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Desert Warrior
Last Activity:
Dec 4, 2019
Apr 28, 2008
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Desert Warrior

Well-Known Member, from California

My times between logging on are far apart enough that the site forgets to keep me logged in. I have problems. Jan 27, 2019

Desert Warrior was last seen:
Dec 4, 2019
    1. Napoléon
      Did you notice that I'm a 20 year old fart now ? (I turned 20 sometime this month, but I won't reveal the date xDD)

      Well then, you don't know many good women ;) So yeah, did you start watching it yet ?

      Not even underwear for me ? D:
      Okay, but remember that you don't need to hide anything from me. As if I would judge you LOL

      I never like doing that either. What's the point ? If you performed the procedure in the lab, then you obviously know how to do it !

      I don't know, I just don't think I'm very girly at all. And I don't like wearing dresses and I never put on makeup. I don't see any point with trying to enhance my natural look (or laziness gets the best of me xDD) I just like the idea of being "one of the boys"

      LOL Why would you think that XDDD Oh Desert, you're so adorable <333
    2. Napoléon
      Awh, is it really illegal to send fireworks ?! Well then, you can send me your magic wand.
    3. Napoléon
      Oh, I'm sorry to hear that ! :( Does that mean you have to re-take the course (is it required in your major) ?
      There's was a new Yuri anime that aired sometime this week. It's called "Sakura Trick", you should check it out ! I have too many beautiful men to stare at.

      True dat ! I want some more cash so that I can buy more video games >< Ouuu and panties LOL I love shopping for undergarments in general. Do you have that obsession ?
      Well, I didn't until I just Googled it ! Are you into that stuff Desert ;)

      That's good to hear ! I'm afraid that I'm going to die from the epicness of this lab T.T Did you have to do formal lab write ups with introduction, methods, results and discussion ? I HAVE TO !! LIFE HATES ME.

      I am not feminine ! I am as masculine as they get !! >< OMG, I did a brain test on the BBC website which checked for whether you had a masculine, feminine, or neutral brain type, and I scored masculine ! BAM !!!! THERE'S THE PROOF !! >w>
    4. Napoléon
      Awh thanks. You're always so nice about my schooling ! How did you do this past semester ?
      Come on Desert !! I'm debating on starting Kuroko no Basket because apparently it's about a bunch of beautiful men playing basketball LOL

      I could imagine. I much prefer staying home than working !! But, money is money.
      Hmmm.... What did you think you read about my cherry lolli mister :P

      How was it ?! Was it difficult ?! Did it make you cry ?

      I just want you to accept me as manly T-T

      Since you're a wizard, can you make me some fireworks for my birthday ? PLEASE =3
    5. Napoléon
      Done my semester !! Christmas break is so exciting ! I'm debating on re-playing FF XII ;D We'll see how I did in all of my classes soon. So far, I got an A+ in two classes and an A in one.
      You didn't like my description of Free ! LOL

      How have things been at work ?
      It is the best !! You shall bow down to my cherry lolli :P

      Ouu I like the sound of that ;) I have a class that's JUST a lab next semester ! Can you imagine, a lab that's worth a half a credit !! GAWW I'm SCARED T-T

      No man no, I'm buff ><

      You must be a wizard !
    6. Napoléon
      Well on the two on Monday I got 100 and 93%, but I don't know how I did on the other two yet. One was analytical chemistry and I'm hoping that I got an 80 on it T_T
      It's a bunch of beautiful men in swimsuits, what more can you ask for in an anime ?! But there are deep things too, just so you know :P

      That's a pretty decent life. But also, it doesn't sound quite exciting. Squeeze some sock ninja in there !
      What can I say, it's the best flavour of lollipop ;D

      I practically do live in a lab; nest semester is the same too.... My life is over v.v

      Now that you've seen me, I'm pretty masculine, eh ? I'd like to think of myself as a charming gentlemen.

      I'm impressed by how you managed to sign on yesterday. How did you know I sent you a message O_o
    7. Napoléon
      Was going to send you a pic of me through here, but I can`t work it so I`m sending it to you via old school e-mail :P
    8. Napoléon
      You know what's random ? I was like, oh man, it's been a while since I checked KHP and I was shocked to see that it's been nearly two months !! My school life is so busy that time seems to be going slow, yet fast all at the same time @@ This past week I had four midterms ! Two on Monday, one on Tuesday, and one on Wednesday !

      Yeah ? How has it been the past two months ?

      You sound so enthusiastic there LOL
      Cherry flavoured of course ;)

      They do, and I spend 8 hours in labs a week ! Two chems and cell bio are quite taxing.

