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Desert Warrior
Last Activity:
Dec 4, 2019
Apr 28, 2008
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Desert Warrior

Well-Known Member, from California

My times between logging on are far apart enough that the site forgets to keep me logged in. I have problems. Jan 27, 2019

Desert Warrior was last seen:
Dec 4, 2019
    1. Napoléon
      (Part 2)

      Like you would care xD Awh, I'm sorry Desert. There's nothing but love here.

      Well considering the fact that I love a good smartass, I'll have to go with that ;)

      Merci beaucoup means 'Thank you very much" xD
      Why stall ? Why not just tell me Desert !
    2. Napoléon
      Psshh... My penguins are cute and squeezable; Your whales do not compare =P And humans are at the top of the food chain ! We drive spears in whales ! (so says the vegetarian.)
      I'm not entirely sure; I know the makeup exam was today (in case a student missed the first one), so I would say I would be getting my mark in a few days.

      What can I say, I'm a sucker for you.
      I can't believe you actually asked that ! I was being so kind with offering my blood and now the medical issues come up ! You're taking my blood, whether your body rejects it or not >_> ...No, I'm kidding. My blood type is O+, how does that suit you ? I had to look in my baby book to see if I was a "+" or "-" and apparently I had an Old MacDonald keyboard. How cool was I ? LOL
    3. Napoléon
      Why would you say that ? What is so cool about whales ? >_>
      Awesome !! Congratulations Desert ! Now, you can relax and chill for the remainder of this summer !... My midterm mark isn't in yet. The suspense !

      You're so enticing that you make me feel all hot just writing to you ;) That my friend is enticing enough.
      Good to know. If that situation changes just let me know. I'll be there for you !

      I'm in love with the fact that you used a winky face ~! Gawww, I died from excitement xD

      Are you trying to be a smartass Desert xDD
      Fine then Mister, great technically is better than good.

      Life isn't fair. So share please. Merci beaucoup.x
    4. Napoléon
      If you say so. I think whales are huge and creepy feeling xD
      I guess so; I hate waiting for grades ! It's the worse thing ever because I end up panicking until I get to see them.

      You're enticing enough as it is Desert ;)
      So then, what did you truly mean if you don't want to kill me ? Do you need a blood donor ? If so, I would donate for you xDD

      It's meant to be. Ohohoho ~ I can't wait until my course is over !

      I know right. Nothing beats good.

      That rule was made when I wrote my post. So spill your beans please !
    5. Napoléon
      But whales are so big and bulky ! Hmm... Maybe Narwhals ? They're cute.
      I think it went well (atleast I'm feeling pretty good about it). I'll see my mark sometime this week though, which is quite intimidating.

      And you didn't share any of this with me ?! Argh.
      Oh, so you're a serial killer. I feel like I'm out of luck here =P

      I guess, but it will be over before you know it. Then we can have a spanking summer !

      YAY ! =^_^=
      I feel better now, thanks <3

      Yuss ! My powers are slightly working ! Now, because I was only "fairly close" you must reveal your thoughts about me !
    6. Napoléon
      Well then, what do you suggest ?
      Who ever said that ?! They never met me before !... PS: I finished my first final today !!!!!!

      When did you do those, eh ? >_>
      Because you want my blood, so you must be a vampire !

      I know right. June is tomorrow ! My course shall be finished in twenty-some odd days.

      Does so Desert. You now hurt my feelings D:
      Cyber hug please.

      Okay, I'll give a guess... (My Professor X powers are dimishing or something)
      I think that you think I'm the coolest stud in the world and that we'll be bffl's.
      So how close am I to what you were thinking.
    7. Napoléon
      Our ducks will conquer the wind though, and be brilliant !
      So says you. I could use a few lies every once in a while xD

      Are you ? Is your mad scientist ways figuring out the secrets to life ?! (Me feeling better is a natural wonder of the world)
      Oh my goodness, are you just a regular vampire !! Dx Don't eat my blood, please ! We're friends Dx

      When my course finishes in June.... So it's still a little while...

