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Desert Warrior
Last Activity:
Dec 4, 2019
Apr 28, 2008
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Desert Warrior

Well-Known Member, from California

My times between logging on are far apart enough that the site forgets to keep me logged in. I have problems. Jan 27, 2019

Desert Warrior was last seen:
Dec 4, 2019
    1. Napoléon
      True. Are phones evil like that ? I'm actually considering the possibility of getting a cellphone this summer xD
      I'm lacking faith in myself right now ! I want the headache to be over ! Captain D.W. you must do something to vanquish the mean exams ! >_<

      See, this is clearly a sign that blue eyes rock. We're a part of the blue eyes club~
      I don't like ecology because it's biology and statistics annoying lovechild.
      I think I need chemistry right now >_>;

      You're Mr. Wonderful ~!
    2. FON
      Alright, I'll ask either one of them when I see them online.

      Thank you Desert
    3. FON
      Hey I decided to ask you this.

      In trying to post a new RP OOC, but it keeps redirecting me to the front page whenever I hit post, and it doesn't show on the RP thread. I know you aren't on the RP staff, but since you are a staff member I thought I should ask since you are currently on
    4. Napoléon
      Did MSN eat the email ? D:
      Bleh, exams are coming up soon and I'm super stressed >_<

      He does ! Blue eyes are the best (I may be saying that because I have blue eyes...)
      That's understandable. I don't like studying ecology, but I have to -_-

      It clearly is, because it's true ;)
    5. Napoléon
      Your e-mail is probably in my inbox; I haven't checked my mail in a while because of all the homework o: Please don't hate me, because I love you >_>' I'll check it out tomorrow since it's 12:30 a.m. I'd like to resume talking to you via e-mail again as well.

      Not to mention that Gaara looks adorable with his big blue-ish eyes !
      Awwwh. I know that you can do well in Calculus, it's just a lot of work and a bunch of complicated steps. I find the more practice problems I do, the better I understand the material which helps with finals.

      The confidence you have ! It turns me on in more ways than one (if that's even possible ;) )
    6. Napoléon
      Thanks; I'm only somewhat around though. I'll be visiting the site more regularly once my first year at University is done !

      Do you like Gaara too ? :3
      That sucks v.v How are you doing this semester ?

      I don't think it can ever leave you ;)
    7. Become
      Because of real life circumstances Reprise has dropped from our battle. You're free to step in and give your two cents on things before we start.
    8. Become
      If Reprise doesn't sink their teeth into it soon I might just have you come in anyways.

      I would like to get the private RP going. We just need a plot/backstory write up.
    9. Become
      Unfortunately we've filled the fourth spot. Reprise has agreed to join the battle, since we weren't sure when you'd be back.
    10. Become
      He dude. How would you feel about getting something going in the arena between me, you, Requiem and Kurai?
    11. Napoléon
      Better? What do you mean ? Gaara is fabulous with a cherry on top ;)
      You got a 75 on an exam that you got most of the questions right ? What form of black magic is that ?! We must vanquish it !

      You're still delectable >w>
    12. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Can we talk over MSN?
    13. Become
      That would be the case. A significantly large power source, that could power civilization for generations to come.
    14. Become
      Submarines and boats would exist, but only for the express purpose of salvaging and short-term travel (IE - crossing an inland lake or traveling along a river to a coastal area.
    15. Become
      The basic world setup (which is what I'm most interested in emulating) has the planet almost entirely flooded over by water. The remaining land is found in disjointed islands, which people navigate by way of large flying machines. The world therein is provided energy by (usually large) crystalline objects, which are found most often in underground ruins and the like. Special people known as "Diggers" explore ruins and find these objects, sometimes to profit off of them, and sometimes simply to renew their energy supplies.
    16. Become
      Requiem said that technology should be enough to have a cyborg. So I'm thinking it'll be a tech-Scifi sort of thing. I'm kind of leaning towards something like te Megaman Legends series.
    17. Become
      Sounds pretty solid. Though I wish you'd include me in the planning, seeing as it's just gonna be the three of us.
    18. Moogle
      We should get Wayward's input on those two potential paths.
    19. Moogle
      That'd be an interesting idea. Like a Sir Francis Drake -> Nathan Drake sort of gap, or something like "My parents went for this treasure and now I am!"
    20. Moogle
      Oh. So we're not being chased by Nazis for the power of the Lost Ark?
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    Sometimes I think that if I had all the time in the world I still wouldn't get around to doing some of the things I have been meaning to do.