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Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /var/www/html/squareelite/public_html/forum/library/Zend/Registry.php on line 206

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /var/www/html/squareelite/public_html/forum/library/Zend/Registry.php on line 206

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /var/www/html/squareelite/public_html/forum/library/Zend/Registry.php on line 206
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  2. Hi Guest, you may have noticed that we aren't anymore. For more information on why these changes are happening, check out our thread, Site Re-Brand Updates
Last Activity:
Jul 22, 2024
Jun 24, 2007
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Awarded Medals 1

Chicago, IL
College Student


Your Supreme Lord And Savior, from Chicago, IL

Staff Member Administrator

Have i really been away for so long.....? Jun 13, 2019

NeRo was last seen:
Jul 22, 2024
    1. Kitty
      There you are! Please look at my post in the admin chatter when you get the chance and let me know what you think. XD
    2. EtherealSummoner
      Lol. I was trying to figure out why you have stars next to Ni for the longest until I realize you are talking about that word for black folks. XD HAHAHA! ... I'm so slow.
    3. Kitty
      Thank you, darling. Make some of your own. Then it'll be a party. XD
    4. Destiny
      Hey your move in Pokemon
    5. BK-201
      Hey Vox, I got an idea for a roleplay and I'm wondering if your interested.
    6. EtherealSummoner
      I know what you mean. As for me, I have been enjoying my vacation lately. Internet is not a part of my priority lately. Don't know when Destiny will be done with college though.
    7. EtherealSummoner
      So how is my dear leader doing? Enjoying the winter vacation?
    8. Angel
      So my character in Digimon, Zeo, is not needed!
    9. Moogle
      Depends on how everything else happens. At some point, she's got to be in some sort of direct danger for Labramon to digivolve (I'm doing it the classic method, yo!), and then some second event involving her finally realizing her friendship with labramon (and maybe impmon or somebody) is valid will get her the crest. She already has the tag, so she's halfway there. Her mega will be accessed thanks to Angewomon's gift of a Holy Ring. Unless Labramon goes all ragey. Then She'll go the Skullgreymon route and become DarkSphinxmon.
    10. Moogle
      That's not very evil at all. I was expecting like. . . an Iranian hostage crisis or something.
    11. Moogle
    12. Deos Bene
      Deos Bene
      Vox's superior from another game NOW BOW DOWN
      Jk I know Vox from PSN my friends call me Gg. :)
    13. EtherealSummoner
      XD Who is that strange member?
    14. Deos Bene
      Deos Bene
      5 weeks? sheesh I only get 2 weeks one for christmas and one for new years
      lucky lol..
    15. EtherealSummoner
      <_< Oh my gooosh. I can't even enjoy what I want to do because I am swinging on the rooftops for some Christmas lights for dear ol' mother.... NOT what I want to do for my five weeks of winter vacation.
    16. Deos Bene
      Deos Bene
      Hey buddy :D....
      I'm just going to spend my time here from now on since my PS3 broke and I need to find a way to cope online...
    17. EtherealSummoner
      XD Lol. You and Kitty need to speed it up in the Titan thread. I already beat you two to the stocks making and I am not even a part of the contest.
    18. Moogle
      Well aren't you busy ! :P
    19. Moogle
      I believe your presence is required in Digimon.
    20. Kitty
      I don't bother with any other forums, so I wouldn't notice that, but it's a shame if it's true. But I don't know that this site has ever really had a strong gfx presence for very long; it kind of comes and goes.

      I would go crazy if I weren't out on my own. My sister wanted to move in with me after she split with her boyfriend, and I didn't want to tell her no, but I was really relieved when she went back to live with our parents instead. I like my quiet. And not having a car is the absolute worst, if you live in a place where you need one to get around. I hate having to ask for rides from people. It's so annoying.
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    Chicago, IL
    College Student
    I'll slap you


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    Don't be afraid....
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