      The way and manner that you wrote "It is what works" makes me seem high-maintenance and psycho (which I am) xDD

      I know everything and nothing ! No, actually I don't know much about what you're thinking TT_TT

    8. Napoléon
      But they can be mighty ! Not to mention they all look snuggly xD
      Why not ? You can lie to me ! I would have loved a lie in that situation.

      Woooohhh X3 You've made my day five times better.
      Oh no ! Did the blood sucking ponies get you and that's why you want my blood ? Don't give in to the dark pony side ! I don't want my blood sucked out of me T_T

      Desert, you're the best. I can't wait until I can start talking to you more.x

      "It is what works" LOL XD That made my day too. After reading that, I'm left to realize that I can't tell people I'm sane.

      Well you never know. Life goes on and things change. For all I know, you're just putting up with me LOL

      You're so nice. I don't believe I tell you that enough. You're honestly a great guy (:
    9. Napoléon
      A cute first. Who doesn't want to rule the world with ducklings ;D
      That's not what I wanted to hear.... It's going to be one long boring year I guess.

      Not bad indeed, because you used another one. Yay !!
      They're vicious blood sucking ponies though, so beware. I bet they want my blood o.O

      Awwh, you made my heart flutter. I don't even know what to say x3

      Desert, you can tell me that it was a bad comparison LOL You don't need to go along with all of my crazy antics.

      Because maybe you don't like me as a friend anymore o:

      You wrote back to me !!
    10. Napoléon
      (Broken into two VMs)

      If you don't I'll turn our army of ducks against you. MWAHAHAH !! @w@ *Cough cough* I mean... Please say hi to me when I join. I'll be your pet vampire pony if you do. (I'm assuming that having vampire ponies suck my blood in my dreams tonight will turn me into a vampire pony.)

      Okay. Explain this to me. I sent you an email via MSN/Skype (whatever it calls itself now... SkySN... Mype) last night and you still DID NOT reply. >___< Why do you hate me so Desert ? Why ?!!!!!!!!!!
    11. Napoléon
      Yuss ! Evil masterminds in the making ! We'll perform mass conquest and have an army filled with ducklings !! xD
      OChem as in Organic Chemistry ?! Noooo.... I'm taking that next year ! Please tell me that the labs don't suck TT_TT

      I strangely feel happier because there was a smiley. Yay !
      No Desert, you said enough. I get how this cookie crumbles. I'm going to cry myself to sleep tonight and dream about vampire ponies sucking my blood.

      Are you hinting at the fact that you don't want to talk to me for like an hour on May 31st xD Geez Desert, harsh words (or lack of words). Why don't you want to chill in my icecube tray anymore ?! xDD

      True enough, I sometimes feel like my faith is a waterhole and sometimes it just dries up. (What a pitiful comparison I just made LOL)
    12. Napoléon
      So does that mean I'm going to help you carry out your malicious and devious plans ? xD
      Really ? I found in my first year that chem labs were brilliant; it was biology labs that were the snooze fest... I have another lab to do today and an assignment. Woo... (Yesterday's lab was about osmosis and simple diffusion :rolleyes: )

      Well then Desert, where was your smiley in that last post ?
      "I see." That's it ? You're not impressed with my explaining skills ?

      Yeah ._. I'll visit the site on May 31st and if you're not working then we can chat more instead of just writing sporadic messages.

      Thanks. I need more faith in myself xDD

      I'll join that cool site once I feel ready to (probably when my summer course is done). I'm going to think of a whole new username, so I'll tell you what day I'm joining and you better write in my intro thread =P
    13. Napoléon
      Because you could have malicious and devious plans o:
      Yupp, today I'm doing a lab and then studying again LOL

      No, there's not even one in that entire post >_<
      Hmmm... It has something to do with being surrounded by the Atlantic ocean. I just searched it up on Google and I was right ! Yay !

      Awh, that's such a shame. I'm going to be busy these next few weeks and my first final is on May 31st, so I thought we could chill and chat in the evening once I was done xD Oh well though, I can still talk to you when my last final is over.

