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Taboo Sho
Last Activity:
Apr 20, 2024
Feb 22, 2012
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Awarded Medals 1

Dec 20, 1994 (Age: 30)
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Twitch Streamer

Taboo Sho

The Math Emperor, 30, from USA

Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

Time to pick up the slack. Nov 11, 2020

Taboo Sho was last seen:
Apr 20, 2024
    1. Become
      Except that if it's not canon, he has no prior experience to bring up.
    2. Become
      Except that his 'travels' are moot point. The battle is non-canon. And even if it was, Ace, in this incarnation, hasn't existed beyond the Zelda RP.
    3. Become
      By your description of the ability, he would still be vulnerable though. His body is merely being covered in fire. It would just be impractical to mount a physical assault against him.

      And how is it that he knows who my character is without prior knowledge?
    4. Become
      It'll work. I know you're limited to how much you can post in one go. The only concern I have is his ability to become "invulnerable" for 30 seconds. First off, it's pretty difficult to become 100% invulnerable; so I wonder a bit on how he pulls that off. Second off, 30 seconds in battle time is a pretty long span, and time in that sense is particularly fickle when in an RP battle; I'd prefer that you give it a post count (ie - after three posts the effects wear off, or something like that).
    5. Khroma
      ssssoooo.. it is possible then? :O
      being wild and being under half-ownership. ^w^

      alright then; if you have anymore, then please don't hesitate to tell me. ^w^
    6. Become
      DW is the one who should post for Impa in Hope's absence. I'll post for Jos if Hope hasn't come back around in the next day or two.
    7. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      Hey im not sure just following the plan, waiting for people to post so I can fall into place.

      Oh yeah and if your ready to battle me just let me know, Im done bro.
      Ill send you my FC when you send yours.
    8. Khroma
      I be a kittie and go find acornz and eat acornz/other stuff?
      itz like being a wild cat but domesticated at the same time.
      I dunno; thinking of how wild catz would be living like while being under ownership.

      dosh Sho kittie have any other proposal for Skwippy to think also think about?
    9. Khroma
      oouuuu. I seeeeeeeeee.
      how about I take care of myself,
      but I be under her ownership?
      (is that even possible? orz)

      but yus, i will think about it;
      thank you :D
    10. Khroma
      wow. ...that is a bizzare combination.
      I'll have to think about that for a while
      if thatz okay with you (me thinking about that).

      just a thought; why couldn't we be both Napoleon'z kittie again? ;w;
      (sorry for asking ..TTwTT)
    11. Khroma
      I don't like puppies, to all of my honesty -sobsobsob-
      I'm sorry I don't like puppies D:
      I had an extremely horrible experience with them......

      but i'm extremely happie you're learning to share ;w;
    12. Khroma
      thank you so much ;w;
    13. Become
      I wouldn't go so far as to call Goht a general. Seems like more of a semi-sentient weapon, based on what I know of it. But would probably be recovered relatively soon, once the Demon Lord has reconstituted his spirit; basically, once Koumake finishes the release process, it'll seem like it failed, but only because the essence of the DL will need to pull itself together.
    14. Become
      Well, Koumake is technically the 'top general.' But I was gonna haves small battalion of iron knuckles.

      I was figuring Goht would be somewhere along Zora River. The first place that I intend to have the DL attack all out is Kakariko.
    15. Become
      Don't get me wrong. It's fine that we're going to use it to spur the characters to action. It's just happening too soon.
    16. Become
      And mind you there's still a bit that needs to happen before the Demon Lord mounts an open assault on Hyrule. Once he's revived he'll most certainly call upon his underlings to join him. But he's got other things to do before he can combat Hyrule directly.
    17. Become
      By all means it shouldn't reach Hyrule until the RP has settled. The DL will dispatch it once he sees fit.
    18. Become
      Like I said, I'd prefer if it was left out entirely for now. There's plenty going on as it is. And the heroes will be spurred to action soon enough. It just needs to happen organically.
    19. Become
      There's no point to it. Your post already has it as having gotten into the town.

      I don't want this RP to spiral into chaos so soon (which is exactly what will happen with this beast).
    20. Become
      Like, in total honesty, I'd prefer it if you edited out the impending doom on Castleton, and saved it for later on.