't think the admins and mods'll be angry at you for contributing to the site.
    6. Reprise
      Ahh, I understand; I haven't been able to post an article in weeks because of exams T_T
      In any case, random stuff is better than nothing, so you could still help us out every now and then without committing to anything, if that's alright with you.

      And no probly :D
    7. Reprise
      Hey! Are you gonna join the GFX team again? Just curious. Welcome back, by the way :D
    8. Kairi831
      Yay! Yay! Yay!!
      You're back!!! cx
    9. Angel
      I knew you would! Khroma wouldn't die so easily! :D
      She has a lot of busy work to live for.
    10. Napoléon
      Yes, if anybody wants your Facebook, I shall give it to them (:

      Don't worry about it Skwippy, I'll always miss you .xo
      I hope you come back to the forum someday <333
    11. Napoléon
      Anyway Skwippy, I'm heading off to bed ):
      I really hope things go well for you .xo
    12. Napoléon
      Wow, a lot of things have really happened =\
      I wish this would have been resolved in a different way so that you guys could have stayed, but there's not much we can do about it now.
      Ya'll were cool, and I'll miss you Skwippy v-v
    13. Napoléon
      You're not a selfish kwittie ):
      If you want to leave, it's your choice.
      I'll miss you though :\

      I'll probably create a Skype sometime this week when I'm not too busy xD

      PG and BID already left ?! Man, I've missed a lot !
      Why after you talk to Vox ?
      I'm so confused Skwippy TwT
    14. Napoléon
      Wait, don't leave ! Things always cool down after some time ):
      I'm going to miss my Skwippy !

      I'll check my PM's in a few moments ;_;

      Maybe I'll have to make myself a Skype because of this >.>
      Are you sure you're leaving ?
    15. Napoléon
      Wait, it's going to be your last day here o:
      Why ?
      Where's my Skwippy going ? T_T

      And I missed you a bunch <3
    16. Kairi831
      I'm mostly on Skype >.<';
      I have a YouTube channel, I'll have to subscribe to you :3
    17. Kairi831
      I see, it is like most people are abruplty leaving. .
      Erm, well, do you have anything to where I can keep in touch with you?
    18. Kairi831
      Why is everyone leaveing? o.O
    19. Kairi831
      I am doing well, actually.
      Kind of tired, listening to music, the usual, lol.

      Whats up?
    20. Angel
      Silly Khroma. I finished that long ago. I figured. You didn't need me asking you for favors!
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  • About

    Oct 31, 1998 (Age: 26)
    Japanese Translator for Web-Manga
    Nationality: Hakka, Taiwanese, Mandarin, and Canto; speak- Taiwanese, Mandarin, Hakka,+Jap.

    Piano, Flute, Piccolo, Viola, Dizi, Ocarina; Kendo+Kyudo; Choreography; Graphic Design+Edit; Drawing


    ☆♪。・: * :・゚ Avatar + Signature Edited By Me; Avatar + Signature Is Of Takahashi Yashichiro's Shana x Yuji From Shakugan no Shana Series. ゚・: *:・。♪☆


    Skwippy x Spwaky Ninja Kittie League - "Spread The Love; One At A Time."
    I'm Napoléon'z Skwippy. Thwe Spwetacular, Adowable, Wuffie, Luffie, Mwagical, Pweanut Bwutter Hwuggie Kwittie