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Resident Tashian

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Any RPers still floating around? Aug 4, 2021

    1. Destiny
      What exactly is his arc.

      To be honest, I don't see any significance to the whole thing, especially since the second RP is really if you're a MORPH you've either been caught by government or went into hiding, and the MORPH's from San Francisco in hiding would be those part of the Defiant Spade.
    2. Destiny
      Not a post once a week. I'd like a post at least every other day, and to be perfectly honest that for if they're not involved in a major development plot placement. If in a position like you are now, I would like at least a few post within those two days.

      I personally would like to see this first RP finished within the next week or two, definitely finished by the first week of August.
    3. Destiny
      Just so you know, versus just maybe rereading it over and over, you're up in Morph. ] your character may get the chance to speak or may not, I'm not going to hold up, too long for you, tonight (eastern standard time) if there's not a post I'm moving on. If come the final battle, this current pattern continues your character will be killed in that character. Just a warning.
    4. Destiny
      Great! Looking forward to your post!
    5. Destiny
      you are up in Morph
    6. Moogle
      It's your turn, you know.
    7. Destiny
      1.) ok, PM me those things, I know general stuff but abyss never told me full details on things

      2.) I'm usually rubbish in the arena but sure I'll give it a go with Sherlock

      3.) I did I have a few responses to them but never a chance to type it all up / compare to the new posts
    8. Cameron
      Yo man, sorry about not responding to the remark in the RP; I have been pretty busy during this weekend. I'll fix it up on my post that I'm writing at the moment and we can continue the convo in the classroom the next time they're both present, aight?
    9. Ava Mareinus
      Ava Mareinus
      Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to say hello, that's very nice of you. And thanks for the welcome! I'm really looking forward to being a member here :)
    10. Destiny
      I'm fine with doing that, it just a matter how do we go along forging back together and create flow as of things were fine
    11. Moogle
      I generally avoid wibbley wobbley timey wimey stuff because it gets complicated fast - they're /technically/ in her past, although to be more accurate, it's an alternate timeline that just happens to be at that period of history. Tl;dr, it's not Malisa's actual past because time travel gets stupidly complex. Although, I was thinking about her finding her (actual) brother's journal there- considering that one of the last places (In my headcanon) that she traveled was the one where he was stuck for the longest time. As for the events of the area that the duo are currently in, that's all up in the air.
    12. Moogle
      Well, I'd imagine it'd be a daughter. Make a nice comparison to Glyde's younger sister and the cold treatment she gave him. Also, I'm still considering where this RP might go in the short-term.
    13. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      So would you be interested in doing a private practice rp? We could practice anything. Every little bit helps.
    14. Moogle
      I can imagine. She'd probably be more naturally attuned to dimensional travel and general, all-around mana fuckery as well, given potential side-effects of breaching while pregnant. Eyes'd still be violet. That's a trait that comes through and through with any member of the Jals family.
    15. Destiny
      In Pokemon or Morph?

      As for pokemon, I say it's up to you as my crew has once again dropped, which I don't mind, I'm just not latched onto it anymore after it lost its touch.
    16. Moogle
    17. Destiny
      Here's the thing, I starting typing up the basic plans for Amethyst, but the problem I'm having with it is, it's become technical feeling to me. And personally a lot of the original planned story is lost. So at this point it's better if it just acts as a sort of free for all.

      As for on the current route, simple weak pokemon. Whatever you want to encounter, there's no set specific pokedex, all are available, but think weaker, what would expect to find on the path.

      Also you've been up for awhile in Morph
    18. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      No no, my bad my bad. I thought you were telling me that without your consent I couldn't even try. Like I couldn't have her come running at you from down the hall or something and you just side step. I'm sorry, I totally misunderstood.
    19. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Your lack of consent doesn't save you from what you don't see coming. You don't have to like it, but like I told Destiny, unless you have a personal problem with a girl fondling another girl, it's going to happen.
    20. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Told you already, first time is mandatory. The others took it, and once the first is over with, every one that follows is completely avoidable.

      You can retaliate if you so please however, I won't try to stop any form of retaliation.
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