      I might go for the later day just because we cover quite a bit the week of the 21st... We'll see how comfortable I am with the material though =P

      Yes I did, the site seems awesome. I'll probably join once my summer course is over (:
      I think it's best if I dedicate most of my time now to the class because I want to do well in it.
    14. Napoléon
      I'm so glad that you want me to live too LOL I was so afraid that you would wish death upon me T_T
      I know right ! I have probably an hour more of notes to take today, then I just need to study ~

      You used a smiley !! Sorry, that made me so excited xD
      Somebody from the Maritime provinces in Canada, like me. Join please ?

      Fair enough. You have quite a busy life. Once you're done school you could always find an awesome job and then support a Mrs. Wonderful (: (Sorry to hear that your pay is getting close to half.) How busy are you on May 31st ?

      The professor is actually giving us an option between the two days. I'm not sure which one I will pick yet XD
    15. Napoléon
      Good to hear because I wouldn't want to die xDD
      Really ? My Fall semester begins in September and my Winter semester begins in January. I'm almost done my first week of my summer class !

      Good then; it's settled. I'll see you soon then LOL
      What ?! Canada is to die for ! You'll love it here ! You can be a maritimer like me ;D Canada rocks, join me here <3

      Awwh ._. It's been such an intense first week, I would love to know. I won't tell anyone else, I swear.

      Awh thanks (: You're too sweet, it's going to be nice to talk to you more once my course is done. (I either write my final exam on June 21st or 24th.)
    16. Napoléon
      What happens if I didn't get it yesterday D: Am I going to die ?
      I know, the name is so misleading. A summer course that starts in May, how weird is that ?

      Yes, we can stare into each other's eyes and then rate them on a scale of 10.13 >_>
      Nooo ! I'm stuck in Canada forever (wait... I want to live in Canada.) New plan, you have to move to Canada.

      Well then, when do I get to know xD

      No I didn't, but thanks for trying to cheer me up. You're the best.
    17. Napoléon
      Now that we have that settled, I need to think about when I want to get that phone xD
      Thanks ! I got a 94 on both my bio and chem finals (:
      My summer course starts on Monday though...

      Your blue eyes probably are prettier LOL We shall host a contest about it sometime though ;)
      You could send me the money via snail mail~

      Do I get to know these other things ?

      Thanks; I will do a better job next year.... v-v
    18. Napoléon
      All right, so I should get the same phone as you xD
      I'm done my exams !! Mwahaha !! I'll be taking a summer class this year, but I see that going smoothly !

      But who has prettier blue eyes, you or me ? Dun dun dun dun.
      It is, I don't have the money to fly to California ._. Or a passport LOL

      Why ? Are you too busy with other things ? Or is it because having a Mrs. Wonderful would be expensive ?

      Man, I feel terrible even after reading that comment... I should have wished you a happy birthday on your actual birthdate; I'll try harder next year ): <3
    19. Napoléon
      What constitutes as a good cell phone ? I truthfully don't know xD
      Awwwhh that sucks ! My last final exam is on Monday though. (This past week has been ridiculously crazy !!)

      Yuss ! I'm so glad that you would support our shirt for our blue-eyes rock club ;)
      I definitely would if I could ;D

      I know right. Why, are you currently searching for a Mrs. Wonderful ?

      Based on your comment, I'm guessing it was your birthday D:
      Nuuu !... I feel terrible Dx
      Happy Belated Birthday ~~~
      Please forgive me D:
    20. Napoléon
      So then, should I avoid getting a cell phone ? >o>
      Why can't you interfere ? D; I bet you have the power to destroy my finals ~!!

      I know. I should make t-shirts to advertise.
      So you love Chemistry too ?! *Gasp* I must get your autograph.

      Ms. Wonderful; I'm not married yet, nor do I plan on getting married in the near future. I have too much life ahead of me right now xD
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    Sometimes I think that if I had all the time in the world I still wouldn't get around to doing some of the things I have been meaning to do.