      You may be disappointed then because I'm quite masculine :P I don't even think you've ever seen a picture of me LOL
      I'll show you how buff I am in a pic. Don't be too scared of my looks xDD

      You're far better than I. I check this place out every two months ? I'll be on maybe every night this weekend though, because it's a long break (no school Monday or Tuesday)
    9. Napoléon
      Wow, months fly by I tell you xDD
      Can I have you for free ? Speaking of Free.... Did you watch the summer anime ?!?! OMG Free!.

      I must say that school is hectic once again. I'm starting my major officially this year, and some of the courses I'm taking are so exciting !! I can't wait for next semester because then I'll be taking Genetics <3

      Yes, I beat KH II before. I think I`ve beaten it at least 6 times XDD But I beat it again this summer.
      I`ll be the dictator that hands out lollipops ~

      OMG yes, organic chem is such a time consumer ! (I'm realizing that now, because I'm enrolled in it) I swear those lab write ups take 2 and a half hours @@

      Being masculine is better :P

      I missed you ! Sorry that I'm such a bad pen pal !!!!
    10. Napoléon
      Of course it was kind of rushed ! That's what they all say. I have my eyes on you :P

      I guess that's good enough for now :rolleyes:
      Psssh you're so funny ! I know I'm an average girl who tries her best in school. It's not a big deal really.

      Fine. I'm postponing watching it until this upcoming weekend because Kingdom Hearts 2 just came in the mail and I want to beat it. (I'm halfway through it already, so it won't take long for me to beat it; then I'll begin to watch School Days.)
      Well I'm no stereotypical dictator ~

      I'm sure if you tried to make time, you would be able to go. Sometimes I also think that I'm too busy to do certain things, but honestly, I'm just not managing my time right xD

      That's always hot.

      Hmpf, I guess that works.... But I still want to be manly >.<
    11. Napoléon
      You must have signed on just after me because both my message and your message were sent 18 hours ago >_<
      My new conclusion: You hate me

      Well, I won't force you, but it would be cool if you tried reading it.
      I just don't like thinking I'm better than others.... I'm afraid of my ego overinflating ._.

      So then, I should read the manga instead ?
      It's not evil, it's a dictatorship. Two very different things :rolleyes:

      Why don't you ever go to those ? I met most of my University friends at anime club !

      Aye ? Babe are you Irish xDD

      After you hang out with me, you'll be mine ~ <3
    12. Napoléon
      Of course it is... You just know when I'm going to sign on, and then make sure that you're not online during those times >_<

      I love Death Note; It never hurts to check it out. The manga only took me a week to read, and I was going decently slow. There's only 109-ish chapters.
      ... I don't think those two can go together dear <3

      I was planning to start watching it tomorrow, but why should I be careful ?! O.O
      No, yours is evil. That is all. My blood just rules the world with gusto and flare ~!

      Never ?! We're going to have to change that ASAP ! Are there no anime clubs at your college ?

      Well, I guess that makes two of us. Great minds do think a like.

      No >-< You can be my bitch and kill the spiders for me <333
    13. Napoléon
      You do ! You're never online when I am.... I feel like you're plotting against me !

      True enough. An aside from my underwear, I finished reading Death Note yesterday; The ending still made me tear up.
      I am not. Desert, I'm a modest person. I'm just glad that I did so well in the course !

      Well, from what I've seen so far, those are awful short skirts. I kind of want one. Oh man, it's only twelve episodes long ! Well, I guess I should be watching that this weekend xD (This week I'll be finishing Death Note 13, which has character maps, interviews, etc.)
      Oh wait, you're right ! My blood type can't receive your blood type ! (I feel so stupid.) What can I say, my blood is picky ;) (Your blood type is still evil though.)

      Fine we can... But I really like that one ! I guess we could always just watch a short anime series !

      I think it was; I don't typically listen to their music, so there's no point looking it up on Google.

      So, do I get to be manly ~
    14. Napoléon
      I was so sad too when you were no longer online !

      That's a positive outlook to have ! I'm sorry that I'm so random though; I just like panties xD
      I got the mark back on that last one ! For the final exam the class average was 64 % and I got a 94% ~!!! Woohoo ! My final mark in the course is 95.32%. My life is complete.

      School Days as in the anime ? (I just did a quick Google search.)
      Your blood type is evil because it doesn't accept me for who I am :(

      I know right ! We should first watch 13 Going on 30 because it's my favourite.

      Right at the borderline ?! (I swear that was a Black Eyed Peas song.) I would so meet you halfway :cool:

      Desert, please ! I want to be manly and tough >_<
      But spiders scare me, so you're in charge of getting those !
    15. Napoléon
      You're online right now, and I got a little excited.... But then I realized that you've been on a thread for 8 minutes, so you probably left. Derp.

      You're somewhat enough motivation. Right now I'm more motivated to go panty shopping; I could use some new ones !
      I don't know yet; I would say that I'll be getting my mark this upcoming Thursday, so I'm super nervous. Uggh Dx

      Why ? I feel like there's some meaning behind what you said !
      Evil. Your blood type is pure evil. It breaks my heart and makes me want to get a sword shoved down my throat.

      Awwh, I want to snuggle you too xD We could watch movies and snuggle also !

      It's okay. You could always walk to Canada. It may take a while, but once you get here you'll be good to go ;)

      Smell my strawberry scented hair ! You will think I'm manly and get all hot about it !
    16. Napoléon
      The motivation to Google how to get a passport xD
      It just is; Don't judge me Desert ! PS: I finished my final exam today :cool: Party Time :cool: Let's get wild and draw pictures of Peter Pan !

      That was not convincing. That's it ! Off with your head, I say, off with your head >_>
      Or cry at the betrayal of my own blood ! You know what was weird ? On my exam today one of the questions were "What blood types can receive Type B blood ?"
      Inner thoughts : Bastards !
      Answer : Type B, and AB blood
      More inner thoughts : Bastards !!!! Of all questions, the exam must remind me of your evil blood type xD

      Of course; snuggle away !

      Move to Canada already.

      Pssh... I make strawberry scented hair manly.
    17. Napoléon
      Well if you insist ;) I just need a passport and then we'll be good to go LOL
      I actually would feel weird saying that. I'd like to say I'm mediocre at best.

      Now that wasn't convincing. Say it like you mean it.
      No fair Desert. Not fair >_> What happens if my blood likes you more ?!

      It does, doesn't it ? So, move to Canada and be my huggle mate :cool:

      I wish I could hun, but you're miles away. It's quite sad really...

      But... But.... I could be your knight in shining armour ! The knight with strawberry scented hair... Yummm.
    18. Napoléon
      Since when did you become a scientific expert ! I demand to see the paper work xD
      Somebody could have; There are some crazy people in this world. I frankly don't want to ask how other people did on the exam, so we'll leave it as a mystery ! I have two weeks left of my course ~

      I don't see why you wouldn't be happy dear. Is everything all right ?
      How is it fair you smarty pants ?! Your blood could kill me D:

      Awwh, Desert D: *Cyberly hugs* I want to squeeze you forever and make you see the world through my perspective :cool:

      I guess so; Mind sharing some of your studliness with me ?

      That's so sexist. I can't be the man because I was born with female genitalia ?! Where are my rights ? xDD
      Why can't we both be the men in our relationship ? You can be the more feminine one though.
    19. Napoléon
      Which is ? Spit it out Desert xD
      Well, I bet I'm not better than everybody; I just did well compared to some. I really need to get my study mode on for the remainder of my course though, I've been pretty lazy this past week.

      Yes you should. You're a cool guy who has the world in front of him !
      Hmm... I don't know if I catch what you're hinting at. When I think of blood symbolism, Macbeth comes to mind LOL Oh no, not blood type B ! Go get you blood tested. It's not fair if your blood can't be given to me Dx

      Well, I'm not near you either ! I'm in a complete different country ! How many of these girls don't live in the USA ? So see, you'll be fine :cool:

      Indeed, considering it's love towards you. Why are you such a stud ?

      Thanks dear. Can I be the man in our friend-relationship ? I've always wanted to be the manly one xDD
    20. Napoléon
      And what science has decided that ? =P
      I got my midterm mark back today ! 95% Wooh ~!! I was so nervous at first because the class average for the midterm was 66%, but I did awesome :cool:

      I'm glad that it makes you feel happy. You should be happy most of the time !
      Yes it would kill you if your body rejected it. Death by my blood ! But yeah, I'm pretty sure that type O can be given to anyone; however, people with type O can only be given blood by fellow type O's. What blood type are you ?

      Awh don't say that Desert; I'm sure there's plenty of pretty girls who want your body too.

      I've come to that same conclusion xD

      That's beautiful "partially because I forgot what the question was." You're just too cute.
      Hot damn ! Yuss ! You think I'm awesome xDD I enjoy getting to know you too.
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    Sometimes I think that if I had all the time in the world I still wouldn't get around to doing some of the things I have been meaning to do.